Dying Light

Now that the game has being patched (and that I checked that the CA effect is in fact rather low) I am considering getting the game on PS4 but one thing could be a deal breaker for me:

How is the motion blur in the game? Is it perfectly tolerable like Far Cry 4 (which only kicks in when you move quickly the camera, no motion blur on slow or moderately fast camera movements) or is it like Shadow or Mordor where any motion, even the slowest one, will activate a very strong and very off putting motion blur?
I finally forced myself to finish the last mission. Wow, worst 'last mission' ever. They take all the bad stuff in the game, leave out the good and make a long story mission out of it. The cherry on the top is a bad QTE fight at the end. The story ended up being pretty dumb, very cliche. They leave everything hanging for a sequel too.

All in all the mechanics were good and the world they created was cool, well everything but the damn sewers. The graphics were great too. They just need better writers, better VA and something to do other than fetch quests. It seems 95% of the game was some person you don't know asking for you to go get something for them. Your motivation for helping others and risking your life is non-existent, in real life you would laugh in their face if they asked for such things.
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I gave up after a couple of attempts at the final mission. No outcome, especially in a game with such a shallow story, is worth the frustration of the forced play that is inflicted upon you. I watched it on youtube instead.

I'm still enjoying just flitting around old town dismembering things and getting creative with mass un-murder.
At the rate me and my girlfriend are going we may finish this by Christmas! Today we completed the campaign 'Airdrop' mission which introduces night play and the Blade 2 ripoff zombies who's cone of vision is visible on the mini-map so I guess I'm still doing the tutorial intro missions! Since we completed this mission the game seems to have inserted some new zombies during the day.

The first inkling of this was when moving around the buildings north of the tower near the first safe house you unlock. A little pop-up and tells me the noise I'm making will attracts 'virals' then two of these screaming weirdos start climbing up to my roof. Luckily it was a high roof and a boot to the face and a drop kick put them both all the way down and out. Later we came across a female zombie welding a pipe - we've now seen a few of these. Then there are zombies on fire who don't seem to die, nor do they fire to other nearby zombies unlike zombies you ignite with molotov or burning throwing stars. Exploding throwing stars do the trick, though :yes:

Although we've not done much in the campaign we're around lvl 4-6 across the skill trees just due to running around, looting, crafting and smacking zombies. It's seem impossible to run out of items given the two quartermasters give away a bunch of stuff every day and all the crates, boxes, refridgerators and other containers seem to reset every couple of days. The people of Harran sure like their coffee.

We've found a ton of blueprints for equipment and weapon upgrades and my girlfriend found a 9mm pistol in a hut by the shore, although we have no ammo. Although it's worth $9,000 we're resisting the urge to sell it because we're finding lots of green weapons and a few blue ones too.

We're really ending this game - it's fun just running around, walking zombies and scavenging. Had the game about three weeks, have done three campaign missions :runaway:
I know I'm rather late to the party, but I finished this on Monday and I absolutely loved it. It got so many things right that other open world games just don't. Loved the location, loved most of the missions (with the quality and scope of the side quests being particularly surprising), loved the parcours system, loved how meaningful the character upgrades felt, and I loved the physicality and feel of the combat. Heck, I even thought the story wasn't all that terrible. Nothing special, but well integrated, well presented and really well paced.

"Meanwhile, the Xbox One and Series S will see 30fps in full HD resolution while playing on performance mode and a target of 30fps in Quad HD resolution on high-resolution mode."

I assume she means the Xbox One X. Obviously the base Xbox One won't be getting any high resolution mode.
And I hope by "full HD" they mean 1920x1080 and not 1536x1080, which is what the game currently runs on every single Xbox.
Still can't get DL2 to run on my desktop, works fine on the laptop. And I completed it on the PS5.