Delay in Blu-Ray effect PS3?

TheChefO said:
Yes but you do care about games selection right? With cheaper console comes potentially more consumers. With more consumers comes more games.
I think you're jumping the gun a little here. Initial software support for PS3 is going to be high based on previous success. This in itself is going to provide strong reason to get a PS3. The high price will certainly put off some people, but how many is an unknown, there's so many factors in play. To assume that PS3 is going to have a smaller userbase, smaller ibrary, less appeal, smaller userbase, smaller a snowballing situation this early into the game is very much in the realm of guesswork. If in two year's time PS3's install base is small compared to rivals enough to turn devs away, then it becomes an issue. But until then you've got developers already working on games, some exclusives, and given the time these software take to create, for a year or more the software strength of PS3 is likely to be strong based only on the previous generations. I guess in part that's why the price is left late. If two years ago PS3's price was announced, it may have turned off some developers. By now they're well into production and unless they want to lose all that development, they have to finish the software and maybe create a cross-platform where it was going to be exclusive to expand the market.
kyleb said:
Not as much, yeah, but no where near $200 over-priced like the guy I was originally responding to tried to make it out to be.
Agreed....sort of. If you put yourself in the shoes of a casual gamer who doesn't give a shit about online, or HD, but just wants to play games, then it's a realworld $160 difference. Though, even those gamers will not appreciate getting raped on the core, and using a stupid wired controller, so they may even opt for the premium package, that's the paradox MS has created with their retarded pricing scheme. They've managed to make a $299 console completely and utterly undesireable, bravo. Overpriced peripherals marketed to 'budget gamers' for the win :/
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kyleb said:
Not as much, yeah, but no where near $200 over-priced like the guy I was originally responding to tried to make it out to be.

Look, I never intended to imply "overpriced". As Scoob has pointed out if you're interested in BR then it's a good deal I suppose but even then the quality of the player must be proven first but I digress. For the sake of this conversation I'll say yes if you want BR and think it will win the optical war then great a ps3 is perfect for you.

Onto the $200 topic - As I've said countless times, If they produced a ps3 option for $300 it would sell more than what they are proposing at the moment.

While BR is great for those that want it, it comes with a cost to everyone who wants ps3 regardless of their movie preference.
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Shifty Geezer said:
I think you're jumping the gun a little here. Initial software support for PS3 is going to be high based on previous success. This in itself is going to provide strong reason to get a PS3. The high price will certainly put off some people, but how many is an unknown, there's so many factors in play. To assume that PS3 is going to have a smaller userbase, smaller ibrary, less appeal, smaller userbase, smaller a snowballing situation this early into the game is very much in the realm of guesswork. If in two year's time PS3's install base is small compared to rivals enough to turn devs away, then it becomes an issue. But until then you've got developers already working on games, some exclusives, and given the time these software take to create, for a year or more the software strength of PS3 is likely to be strong based only on the previous generations. I guess in part that's why the price is left late. If two years ago PS3's price was announced, it may have turned off some developers. By now they're well into production and unless they want to lose all that development, they have to finish the software and maybe create a cross-platform where it was going to be exclusive to expand the market.

Agreed - any turn the market takes will not happen overnight - but as ERP pointed out - it doesn't take much more than a month or so to switch a game from one platform to another. So as the market is formed, I anticipate the developers and publishers will follow suit fairly quickly to protect themselves from getting hung out to dry and ensure maximum profits.
TheChefO said:
Look, I never intended to imply "overpriced". As Scoob has pointed out if you're interested in BR then it's a good deal I suppose but even then the quality of the player must be proven first but I digress. For the sake of this conversation I'll say yes if you want BR and think it will win the optical war then great a ps3 is perfect for you.

Onto the $200 topic - As I've said countless times, If they produced a ps3 option for $300 it would sell more than what they are proposing at the moment.

While BR is great for those that want it, it comes with a cost to everyone who wants ps3 regardless of their movie preference.
"BD is totally useless for games" argument again? I'm tired of reading a long paragraph only to see these old arguments. We need an "already discussed to death" list to avoid resource dupe.
Look, the fact that there is an argument at all WRT whether or not one should purchase a PS3 at all should tell you something is wrong with their plan. The fact that there are so many ps2 owners out there, myself included, that would have happily bought into ps3 without blinking an eye as long as they followed their own plan for success tells me they could have used the advice "stick to the script" and avoided a whole lot of hassle. As others have said though, there is much to be gained via BR royalties so I understand where they are coming from. I just don't think they understand/care where I/we are coming from.
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one said:
"BD is totally useless for games" argument again? I'm tired of reading a long paragraph only to see these old arguments. We need an "already discussed to death" list to avoid resource dupe.
I'm just letting that one slide to focus on the fact that Blu-ray doesn't make up anywhere close to $200 of the price.
TheChefO said:
While BR is great for those that want it, it comes with a cost to everyone who wants ps3 regardless of their movie preference.
Its not[ there only for movies you know.
The games will be on BD too, and take advantage of the features the Blu Ray disc offers.
Why do you constantly pretend it's a feature for only those who are getting into HD movies.

You can argue the BD isn't really needed, but many devs have already disagreed and it has been argued to death here too.

You will not be able to get a PS3 without a next gen bigger capacity format, live with it.
rabidrabbit said:
You will not be able to get a PS3 without a next gen bigger capacity format, live with it.

Agreed - and as long as that is a constant they can bank on lower sales due to higher costs.
TheChefO said:
Look, the fact that there is an argument at all WRT whether or not one should purchase a PS3 at all should tell you something is wrong with their plan. The fact that there are so many ps2 owners out there, myself included, that would have happily bought into ps3 without blinking an eye as long as they followed their own plan for success tells me they could have used the advice "stick to the script" and avoided a whole lot of hassle. As others have said though, there is much to be gained via BR royalties so I understand where they are coming from. I just don't think they understand/care where I/we are coming from.
Face it man, they don't care. They are confident that they will sell as many as they can make for a long time, regardless of you think what they are offering is worth your money or not.
kyleb said:
Face it man, they don't care. They are confident that they will sell as many as they can make for a long time, regardless of you think what they are offering is worth your money or not.

Agreed they don't care, but I wouldn't say "they're confident they will sell as many as they can make" at this point. I'd say they're hopeful that they will sell out and are currently seeking an angle which makes the ps3 more attractive.
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dodo3 said:
Looks like Samsung is holding back their Blu-ray player as well now. :???:
I'm not going to outright dismiss the article quite yet, because there have apparently been mixed messages coming from Samsung about their player. But according to reports on AVS, several retailers have confirmed shipment orders from Samsung and the company itself went on record to confirm the 6/25 release date. Sony also confirmed that the first BD titles will be available from 6/20.

Engadget have independent confirmation from Samsung about the status of their player too:
Update: Whew, good news (well, for us Americans at least). Samsung has confirmed that the US launch is still "on schedule," although Bite was right on the money about the UK delay, so as usual, Brits are gonna have to wait a little longer to get a hot new product.

Given the of that pocket-lint website, it's entirely possible that the September delay was for Europe.
Mmmkay said:
I'm not going to outright dismiss the article quite yet, because there have apparently been mixed messages coming from Samsung about their player. But according to reports on AVS, several retailers have confirmed shipment orders from Samsung and the company itself went on record to confirm the 6/25 release date. Sony also confirmed that the first BD titles will be available from 6/20.

Engadget have independent confirmation from Samsung about the status of their player too:

Given the of that pocket-lint website, it's entirely possible that the September delay was for Europe.

Alright back to Defcon 3... stand down from speculation - stand down. :cool:
xbdestroya said:
Alright back to Defcon 3... stand down from speculation - stand down. :cool:
Aw man! I was prepping my intercontinental ballistic rumour-wrangling devices and everything. Have you any idea how much paper I have to go through to step down the silos?! Can't you even let me drop a small 'BRD firmware already hacked' speculation, out in the desert somewhere?
Shifty Geezer said:
Aw man! I was prepping my intercontinental ballistic rumour-wrangling devices and everything. Have you any idea how much paper I have to go through to step down the silos?! Can't you even let me drop a small 'BRD firmware already hacked' speculation, out in the desert somewhere?

You're telling me!

I was about to drop the megaton: Blu-ray drives cause lead poisoning in small children within a 10-mile radius when reading BD films.

On a serious note though, thanks for that quick launch re-confirmation there Mmmkay. A Samsung delay in the US would have heralded some potential ill tidings, for sure.
TheChefO said:
Agreed they don't care, but I wouldn't say "they're confident they will sell as many as they can make" at this point. I'd say they're hopeful that they will sell out and are currently seeking an angle which makes the ps3 more attractive.
If they weren't confident they wouldn't have done it. But I can see how you might have a different opinion as you couldn't have anywhere near the information Sony had when making it's choices and apparently you also fail to understand that companies don't gamble billions of dollars unless they think the odds look good for them.
kyleb said:
If they weren't confident they wouldn't have done it. But I can see how you might have a different opinion as you couldn't have anywhere near the information Sony had when making it's choices and apparently you also fail to understand that companies don't gamble billions of dollars unless they think the odds look good for them.

Companies are run by people and people make mistakes all the time. The difference is the higher you are in a company the more those decisions are scrutinized because they can affect the future of the company greatly. Obviously when they were designing the spec for ps3 they thought they would sell everyone they could make. Just as I'm sure Intel thought the same thing when they invested billions into Itanium, I'm sure Sony thought the same with Betamax. Panasonic probably thought the same thing with 3do-m2.

The point is people aren't perfect and neither are companies. No matter how big they are, they are not immune to making mistakes.

Now you can commence your judgement of me because I have questioned the great Sony.