Nah. The Dreams tutorial vids are pretty soporific. Where LBP had short, cheery tutorial snippets, Dreams has 10 minute long lessons. They'll mention a feature which you'll try, then move onto other stuff. Later, you've forgotten the thing you used earlier, so have to work through the tutorials to find it. I had exactly that. I did the modelling tutorials. I then didn't touch Dreams for a few months. At Christmas I thought I'd have another bash - couldn't for the life of me remember half the stuff. Went through the tutorials again. Some key stuff is just mentioned in passing. They need to start with something more basic like make a snowman. then make a house. Then make an octopus. Have the player actually hitting training landmarks that are building skills and feel a sense of progress, instead of throwing two hours of lessons making dfifferent bridges at them and hoping they get the gist of it.