Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2023]

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I’m not sure this is the right long term strategy for DF or its subscribers. While it’s supremely important that the community continues to speak out against these shitshow releases that only works if people are listening. And I think people would listen more if DF continues to produce the insightful technical content that its reputation is built on. It would have been nice to learn something about the graphics tech in survivor in addition to the spotlight on the shoddy quality.

Always a matter of degree. "Unoptimized" ports are where you at least have the opportunity to mitigate some of that lack of optimization with the right combination of settings and hardware. Here, the game is just fundamentally broken - there's literally no point to showing the difference of settings, as for most rigs it won't matter. Alex, and the rest of the DF crew have said many times, they don't like doing videos like this. It sucks. They want to look at the tech. They're just not being given much of a choice here, at least with respect to the PC version.

So this isn't so much of a political statement by DF, more as a matter of practicality. They've got a full plate, why waste time crafting a video demonstrating features that don't do anything? Save it for maybe another look in the future when it's actually functional. The only conclusion you need from coverage of the PC version from a technical perspective is "Don't buy this".

Now, on the consoles, I expect you'll get a deeper dive into the presentation of the game as a whole, it's flawed as well not quite to this degree. Generally PC videos of ports are focused on discussing the port quality and what you can do to get good performance on a range of hardware. The technical deep dives happen on the PC side too, but they're usually focused on tech that is unique to the PC, such as titles that really show off ray tracing. I doubt that's going anywhere.

Okay definitely not a me issue.

Lol at neon orange Cal. Looking at the texture comparisons btw, it doesn't seem like the Series S is actually running at a lower texture res, I think the clarity difference is likely down to just the rendering res. Which begs the question of why the hell this is soaking up so much vram on the PC?
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Always a matter of degree. "Unoptimized" ports are where you at least have the opportunity to mitigate some of that lack of optimization with the right combination of settings and hardware. Here, the game is just fundamentally broken - there's literally no point to showing the difference of settings, as for most rigs it won't matter. Alex, and the rest of the DF crew have said many times, they don't like doing videos like this. It sucks. They want to look at the tech. They're just not being given much of a choice here, at least with respect to the PC version.

So this isn't so much of a political statement by DF, more as a matter of practicality. They've got a full plate, why waste time crafting a video demonstrating features that don't do anything? Save it for maybe another look in the future when it's actually functional. The only conclusion you need from coverage of the PC version from a technical perspective is "Don't buy this".

Now, on the consoles, I expect you'll get a deeper dive into the presentation of the game as a whole, it's flawed as well not quite to this degree. Generally PC videos of ports are focused on discussing the port quality and what you can do to get good performance on a range of hardware. The technical deep dives happen on the PC side too, but they're usually focused on tech that is unique to the PC, such as titles that really show off ray tracing. I doubt that's going anywhere.

Yeah maybe the console video will cover those topics. Aside from mentioning that the heavy cpu usage isn’t justified Alex really didn’t cover the rendering technology or graphical fidelity of the game. I understand that it may be annoying to even try to discuss those things when the game is so broken but they do add value to the content.
A recent poster in a ResetEra thread said it 'ran smooth' on their 3090, and when asked how they could possibly say that in light of the data, replied that they can't see the difference between 30 and 60fps anyways. So welp.

Not only that, but you have people saying reviews should account more for this type of stuff, the state of the game, its playability - and you have people championing against that. With the most idiotic phrases like "i want to know how the game itself is", or "they should review the game for what it is, not what they want it to be". People not being able to play the game or it throwing you out with crashes - isn't that the fucking game itself ??? Why is this segment of people twisting themselves into all kinds of shapes in order to shot themselves in the foot and activelly work against their own money and interests ? What sort of internet brownie points do they think they're getting, in their head ?

This seems to happen with many other games, last of us included. You have the initial surge of bad reviews on steam. Which is good. That was the thing that made EA aknowledge this issue. Every website wrote how poorly received the game is due to its state. And we got a quick reaction from EA. But the steam rating is now neutral. You always have these people who are the type of fans that just want to shower praise on the thing they love, they dont care about reality. If you love star wars so much, wouldn't you be better served as a consumer by a working, flawless product for which you spend your money ? What purpose does pretending everything is fine have ?
A Game Release with such broken performance does not deserve me talking about its Rendering Tech on PC IMO anymore. It is honestly a mistake from me to do That and I partially regret doing it now for Games where I have done it in the past.

Yep, now on to Crysis as I saw you talking about it yesterday on Twitter.

Please don't do another video of the game on old hardware, we (and me) have been there and done that.

You should do a video on an update video to this ONE as CPU's are much faster now! - Can it finally be locked to 60fps?

Do it!!
A Game Release with such broken performance does not deserve me talking about its Rendering Tech on PC IMO anymore. It is honestly a mistake from me to do That and I partially regret doing it now for Games where I have done it in the past.

Completely understand. Would it be better to briefly cover such broken games in the weekly direct video instead? It may save time and frustration. Maybe that’s what it takes to get publishers’ attention but the videos focusing solely on how much a PC port sucks may be damaging to the DF brand over time. Just a suggestion.
Completely understand. Would it be better to briefly cover such broken games in the weekly direct video instead? It may save time and frustration. Maybe that’s what it takes to get publishers’ attention but the videos focusing solely on how much a PC port sucks may be damaging to the DF brand over time. Just a suggestion.
As long as they are professional about it, I think it’s fine. I think pushing outrage is not their thing, but indicating of performance problems from an objective view should be expected.

They can be objective on tone to be more precise: consistent crashing, inconsistent frame rate, etc etc. as opposed to outrage words. It would be okay to say that it doesn’t meet a standard for release and that there is significantly more to be desired before recommending this game for purchase at least from a technical perspective.
A Game Release with such broken performance does not deserve me talking about its Rendering Tech on PC IMO anymore. It is honestly a mistake from me to do That and I partially regret doing it now for Games where I have done it in the past.
lesser, greater, middling, it makes no difference.
The degree is arbitary.
The definition is blurred.
If your to choose between one broken or another,
I'd rather you not choose at all.

Just make it quick Alex.
Forcing HWRT on consoles not very strong at RT on an engine not even well equipped to deal with RT since it is CPU limited to begin with seems like a very very very dumb idea.

Don't get me wrong, I am expecting circa 1080p resolutions on consoles with dropping below in dynamic situations while cleaning it up with TSR. But I would consider that a success with tons of extra detail like nanite and raytraced global illumination with software lumen. Fortnite despite being an old game actually looks visually worth it for the tradeoffs and has solid performance on top of that.

Star wars doesn't even hold performance on any platform and can't even work properly on PC. Gotham knights is the same. It doesn't bode well for redfall hence the 30fps console warning.

I guess what I'm saying is widespread adoption of ue5 for these types of titles can't come earlier.

Ue4 doesn't seem to scale well at all to current and future ambitions. Unlike ue3 at a similar point in time.

Devs already being stretched to the limit and publishers being more greedy than ever is bad situation enough when it comes to game development
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So after seeing the DF video, it's not that the game is 'poorly optimised' on PC, it's just a really heavy game with RT on.

PS5 can drop too 972p in resolution mode and 648p in the 60fps mode, no wonder PC GPU's are having a hard time at native 1440p.
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