Dying Light

All wrong..every single point including the one about Nolan North. The main character is voiced by Roger Craig Smith.

That is why I said "Nolan North clone" and not "Nolan North". I feel like I have been playing the same character in almost every AAA game since the original Uncharted.

The loading screens are absolute minimal and it takes about 5 seconds whenever there is one, this is one of the fastest loading games I've played on PS4.

Maybe these are worse at the beginning? For the streams I watched they seemed to occur anytime you entered or left an NPC populated building (i.e. accessing stores). They also seemed to happen before and after story sections so add up pretty quickly if you aren't just running around on the map. For comparison, with Far Cry 4 you get them primarily when you die. You never get them when just going into a store.

There are no story disruptive "cutscenes" it's all from player's POV the game never takes control away from you in any sense while you are playing, and there are no camera cuts and these sequences are very few.

I saw a bunch of discussions with "Rais" that did not appear to be under player control based on the camera. Same for the doctor that talks about the "antazin" (I think that was what it was called).

Unless you have a problem with a sequence even while starting/ending a mission (in which case every game should bother you) you shouldn't have an issue. I mean if you thought the "cutscenes" in Farcry games are disruptive then I'm not sure what I think of other games with actual cutscenes. The game also has no FMV.

Far Cry 4 has a lot of gameplay between mission cutscenes usually and they usually have little to no loading time. It depends on how often and for how long the loading is as to whether it is disruptive. The streams I watched had sections of enter building / area, loading, talk to NPC, exit building / area, loading. Those add up if you need to go back and forth.

This is essentially Mirror's Edge mixed with Dead Island, every move set from Mirror's Edge is here and more. The combat is also quite improved, tense and fast because of the dodge and the fracture system you have (you can break and cut legs/arms). All in all, you couldn't have been more wrong in your observations.

Hopefully they come out with a demo for the PS4.

That is why I said "Nolan North clone" and not "Nolan North". I feel like I have been playing the same character in almost every AAA game since the original Uncharted.
If the only AAA games you've played are Uncharted sequels then that's obviously the case but that means you skipped Halo 4, The Last of Us, GTA V, inFamous, Killzone, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption and countless others where none of the lead characters are anything like Nolan North's depiction of a lead in Uncharted.
inFamous is one of the worst offenders, totally don't get you there. First two had the typical edgey white dude brah with a chip on his shoulder character with the third changing his lineage but sonicly sounding pretty much the same. Watch Dogs is another example for this gen. Also, the same voice actor from Dying Light was also in some recent AC and RE iterations I believe.
inFamous is one of the worst offenders, totally don't get you there. First two had the typical edgey white dude brah with a chip on his shoulder character with the third changing his lineage but sonicly sounding pretty much the same.
For me, Drake is a confident, wise-cracking, darkly humorous competent mass-murderer who cared deeply about his friends. I definitely didn't feel Cole was edgy, he was gruff but his "chip" came from what has happened to him and wanting to find out why it happened and who did it. Delsin wasn't a stone's throw from Cole but he wasn't carrying the weight of having destroying a city and killed thousands to get his powers. Both Infamous characters where naturally polarised good or evil depending on your play through whereas morally Drake was in the middle (except for the body count, which is never self-referenced by him or other characters).

Watch Dogs is another example for this gen.

Aiden was universally criticised as a non-persona. Personally I liked the blank slate which is a nice change from a game like GTA whereas the character's persona dominates, i.e. walking around as Trevor is very different from walking around as Michael.

Let's agree to disagree. Personally I really like the Drake character. He's eminently likeable.
Question: is it possible to turn the HUD off or customize it in some way on consoles?

They are working hard to make sure PC players suffer just as much (disabling the built in support for override files in the latest patch, filing DMCA claims against modders ... fun stuff).
For me, Drake is a confident, wise-cracking, darkly humorous competent mass-murderer who cared deeply about his friends.
Personally I really like the Drake character. He's eminently likeable.

This - I'd say possibly my favourite character ever in a game - but then I loved Daxter lol

Back to this game, I've been watching my daughter play and I have to say it's very pretty and looks a load of fun.
I'm very much ready to spring but I want it digitally and £55 is too much. I think I'll wait until I can grab it for around £40.

As stated, buy it from the US store - I've done this with a couple games now (Destiny) - it's the way to go with digital if you want a game near release...you need to buy PSN cards from Amazon.com - if you need help drop me a pm.
I've lost three amazon accounts so far from trying to purchase PSN cards from Amazon.
I used my British debit card but a US address to purchase and was successful the first three times I tried then it blocked and asked me to send them a copy of my bank statement (which had my British address, not the American I used to buy the cards) with the amazon transaction via FAX ! I did but never got any reply, the amazon customer service don't know anything about and can't contact the account services, the account services never replied to my mails. So I made a second account, it got blocked during a transaction too, and so did the third.

This is an issue that persists and is more common than you think and can hit you anytime, and is the reason why the Neogaf thread about purchases from foreign stores was modified to exclude purchase of PSN cards from amazon from abroad. I just buy it from a different website like Maximuscards, they sell it at a higher price ($58 for $50 cards without discount vouchers) but it at least doesn't blocks me amazon account and is still cheaper than UK prices.
i got the same problem months ago when i used my country's credit card in amazon.de. The warnings were in foreign language i dont understand but i emailed their general contact for "english stuff".

i Fax-ed the statement via online fax thing for free. then i contacted amazon, then they "approve".
XBOX one owners , warning right after the point of no return segment the game becomes a slide show , restart the machine and it gets a bit better but it had to be sub 15 fps at some points

Also no story spoiler but the game play mechanic at the end
becomes a quick time event

All in all the game was fun and worth the price. I had a lot of fun and ended up at level 12/14/13 and now I can run around the city. I have to check into the dlc to see if I want to keep it or give it to a friend
They are working hard to make sure PC players suffer just as much (disabling the built in support for override files in the latest patch, filing DMCA claims against modders ... fun stuff).
Seems to be unintentional towards modders and that they just need time to make sure cheaters are blocked and modding is allowed again.
That is why I said "Nolan North clone" and not "Nolan North".
From Merriam-Webster dictionary:
a person or thing that appears to be an exact copy of another person or thing
How is a "Nolan North clone" going to be different than "Nolan North"?

I feel like I have been playing the same character in almost every AAA game since the original Uncharted.
Other than you making the choice of handpicking a handful of games featuring your so-called "Nolan North" characters, I can't see why that would happen. Perhaps your perception is being clouded by a certain kind of activism?
The current AAA game I'm playing features a female (Remember Me), before that it was another female (First Light), before that it was a native american (Second Son). Before that, I made a latino guy with a ponytail for Saints Row 4. In-between I played Final Fantasy XIII (female).
Moreover, the AAA game that is closest to Uncharted is Tomb Raider, which AFAIR has a female main character.

inFamous is one of the worst offenders, totally don't get you there.
Please explain.
I'll be glad to learn how Abigail (First Light, female) and Delsin (Second Son, native american) are worst offenders, and to whom they're being offensive.

First two had the typical edgey white dude brah with a chip on his shoulder character (...) Watch Dogs is another example for this gen. Also, the same voice actor from Dying Light was also in some recent AC and RE iterations I believe.
You seem to have a personal issue with "white dude brah" characters. Perhaps you should just avoid games with those characters. There are plenty of diverse game to choose from.
I'll be glad to point you towards tens/hundreds of great games without "white dude brahs" and you somehow will be able to better enjoy those.
Other than you making the choice of handpicking a handful of games featuring your so-called "Nolan North" characters, I can't see why that would happen. Perhaps your perception is being clouded by a certain kind of activism?

Nothing to do with "activism", just cultural exhaustion. A quick perusal of Nolan North's IMDB page shows the ridiculous number of games his voice appears in:


I'll be glad to learn how Abigail (First Light, female) and Delsin (Second Son, native american) are worst offenders, and to whom they're being offensive.

Delsin is skinned as being First Nations but voiced as anything but and "First Light" is DLC. Primarily though my complaint was against the first two Infamous games which you conveniently ignored.

You seem to have a personal issue with "white dude brah" characters.

I have problems with these characters being focussed on to the exclusion of all else. The last 3 AAA games I bought suffered from this - "The Crew", "Watch Dogs" and "Far Cry 4". I realize that the character in FC4 is supposed to be of Tibetan descent but culturally and vocally he is from the the exact same "Dude Brah" mold.

I think your hate should be directed at Troy Baker. Dude's voice work is in just about every major game of 2013, 2014 and 2015. He is delsin and the main char in The Crew. He is also Sam Drake, Ocelot, Superman, Talion (ME:SOM), main char of COD:AW, Pagan Min, Batman (Lego series), Two Face, Joker (Arkham series), Booker from Bioshock Infinite, main chars for the last 2 Saint Rows and major and minor characters in a bunch of other games.

Dude is like the James Brown of voice overs.
I think your hate should be directed at Troy Baker. Dude's voice work is in just about every major game of 2013, 2014 and 2015.
While we're at it, he should hate Jennifer Hale, who also voices a ton of main characters
Some people make a living out of voice acting for games. OMG shock! Cultural exhaustion! Burn'em in the stake!

Unless his quarrel is with exclusive to white male characters...

Nothing to do with "activism", just cultural exhaustion.
I have problems with these characters being focussed on to the exclusion of all else.
No activism whatsoever.
Yes, when an author makes a white male character, his true objective is not to make a character that is easier to write and make believable (because the author is also white himself).
The authors' true motives for making white male characters are totally to exclude women and other races.
Damn these authors! Burn'em in the stake!

Luckily, there are tons of games that won't give you cultural exhaustion:

Delsin is skinned as being First Nations but voiced as anything but and "First Light" is DLC.
Yes, and they're first offenders to whom and how, again?
And how should native americans be voiced? Do you think that in 2014 they should have a funny accent like in the cowboy movies?
BTW First Light is a standalone expansion.
XBOX one owners , warning right after the point of no return segment the game becomes a slide show , restart the machine and it gets a bit better but it had to be sub 15 fps at some points

Also no story spoiler but the game play mechanic at the end
becomes a quick time event

All in all the game was fun and worth the price. I had a lot of fun and ended up at level 12/14/13 and now I can run around the city. I have to check into the dlc to see if I want to keep it or give it to a friend
Thanks for sharing. I love Techland, but I am just not into zombie games. So I will pass on this game, but I am wishing for them to release a new Call of Juarez game, the first one was one of the best games I've had in my life, or basically one of the games I had the most fun playing -offfline and online- ever.
Thanks for sharing. I love Techland, but I am just not into zombie games. So I will pass on this game, but I am wishing for them to release a new Call of Juarez game, the first one was one of the best games I've had in my life, or basically one of the games I had the most fun playing -offfline and online- ever.

I think the first Dead Island was fun for the first ~20 hours but then dragged on too much and it got kind of repetitive. And I played the whole game cooped with two friends.. which probably postponed the perception of boringness.

Can Dying Light be played in coop during the main campaign like Dead Island?
Yes, when an author makes a white male character, his true objective is not to make a character that is easier to write and make believable (because the author is also white himself).

Sounds like you are the one with the eye on activism here with calls of reverse sexism / reverse racism.

My complaint was about the "white dude brah" class of character, the generic Hollywood placeholder that permeates AAA games. IRL they are a minority (at least on the west coast of Canada and in the PNW). My complaint is not about "white" characters, it is about the same specific character and especially the style of voice acting being used over and over.

Going back to "Dying Light", every single character in that game (based on watching streams) is more interesting to listen to than the protagonist. That's frustrating.

And how should native americans be voiced? Do you think that in 2014 they should have a funny accent like in the cowboy movies?

Depends on where they live primarily. My understanding was that Delsin was supposed to be fairly entwined within reservation culture still and unless that is different in the PNW than western Canada, that would result in him having a fairly strong accent.

BTW First Light is a standalone expansion.

Not sure if that affects my argument much, that does not make it a AAA game on its own.

With respect to that chart, I feel like I should note that "Bayonetta 2" is used as an argument against there being sexism in video games. Whatever your feelings are about Bayonetta, pretending there is no fan service happening is not a good place to start your argument.
