Dying Light

I think the first Dead Island was fun for the first ~20 hours but then dragged on too much and it got kind of repetitive. And I played the whole game cooped with two friends.. which probably postponed the perception of boringness.

Can Dying Light be played in coop during the main campaign like Dead Island?

I actually played through Dead Island twice, with two different co-op partners and had a blast both times. I liked the Borderlands-esque skill tree, I liked the crafting of weapons and how they encouraged cooperation "I can make this if only I had these things, do you have them?"

The hesitation I have about Dying Light is that there's only "one character", and even though you can play co-op through the entire game, you're essentially playing with a clone of yourself. I don't know if they didn't have enough time to figure out how to balance different skill trees within the game, or what?

I'm actually hoping that there's Dying Light DLC that releases additional characters and skill trees so that I can play through it Co-op later at that time. I don't think that is actually too far out of the realm of possibility.

Also, here's a pretty good (read: positive, but fair) review comparing the experiences of Dying Light VS Dead Island and it also echo's Tranz's concerns: at some point the game goes from exciting, and difficult/challenging/scary to easy and mostly just playing out the game for completion's sake. Then again, that's my problem with nearly every game released in the last 20 year or so that I've played.


Finally, shut the hell up about stereotypical video game characters or take it to a different thread.
I think the first Dead Island was fun for the first ~20 hours but then dragged on too much and it got kind of repetitive. And I played the whole game cooped with two friends.. which probably postponed the perception of boringness.

Can Dying Light be played in coop during the main campaign like Dead Island?
no the main parts can't be cooped from what I found but if your cooping the rest of the game the main story can be done in 2-3 hours. It took me about 11 hours to beat the game solo . If I had a group of players with me at night to level up I could have done the game much faster. There is a tipping point where you get strong enough weapons and modifications that the average zombie during the day isn't a big deal and you get some movement mechanics that you can just basicly run through waves of day time zombies.
I could never get into Dead Island (or Dead Rising) but this game is pretty good so far. I hear the beginning is slow and the worst part, so it will only pick up. The parkour is well done, the combat is good (except the dumb weapons breaking). The graphics are impressive especially considering the scope. I don't like the death penalty though, it discourages exploration and risk taking.
I just caved and went to order this on disc (£41 at Amazon UK, including the season pass) then realised it's not out on disc yet. Grrrrr!

And the Walking Dead is back tonight. Damn you, Techland!!!! :mad:
I thought it worked quite well in Dead Island. Considering the kind of weapons you're making and the state of the materials you're working with, having them completely invulnerable is dumb.
I thought it worked quite well in Dead Island. Considering the kind of weapons you're making and the state of the materials you're working with, having them completely invulnerable is dumb.
I would much prefer sturdier weapons that are much rarer in the environment.
Yes, a steel wrench would break when you hit a zombie five times...
To be fair that's an exaggeration, especially in case of Dying light because you can keep a weapon for a long long time. You can equip 4 weapons at a time and you can repair each of them at least 3-4 times (which can be done in real time and takes about one second), and they don't even degrade that fast...even more slowly if it's been upgraded. I've used the same set of 4 weapons for about 4-5 hours now because I keep switching between these 4 and repair them when they go absolutely bad and had to get rid of one only just yesterday because I couldn't repair it any further, but I have loads of weapons which do just as much damage now...and some do even more damage but I keep them in reserve for hairy situations.

Honestly this is a non issue in this game. The reason games have this feature is so that you don't stick with the same one weapon for the entire duration of the game. The durability in this game is enough to last you until a time that you find even stronger and durable weapons.
That begs the question, if you would upgrade anyhow for more damage, why have durability? I rarely fight anyhow, but it seems suspect that a steel pipe would ever get worn down by a human skull. They should have the durability based on the material and complexity. A pipe should have a near infinite durability while a wooden stick with nails would wear down quickly.

Anyhow, I read a guide that recommended the 'backpacker' skill. I don't see why. You can carry as much as you want except weapons right? So I can equip four and carry four, that seems like plenty considering how little I fight. Why would I want more? They don't sell for much either. I have been using the companion app a bunch. You send people out on missions and get rewards, then you can send yourself a care package of up to 40 things, including med packs. You pick up the package at the quartermaster in the tower.

I read last night that day last 64 minutes and night 9. I had to look this up because I was waiting for it to turn night and was getting impatient. I could have ran to a safe house and slept to night, but I did not want to figure out how to get back into the power station at night. Yes I'm a coward.

I also read you do not lose xp when you die at night. I died to several attempted jumps in the day before I found an alternate route. Does anyone just run around at night to gain xp? What is a good level to try this?
Now The Order 1886 is off the table for me I took the plunge and bought the digital version. Really look forward to playing this at the weekend.
Why is it off the table for you?

Copy from my post in The Order 1886 thread. The detractors for me are:
  • the aspect ratio (which I think I would tolerate rather than enjoy because it added to the cinematic quality)
  • the frequent interspersement of video into gameplay (which is a pet peeve)
  • the pacing (based on reviews I've read)
  • the lack of developing gameplay (no new abilities, no weapon levelling or advancement)
  • not being able to skip cutscenes (which would destroy replayability for me)
  • what seems like a lack motivation to replay - I have replayed Uncharteds and The Last of Us so many times because the basic gameplay feels super satisfying.
Like Assassin's Creed Unity, I'm sure I'll pick this up when it hits bargain basements, just to experience the environment, atmosphere and graphics.
OK thanks, just curious. I always pick up AC titles after a year or so when they're on good sales for similar reasons.

Back on topic though, don't want to go of track.
I reckon I could have held out until Dying Light was on sale if The Walking Dead wasn't back on TV.

C'est la vie.
I'm finally feeling a bit less .. weak now. I have a assault rifle, better melee weapons and can at least go out at night a bit. In the first 5+ hours you are so weak that you avoid all fights, especially with living humans like the air drops. I did make the mistake of upgrading an ax only to find out it is slow as molasses. Stick with fast melee weapons IMO.
Spent an hour with this earlier and loving it, but I'm already stuck on the first mission, which is to set a couple of light traps which are fixed to cars surrounded by zombies. I you know use the firecrackers but I did a little too much experimentation so have run out for the second car. So now hunting high and low for raw materials to make more.

Clearly I would epically fail in a zombie apocalypse :yes:
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You can buy them at the quartermaster too.
Ah cool, thanks. I've a fair amount of coffee so I feel quote loaded although I doubt I am.

I feel quite vulnerable at the moment and my neverending karate kick does little damage to zombies :nope:
I swept through the first mission this morning having realised that if you have not completed the stage where you arm the two car traps, the game restarts you at a checkpoint where you have four firecrackers which is more than enough to get the job done. Before realising this I did backtrack to the tower to buy more firecrackers but the traders don't appear until after you've completed the first mission. I guess I should pay more attention to my inventory. :yes:

I'm really liking the game so far, I've only done the first main story mission and now working on some of the side missions that appear immediately after you meet Brecken. I'm definitely not avoiding combat, though. There are so many items around to scavenge that I've worn through a bunch of pipes and wrenches even after repairs.

And kicking zombies off high areas never gets old :nope: I can't wait until I've clocked up some more abilities. The big hammer-weilding buggers are tricky but nothing a molotov can't burn down easily.