Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2021]

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Series X is behaving like an RTX 2080 here, just like in Gears 5, and just like Microsoft engineers said regarding the performance of the Series X GPU.

I'd say there or 2080S/3060Ti level. The 2070S is at 52fps just before jumping off the ramp and 56fps just after. Its not clear which of those 2 sections Alex pixel counted on the XSX to read 4k but if it was the lower of the 2 then you're going to need a 2080S to get that framerate back up to 60, but if it was the higher of the 2 then a 2080 should just about cut it.
I'd say there or 2080S/3060Ti level. The 2070S is at 52fps just before jumping off the ramp and 56fps just after. Its not clear which of those 2 sections Alex pixel counted on the XSX to read 4k but if it was the lower of the 2 then you're going to need a 2080S to get that framerate back up to 60, but if it was the higher of the 2 then a 2080 should just about cut it.
I counted here after the ramp was left on XSX when it was at 56 on 2070S !
So, fixed res and presumably identical IQ settings between all the current gen consoles (I didn’t hear him call out XSS for downgrades, he just says it “looks fairly similar,” maybe just referring to the gulf in resolutions?). Interesting that the PS5’s 1620p performance mode can dip about as low as XSS’s 1440p quality mode (with its better shadows) does, albeit in different scenes. I must be missing something.
To be honest, from the game's general appearance one could assume those resolutions and framerates were being achieved on the old mid-gens.
DF Article from Tuesday that was sort of lost in the chaos --

Forza Horizon 5 PC: can Playground's masterpiece scale beyond Series X?
Plus: optimised settings, hardware requirements and more.

We've already established that Forza Horizon 5 scales exceptionally well over Xbox hardware old and new, but has Playground Games managed to achieve the same quality on PC? Additionally, does the PC release scale beyond the bar set by Xbox Series X, offering even better graphics? And finally, what settings should you be aiming for to replicate and then build upon the console experience - and what kind of GPU will you require?

First up, a word of explanation on Forza Horizon 5's initial set-up times and its general accessibility in tweaking settings. On first loading the game, you're met with a pause as the game compiles its shaders for your specific graphics hardware. It's a little on the time-consuming side - even on a high-end PC - but it's worth the wait and it's necessary to ensure smooth performance with little stutter. Stutter seems to be a common issue on many PC titles right now, especially those using Unreal Engine 4, and it occurs as shaders are compiled on the fly as they are needed. FH5's technique of a single compilation period on first loading really is the best way to address this.

Where I do find Forza Horizon 5 somewhat onerous is the requirement to restart the game after adjusting certain settings. The problem here is that it effectively kills the tuning process as you have no instant way of knowing what the impact of the settings change is and what the performance gain - or loss - may be. Shader re-compilation also kicks in, and although shorter than the initial pause, it adds to the wait.

DF Article from Tuesday that was sort of lost in the chaos --

Forza Horizon 5 PC: can Playground's masterpiece scale beyond Series X?
Plus: optimised settings, hardware requirements and more.

We've already established that Forza Horizon 5 scales exceptionally well over Xbox hardware old and new, but has Playground Games managed to achieve the same quality on PC? Additionally, does the PC release scale beyond the bar set by Xbox Series X, offering even better graphics? And finally, what settings should you be aiming for to replicate and then build upon the console experience - and what kind of GPU will you require?

First up, a word of explanation on Forza Horizon 5's initial set-up times and its general accessibility in tweaking settings. On first loading the game, you're met with a pause as the game compiles its shaders for your specific graphics hardware. It's a little on the time-consuming side - even on a high-end PC - but it's worth the wait and it's necessary to ensure smooth performance with little stutter. Stutter seems to be a common issue on many PC titles right now, especially those using Unreal Engine 4, and it occurs as shaders are compiled on the fly as they are needed. FH5's technique of a single compilation period on first loading really is the best way to address this.

Where I do find Forza Horizon 5 somewhat onerous is the requirement to restart the game after adjusting certain settings. The problem here is that it effectively kills the tuning process as you have no instant way of knowing what the impact of the settings change is and what the performance gain - or loss - may be. Shader re-compilation also kicks in, and although shorter than the initial pause, it adds to the wait.


I'm still surprised and disappointed that the great dynamic scaling options that existed in FH4 on PC didn't carry over to FH5 on PC. I wonder if this was a casualty of the pandemic with so many engineers working from home?


Forza Horizon 5 PC modded to add ray tracing in-game
Dramatic improvements for photo mode too.

Forza Horizon 5 ships on PC, Xbox Series X and Series S with hardware-accelerated ray tracing support to embellish vehicle reflections - but only in Forza Vista and garage modes. This is something of a shame, especially when photo mode in particular stands to benefit immensely. However, on the DF Supporter Program, one of our backers - Frosticles - produced an RT mod for the PC version (with an assist from Rotab for the Windows Store version), allowing for reflections to run in all modes of the game. So, how beneficial is it and what is the performance cost? Could it be enabled in future on Xbox Series X?

To begin with, let's clarify how standard reflections work in Forza Horizon 5, because it's fair to say that even without RT, they look great. If you can imagine six invisible cameras attached to the player vehicle, capturing imagery and mapping it onto a sphere, you get some idea of how the reflections are generated. Effectively, you're looking at cube-map reflections generated continuously in real-time. These reflections are not perspective-correct, but it's close enough and works well enough.

SSR+cubemaps would have been a good solution instead of just cubemaps for self reflections.
I'm sure XsX could handle RT at DRS 1080-1440 30fps.
@Dictator Not sure if it was just an oversight or whatever, as I'm sure you've mentioned disclaimers before in other videos, but I think when suggesting mod and the use of Cheat Engine, you should cover your butt and always put a disclaimer about potentially being banned in Xbox Live and VAC enabled games... or any online enabled game for that matter. (I know FH5 isn't a VAC game, but it links to your Steam account if you have the Steam version)

I'm sure the chances of being banned are slim, but you should do that just in case to cover yourself. I haven't tried the mod yet simply because I'm not 100% sure of the risk atm, and I really don't want to get banned from Xbox Live... especially with FH5 (which is one of my favorite franchises) and Halo upcoming. lol

Other than that.. great videos on FH5! Super in depth and well detailed explanations of everything.
Be intresting if in picture mode the whole scene was ray traced once taken. What would it matter if it took 1second to process. But that would mean having a full RT implementation also.

Car self reflections seems like a nice compromise for the game.
The performance impact for single car self reflection is pretty high really.
PC settings could also be lower quality RTRT on other cars.

Maybe with some optimization could get the single car RTRT in game at reduced quality in 30fps mode on console.

Nice mod, video and performance overview.
DF written Article @

Call of Duty: Vanguard - a tech marvel marred by bugs and stuttering issues
The Infinity Ward engine evolves once again.

The release of Call of Duty: Vanguard is a contentious one - but on a technological level, it's a return for the brilliant Modern Warware 2019 engine (known internally as IW8), enhanced and expanded upon to accommodate the ambitious of Sledgehammer Games' latest offering. There are engine advances designed specifically for multiplayer, but for my money, it's the campaign that is the star of the show. Telling the story of an elite squadron delivered via set-piece after set-piece, the technology shines thanks to brilliant materials work, stunning lighting and remarkable volumetrics. IW8 was always designed to scale across the generations - and the end result is a highly polished result on the new wave of machines, albeit with some oddities and blemishes that the developers should address.

Bugs? Yes, they're there. I've seen AI and animation issues that break the immersion - mostly in the Operation Tonga mission. Enemies awkwardly repeat their animations in a group. You might catch a soldier, stood motionless in a battlefield without a gun - oblivious to the carnage around him. There are bizarre rag doll reactions on major characters. However, the most glaring issue I've seen so far comes down to performance. Xbox Series consoles see the campaign play out with some egregious - albeit sporadic - stutter, while PlayStation 5 sees checkpoint save pauses of around half-a-second. For a game that delivers so much polish and panache, it's a bit of a let-down. Beyond that, if we take ourselves away from the bugs for a moment, there's also a full screen motion blur effect enabled by default. It's overkill in its intensity, turning any quick camera pan into a smear. I turned it off right away, and I suspect for many it'll be more enjoyable switched off.

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