Delay in Blu-Ray effect PS3?

london-boy said:
Pardon?? Of course they work, you just won't see the additional resolution, which defies the point, but it still definitely works.

If by "works" you mean it produces an inferior image than DVD due to the scaling artifacts, and yet costs more than standard DVD which they probably already own, then OK. I don't forsee many people being favorably influenced by that though.

It's all about markets pushing each other. HD gaming pushing the HDTV market, which pushes the HD movie market. They just push each other. Bit like an orgy.

They've been pushing for nearly 10 years, and have barely risen above novelty status in the market.

What will happen is that people will see FF13, MGS4 and a whole plethora of other games and they'll have to decide whether they want to pay the extra cash for them, or go for the X360 or Wii. It's all down to us mortals. Personally, against all expectations, i won't be buying a PS3 any time soon after release.

What will happen is they will see PS3 games and 360 games side by side in store kiosks, and will have to decide if those PS3 games look $200 better than the 360 games.

Keep in mind that the majority of these games are going to be multiplatform and look virtually identical on both systems.

What did we learn from the Xbox last generation?

What we should have learned is that having the best technology doesn't sell gaming consoles. No matter how badly some people want to believe in Bluray.
london-boy said:
What will happen is that people will see FF13, MGS4 and a whole plethora of other games and they'll have to decide whether they want to pay the extra cash for them, or go for the X360 or Wii. It's all down to us mortals. Personally, against all expectations, i won't be buying a PS3 any time soon after release.

The other potential outcome is that ps3 installed base isn't what publishers/developers thought it would be and they turn their exclusives into multiplat so they get a better return on investment. Once this happens the cheaper console will win in the eyes of gamers. Movie buffs - who knows.
Let's not go through the HDTV penetration discussion again.

One need only walk into a large retailer to see how things have changed in the last three years. Hell even my girlfriend recently replaced her busted 20" SDTV with a 30" 1080i Samsung.
Powderkeg said:
Less than 15% of the US and less than 10% of Europe have HDTV's. To the rest Bluray makes no difference whatsoever as Bluray movies don't work on SDTV's
I don't know where you got your figures from, but if they're right, that means that there's around ~44mil people with HDTV's in the US, and around ~45mil in the EU. That's alot of people to target initially, don't you think? (Source)

And don't forget, just because people own SDTV's now, it don't mean they'll stick with 'em forever! Just like black & white to coloured sets, the way of the future is slowly but surely being realised here, and that is TV programmes will soon be broadcasted in HD, and people are just gonna have to move with the times.:rolleyes:
Powderkeg said:
What did we learn from the Xbox last generation?

What we should have learned is that having the best technology doesn't sell gaming consoles. No matter how badly some people want to believe in Bluray.
We had learnt that the Xbox was too big for the entertainment system. We also had learnt that the Xbox had fewer games than the Ps2.
bRoNx said:
I don't know where you got your figures from, but if they're right, that means that there's around ~44mil people with HDTV's in the US, and around ~45mil in the EU. That's alot of people to target initially, don't you think? (Source)

And don't forget, just because people own SDTV's now, it don't mean they'll stick with 'em forever! Just like black & white to coloured sets, the way of the future is slowly but surely being realised here, and that is TV programmes will soon be broadcasted in HD, and people are just gonna have to move with the times.:rolleyes:
Also, Blu-ray has other features than HD images. For box sets, you could fix the whole thing on a disk. Or put wide-screen and full screen on a disk. Than alone would justify Blu-ray.
Also, Blu-ray has other features than HD images. For box sets, you could fix the whole thing on a disk. Or put wide-screen and full screen on a disk. Than alone would justify Blu-ray.

That alone would justify $1000 player? Or a $200 increase in cost for a console?
london-boy said:
It's really quite simple: If YOU can't justify it, YOU don't buy it.

I'm questioning his priority of convenience. Whether or not I buy one does not strip me of my right to question his reasoning. Or does it?
Well the ps3 is now bigger than the original Xbox, therefore it's too big for the entertainment system.

Sony has the more established game franchises, but we'll have to wait and see how that really plays out. After all, Nintendo had the more established game franchises at one time too.

Does this situation remind anyone of the Nintendo 64 days? Except the arrogant market leader of the day was Nintendo.

We had learnt that the Xbox was too big for the entertainment system. We also had learnt that the Xbox had fewer games than the Ps2.
You're questioning whether it is justifiable to pay the extra $200, when really that's a decision that is 100% the choice of the consumer who goes to the shop to choose what he needs to buy. If the consumer doesn't find it justifiable to spend an extra 200 quid, then he just won't. What's the point of buying the thing, then whine about it till death do us apart?!
london-boy said:
You're questioning whether it is justifiable to pay the extra $200, when really that's a decision that is 100% the choice of the consumer who goes to the shop to choose what he needs to buy. If the consumer doesn't find it justifiable to spend an extra 200 quid, then he just won't. What's the point of buying the thing, then whine about it till death do us apart?!

Agreed - it is a personal decision. That's why I'm asking him personally to re-evaluate his statement and ask himself if this is truly how he feels, or if this is merely a smokescreen to help sell himself and justify the price of a ps3.
TheChefO said:
Agreed - it is a personal decision. That's why I'm asking him personally to re-evaluate his statement and ask himself if this is truly how he feels, or if this is merely a smokescreen to help sell himself and justify the price of a ps3.
He obviously feels like he would be very happy with his purchase, why question it? Personally, i wouldn't be happy with it, but that doesn't give me the right to come here and start questioning what people actually want and why they want it.
I think you should just lay back and relax.
london-boy said:
He obviously feels like he would be very happy with his purchase, why question it? Personally, i wouldn't be happy with it, but that doesn't give me the right to come here and start questioning what people actually want and why they want it.
I think you should just lay back and relax.

I'm trying to help him see through the hype and base his decisions on reality that's all. I just don't want to see a bunch of people get their hopes up over something which may turn out to be very different than they were sold to believe.
TheChefO said:
That alone would justify $1000 player? Or a $200 increase in cost for a console?
I highly doubt that the PS3 with DVD instead of Blu-ray would have sold for $200 less. MS couldn't manage their console for $300 including a 20GB HDD wireless controller and HD output suport out of the box, I don't see any reason to think Sony could either.
kyleb said:
I highly doubt that the PS3 with DVD instead of Blu-ray would have sold for $200 less. MS couldn't manage their console for $300 including a 20GB HDD wireless controller and HD output suport out of the box, I don't see any reason to think Sony could either.

Sure they couldn't if they include all of that other kit. The point is they are forced into the high pricepoint by Bluray. So the other pieces of the puzzle are used to justify the high price.

Although I agree if they matched feature for feature with the 360 core system it would probably cost them more due to the ram config. Cell dev cost would also play into it but I digress. Overall I think they could have hit the $300 price point with a "core" system and added the extra features to a premium model. One sacrifice to make that happen would be dvd over bluray but we all know why they wouldn't do that.
Regardless of what you think they could have done, the fact is that Sony's $500 "core" matchs and argueably betters my $400 360 in features. Calling this a $200 price difference is absurd.
kyleb said:
Regardless of what you think they could have done, the fact is that Sony's $500 "core" matchs and argueably betters my $400 360 in features. Calling this a $200 price difference is absurd.

Amen. Sadly some people will only see what they want to see. Which is quite sad really, because as i've been saying, if they can't justify the expense, they should just keep their money for themselves and buy loads of 360 games instead, without filling this forum with how bad they think Sony are.
kyleb said:
Regardless of what you think they could have done, the fact is that Sony's $500 "core" matchs and argueably betters my $400 360 in features. Calling this a $200 price difference is absurd.
Agreed, Sony did it right by making the core model attractive. MS has attached such a heavy stigma to the core, it's percieved as such a bad deal, that the thing might as well not even exist.

I can understand why they did it, mainly to ease manufacturing problems and make some extra cash on the side, but at the same time, if you're going to have a $300 package make it attractive, include a wireless controller (everyone wants those) and make the HDD and memory cards affordable. Otherwsie what's the point?

Sony did it right, the $500 package is pretty attractive and is probably the one I would buy, it's only $550 in Canada compared to the $499 360, so it's not a bad deal at all up here.
kyleb said:
Regardless of what you think they could have done, the fact is that Sony's $500 "core" matchs and argueably betters my $400 360 in features. Calling this a $200 price difference is absurd.

So if 360 came standard with a combination bluray/hd-dvd rom & hdd just to make sure they weren't cornered one way or the other in that nasty little optical format war and charged $600 accordingly you would say this is a smart move financially yes?

- scoob - agreed the core package is unattractive in comparison to the premium pack, but a simple drop in memory card retail cost would change the value proposition drasticly and put it firmly in the acceptable feature set that ps1 and ps2 had upon their launch which 100+million people seem to be content with.
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