Dying Light

It seems like the game will run at 1080p and 60 fps on both consoles, if the statements of the developers are to be believed.


Well we all know the PS4 is good to go on that front... hopefully the XB1 version will be shown soon. I find it strange they would show the PS4 version at the show, yet not the XB1 version. Better yet, is there any footage of the XB1 version, anywhere? To be the most liked - that's strange not to show it. :???:
Well we all know the PS4 is good to go on that front... hopefully the XB1 version will be shown soon. I find it strange they would show the PS4 version at the show, yet not the XB1 version. Better yet, is there any footage of the XB1 version, anywhere? To be the most liked - that's strange not to show it. :???:
He he, it seems easier to see xmas lights displays around town.

I think I've watched actual footage running on the Xbox One some time ago.
He he, it seems easier to see xmas lights displays around town.

I think I've watched actual footage running on the Xbox One some time ago.

Hopefully XB1 version will be up to snuff... :cool:

As far as footage, I've haven't seen anything (XB1 only) other than the first initial gameplay and walk-through footage listed as both systems. Time will tell... :D
So, screaming at zombies is the only implementation devs can cook up for the damn awesome tech thats inside Kinect? Give me body tracking, head tracking, eye tracking, stuff that lets me stay in the game but adds to the immersion by adding small touches to my movement inside the game. There are so many things people do in "tense" games or when they panic, use those to add to the game. Check my expression, scare me with nuances, do that stuff.

Screaming at my TV isn't what Kinect is capable of :rolleyes: !
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So, screaming at zombies is the only implementation devs can cook up for the damn awesome tech thats inside Kinect? Give me body tracking, head tracking, eye tracking, stuff that lets me stay in the game but adds to the immersion by adding small touches to my movement inside the game. There are so many things people do in "tense" games or when they panic, use those to add to the game. Check my expression, scare me with nuances, do that stuff.

Screaming at my TV isn't what Kinect is capable of :rolleyes: !

I was thinking the same thing, but in a different fashion. With all the R&D and money MS has put into Kinect 2, why are developers treating it as the red headed stepchild? Then I thought to myself, because MS hasn't shown any great initiative themselves, other than having Kinect open up apps, whimsical workout apps, and other rudimentary task dealing with TV. I believed every XB1 launch game should have been about Kinect 2, and the greater possibilities/capabilities of it. If the next generation of all XB1 games don't involve K2 heavily, I fear it will be another wasted add-on product... hopefully I'm dead wrong about its future.
I was thinking the same thing, but in a different fashion. With all the R&D and money MS has put into Kinect 2, why are developers treating it as the red headed stepchild? Then I thought to myself, because MS hasn't shown any great initiative themselves, other than having Kinect open up apps, whimsical workout apps, and other rudimentary task dealing with TV. I believed every XB1 launch game should have been about Kinect 2, and the greater possibilities/capabilities of it. If the next generation of all XB1 games don't involve K2 heavily, I fear it will be another wasted add-on product... hopefully I'm dead wrong about its future.

Wait, let me get this straight, before Xbox One launched people (core gamers) were afraid that every game was going to be forced to use Kinect heavily and thus did not want to buy it. Now you wish that every game was forced to use Kinect heavily?

Far better for developers to implement and evolve the usage of Kinect naturally and as best fits their game. We can already see it subtly altering how people interact with their games and that will naturally extend to the competitions console as well, where able.

It's a shame that Kinect Sports Rivals was delayed as it appears to be exactly what you want.


PS4 footage and some night time stuff. Doesn't seem that bad now, seems a bit fun actually. But it seems like its a "learn by death" kind of game where the free flowing parkour will only happen once u have complete sense of the city around you and remember routes and all. Could be good.
If this is really from the next gen consoles at 60fps then I am impressed. And I pray they don't add any blurring AA. Thoses hig res (non-blurred) textures (on the wall) are really good!

Me too but I can't think of many open world games that get demos - other than the original Infamous.
Well they did provide a demo to some youtubers and it looked pretty fun, they can roll that out, if they want. There seem to be no demos for any ps4 game till now.
I thought I was sort of done with zombie games, but this and Dead Island 2 look so damned good.
Dying Light does look good. I've seen very little about Dead Island 2 other than the reveal they did at the PS4 event at E3.
I just linked the new gameplay trailer in the game thread.
I know but there is only about 3 seconds of gameplay spread over a minute of trailer ;) It's hard to get a feel for the actual gameplay.
How does one throw a grapple up to a roof and then shoot up to the top? No climbing animation? Looks cool though.
Wow this looks fantastic. Not sure I'll even bother with Dead Rising 3 anymore.