Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2021]

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Although I did think @Dictator was harsh on the DF direct about it, I also understood where he was coming from.
I feel the standalone video where he has proper time to critique it was a lot more balanced.

I don't see anything changing prior to launch, but I do feel RT could help a lot in the future. I'm not expecting RT reflections.
How long after launch would that be, maybe with co op? That would be perfect time to drop it.
Agreed, very difficult to explain as much as he did something with nothing more than a bit of a passing sentence or 2 and simultaneously not impacting the video that was being developed.

One of the things they noted as a negative to me is a positive. The way enemies are lit in the environment regardless of whether they are in shadow or not. For me, it's a positive in the sense of quick and rapid target acquisition and perhaps more importantly prioritization. Sure it's more important in multiplayer, but I appreciate it just as much in single player.

I'm not going into Halo looking for a realistic shooter where part of the fun is actually finding the enemies, I'm going into it looking for a sci-fi fantasy FPS that has the feel of multiplayer arena combat.

That said, I do wonder if it was intentional for it to be like that in the campaign or if it's just some unintended side effect of ensuring that target acquisition is quick for multiplayer.

One of the things they noted as a negative to me is a positive. The way enemies are lit in the environment regardless of whether they are in shadow or not. For me, it's a positive in the sense of quick and rapid target acquisition and perhaps more importantly prioritization. Sure it's more important in multiplayer, but I appreciate it just as much in single player.
if we require target acquisition they have the red outlines for that. Imo, unified lighting and shadows are a critical component in next-gen feels
yeah, i just recently tried Halo 4 and played a bit halo 5 and i am confused whats going on. Halo 4 was impressive looking game, when i played this game on xsx i had hard time to believe it was actually realased on x360. Such a good looking game, halo 5 had some issues with agressive lod but beside that it was a good looking game. What happen? Its not like 343 is unable to deliver, they already proved they can in the past.
But its so much fun playing the game. Nearly all Halo fans agree. That's a nearly impossible feat to accomplish. That's all that matters.
I did not enjoy Halo 5 despite it being the best playing Halo. Gameplay isn't everything, level design, graphics, atmosphere, story, etc all matter too. Especially for a series like Halo.
I did not enjoy Halo 5 despite it being the best playing Halo. Gameplay isn't everything, level design, graphics, atmosphere, story, etc all matter too. Especially for a series like Halo.
Did you not partake in any of the 3 weekends of Halo Infinite flights?
Did you not partake in any of the 3 weekends of Halo Infinite flights?
I don't do multiplayer so it's not my thing. My comments are in regards to the singleplayer, which is what was discussed in the video and what is being discussed atm. If you noticed I didn't comment on the mp.
I did not enjoy Halo 5 despite it being the best playing Halo. Gameplay isn't everything, level design, graphics, atmosphere, story, etc all matter too. Especially for a series like Halo.

I dont think this is true, Halo 5 and 4 was heavily criticise by fans becouse of the gameplay. The new forerunners enemies and their weapons were quite bad and ruined gameplay. At least when it comes to gameplay Halo inifinte seems to be right on track. I have high hopes for SP campaign despite it being bit underwhelming gfx wise.
I don't do multiplayer so it's not my thing. My comments are in regards to the singleplayer, which is what was discussed in the video and what is being discussed atm. If you noticed I didn't comment on the mp.

The MP flights would let you experience the game play mechanics and the graphics and know the graphics in campaign would be higher quality than MP.
The MP flights would let you experience the game play mechanics and the graphics and know the graphics in campaign would be higher quality than MP.
I played the first mp flight but that is not the point is it? The point is that they just showed a campaign overview and it doesn't look very good.
If you read my post you'd see that that is what I am hoping for too. I am just skeptical because 343 hasn't given me a reason to take that as a given.
My take from the campaign overview is it looks to be the most fun Halo campaign ever and how no two play throughs will ever be the same. *shrug*

I fully agree on this, the whole game seems to be one giant "silent cartographer" mission which is great imo. I am sure it will have a lot of cinematics and atmospheric moments as all halos had in the past. Gameplay seems to be very solid and fun which i cant tell about halo4 and 5. I played flights and had a chance to experience vehicles and new weapons, big teams battle and they all seems to be FUN.
But its so much fun playing the game. Nearly all Halo fans agree. That's a nearly impossible feat to accomplish. That's all that matters.
Agreed. I’m just strictly talking about something Halo could do to take its graphics to the next level. It doesn’t need to look like a semi realistic TPS adventure title, but having that unified lighting and shadows would go a long way
if we require target acquisition they have the red outlines for that. Imo, unified lighting and shadows are a critical component in next-gen feels

Maybe they think it's not enough and that a good gameplay experience is more important than a "next gen feel" I'd say they are right if so.
Agreed, very difficult to explain as much as he did something with nothing more than a bit of a passing sentence or 2 and simultaneously not impacting the video that was being developed.

The most egregious thing he pointed out, which was nagging me but which I hadn't been overtly conscious of, was all of the enemies being weirdly brightly lit. I can now never un-see this. :nope:

I do share his anxiousness abut the impact of an open world. Halo, like other methodically designed games with a mostly linear campaign, can control the exact pacing so it's never too hectic and never too quiet. Crescendos of action and drama meticulously designed at key points. I don't know how you do that in an open world, tackling missions in any order - unless these opportunities are few and far between but they've made such a big song and dance about.
Halo Infinite already is a solid looking MP game. Besides that, they might and probably will improve on the graphics as time progresses. Ray tracing will be added for example, and if that means for the lighting that might enhance the general look of the game alot.
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