Dying Light

What is the deal with the quest with the guys standing around the door in the tower?

Anyhow, I'm interested in people's take on the skill upgrades. Some seem like slam dunks, some limited and other useless. I for one cannot pull off a running drop kick, I just end up on the ground.

DIY grenades are a great skill. Those and Molotovs are the best way to take out hordes or guys with guns. Melee is just too weak in the early game.

I forgot to mention the companion app. Do these dumb missions and get rewards you can send yourself in game. I think I have 40+ med kits from using the app. You pick the package up at the quartermaster. Be sure yo send the package, then start the game.

One last thing I can't seem to figure out, how do you force a save? I thought sleeping would do it, but nope. I think an elevator ride does it, but there has to be something more common.
What is the deal with the quest with the guys standing around the door in the tower?
Is it room 202? I got directed there from another guy. There is somebody inside (you need to pick the lock) who needs help and this leads on to another quest then another.

The side quests are pretty good. Several reviews suggest taking your time with the main missions and to enjoy the side quests so that's what I'm doing :)
Not a bad game, actually I enjoyed it for a few weeks. Probably the timing of the release led to my purchase, if there were more titles out I probably would gone with something else. This is one title though that DLC could favor IMO, I haven't finished the main mission yet but I've completed most side quest at this point. Once you have an upgraded character and weapons its much more fun.
Got in, you have to prompt one of the guys so they move aside. Dumb....
Yes dumb, your character should be able to pass through solid matter, including people ;) If you see somebody or something interesting, you should try to interact with it/them :yes:
Yes dumb, your character should be able to pass through solid matter, including people ;) If you see somebody or something interesting, you should try to interact with it/them :yes:

No, the dumb part you had to get the prompt to show up by being a near perfect distance and angle from one of the five guys. I had been around that door a dozen times and never saw the prompt. Then the last time I was moving around the guys and a prompt flashed. I then had to move forwards and backwards several times to get the prompt to stay.

Bad game design.
No, the dumb part you had to get the prompt to show up by being a near perfect distance and angle from one of the five guys. ... ... Bad game design.
I suspect it's done this way because the door, as an interactive quest item, is part of a quest that you've not yet started. Speaking to one of the guys around the door initiates the quest then makes the items relevant in that quest accessible.

I didn't gave the distance problem you had, or perhaps I was just lucky. But having played a lot of games with these kind of mechanics they were all obvious because the quests which look a bit like [!] are all visible on the mini-map.
Just got this today. Any tips for me?
I'm only a few hours in myself bit hope to have a go this weekend, but I also want to have a brief play with Unity as well.

Most reviews suggest taking your time (by putting off) the main campaign and go for the dude quests. I'd suggest you practise your parkour skills as much as you can and it's fun to do so. Scavenge and loot everything. The zombies bite and don't go out at night :nope:

I'm a real zombie genre fan and being surrounded by so many does freak me out. I think subconsciously I may be putting off playing it more :yep2:
Don't worry about melee for while, it will take too many swings to kill anything with weak weapons. Stay way from heavy slow weapons, the penalty for misses is too high (no stamina and getting bit).

Get your survival level up by doing side missions and random encounters. If you go out at night, just parkour around for agility xp. There is no survival points lost for deaths and xp is doubled.

Use the companion app and farm stuff like med kits.
Don't worry about melee for while, it will take too many swings to kill anything with weak weapons.
I would recommend doing a bit of melee when it's safe, like when you're not surrounded. Your average pipe and wrench should take out a regular zombie with about 3 or 4 strikes to the head and it really helps level the Power skill tree. Otherwise you're going to be a way into the game with not much development in that tree.

I've still not found any really decent weapons, though, but haven't ventured more than about 1/2 mile from the tower.
Use the companion app and farm stuff like med kits.

I second this. It helps quite a bit in the beginning when you're low on the supplies you need to craft key things like molotovs, firecrackers, med kits and better weapons.

I would recommend doing a bit of melee when it's safe, like when you're not surrounded. Your average pipe and wrench should take out a regular zombie with about 3 or 4 strikes to the head and it really helps level the Power skill tree. Otherwise you're going to be a way into the game with not much development in that tree.

A great way to get combat XP is to find a group of infected, get into a safe (high) vantage point, toss a fire cracker, and then toss a molotov into the normally formed crowd. Firecrackers are cheap to buy from vendors and molotovs are easy enough to craft so long as you have the alcohol and string. Which the companion app can help with.

I've still not found any really decent weapons, though, but haven't ventured more than about 1/2 mile from the tower.

On occasion you will come across guard missions (they're a shield icon on the map if memory serves me). I would highly recommend tackling these as they'll grant you some purple tier weapon mods. Which can then be used to quite nicely augment even crappy weapons.
I did the firecracker + molotov at night to get 2x xp. Just do it near a safe spot. Hitting things with melee weapons is just too slow and your melee skill points catch up fast when you get better weapons later.
Got to the final story mission, what BS. I love when games throw the game play they spent 40 hours developing out the window and try to make a boss fight/level completely different. After dying a few times and tying the same part a few times I called the quits. I'm done. It left such a sour taste in my mouth I'll likely never load it up again and the ill feelings will overwrite the positive ones I had for the game. Good job Mr. Game Director.
Got to the final story mission, what BS. I love when games throw the game play they spent 40 hours developing out the window and try to make a boss fight/level completely different. After dying a few times and tying the same part a few times I called the quits. I'm done. It left such a sour taste in my mouth I'll likely never load it up again and the ill feelings will overwrite the positive ones I had for the game. Good job Mr. Game Director.
Ah! They did a Ubi!

Count me out then.
You would reject an entire game that could be potentially a great experience for you based on a single post about a subjective dislike of a final fight?
A single post from someone who I usually trust on here, who described my single most hated THING in games and the whole universe? Something I so aptly called doing a Ubi? Yeah, I probably would. Sue me.
To be fair I complained about the same thing when it comes to the ending. So its at least 2 other people. The game is a lot of fun but there are 2 things that piss me off. One is taking away all your stuff and making you weak to make something harder and the other is QT events and both creep into this game
Just hit an evil bug. After the Museum section when you do that completely pointless trippy bit and then you're dumped in a fight with all your gear gone (which is a real cop out in itself), you're told you can get your kit back from your stash. Except when I went to my stash all of my weapons that I had were gone. Instead it had reset to the original weapons I had at the very beginning of the game. All the legendaries are gone. It sucks big time.