Delay in Blu-Ray effect PS3?

london-boy said:
Amen. Sadly some people will only see what they want to see. Which is quite sad really, because as i've been saying, if they can't justify the expense, they should just keep their money for themselves and buy loads of 360 games instead, without filling this forum with how bad they think Sony are.

Yes some people do see only what they want to see and justify their opinion as they see fit to match their ideals.

This is being taken way off topic. I don't see a reason this delay will push ps3 launch out any further than planned.
TheChefO said:
So if 360 came standard with a combination bluray/hd-dvd rom & hdd just to make sure they weren't cornered one way or the other in that nasty little optical format war and charged $600 accordingly you would say this is a smart move financially yes?

I'm not interested in couldas, wouldas, or shouldas. That is all beside the point of what is.
TheChefO said:
I'm trying to help him see through the hype and base his decisions on reality that's all. I just don't want to see a bunch of people get their hopes up over something which may turn out to be very different than they were sold to believe.
First and foremost i'm completely aware of what i am going to buy. Screw the hype and what Sony said, I know what i want, and it HAS what i want, so it WILL be bought. Simple as that. I truely believe the Blu-ray format is a convenience and for the right price, it's a no-brainer. I really don't see why you're so pessimistic toward Sony, most of the time they have stuck to their word and for the most part...i trust them as the brand of choice.
kyleb said:
I'm not interested in couldas, wouldas, or shouldas. That is all beside the point of what is.

It's arguably better, arguably being the keyword. Depending on your needs. If all you want to do is play games, got get a $300 core with a $40 memory card, the PS3 offers nothing more to a casual gamer.
kyleb said:
I highly doubt that the PS3 with DVD instead of Blu-ray would have sold for $200 less.

This is where our disagreement came into play and the "coulda woulda shoulda". My point is simple. Bluray doesnt cost Sony $200, but it does make the system more expensive and the lack of this "feature" could have produced a more affordable "core" console for the average Sony gamer.
First and foremost i'm completely aware of what i am going to buy. Screw the hype and what Sony said, I know what i want, and it HAS what i want, so it WILL be bought. Simple as that. I truely believe the Blu-ray format is a convenience and for the right price, it's a no-brainer. I really don't see why you're so pessimistic toward Sony, most of the time they have stuck to their word and for the most part...i trust them as the brand of choice.

No offense, but judging from your posts you don't seem to be as informed about this decision as you could be. Be that as it may, good luck to you and your decision.
scooby_dooby said:
It's arguably better, arguably being the keyword. Depending on your needs. If all you want to do is play games, got get a $300 core with a $40 memory card, the PS3 offers nothing more to a casual gamer.
By arguably better just I mean if the HD movie playback is of intrest to you, the $499 PS3 has that on top of being feature comprable to the $400 console that the vast majorty of us 360 owners bought.
TheChefO said:
This is where our disagreement came into play and the "coulda woulda shoulda". My point is simple. Bluray doesnt cost Sony $200, but it does make the system more expensive and the lack of this "feature" could have produced a more affordable "core" console for the average Sony gamer.
Exactly, you are nocking them for not offering a $300 console while couldn't care less about that. I am looking what they are offering.
Funny, but the PS3 "Premium" package has exactly what I want and need too, I must be misinformed too!?!?

It doesn't have Blu-ray? I thought I'd be able to enjoy the HD movies when I also buy my HD front projector shortly before the PS3.
It doesn't have WiFi? I thought I'd be able to connect it without running tens of meters cable from my bedroom to my livingroom.
It has no hard disc? I thought I'd be able to download some music, HD videos and transfer my CD's to it.
It has no wireless controller?!? Well, that's really not on top of my wish/need list, but a nice bonus nevertheless.
It has no great games?!?! I thought I'd be able to play Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Lair, The new Naughty Dog IP, Final Fantasy XIII, GT5, MGS4, Silent Hill 5, next gen Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Tekken, Ridge Racer,................and tons of other quality games.

What? I won't be able to do those things I want on my PS3 when I hopefully be able to get my hands on one come November.
I've been lied!!!!! Now what should I buy to be able to enjoy all those things I've been looking forward? Where'll I put my €700?????
kyleb said:
Exactly, you are nocking them for not offering a $300 console while couldn't care less about that. I am looking what they are offering.

Yes but you do care about games selection right? With cheaper console comes potentially more consumers. With more consumers comes more games.
rabidrabbit said:
Funny, but the PS3 "Premium" package has exactly what I want and need too, I must be misinformed too!?!?

It doesn't have Blu-ray? I thought I'd be able to enjoy the HD movies when I also buy my HD front projector shortly before the PS3.
It doesn't have WiFi? I thought I'd be able to connect it without running tens of meters cable from my bedroom to my livingroom.
It has no hard disc? I thought I'd be able to download some music, HD videos and transfer my CD's to it.
It has no wireless controller?!? Well, that's really not on top of my wish/need list, but a nice bonus nevertheless.
It has no great games?!?! I thought I'd be able to play Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Lair, The new Naughty Dog IP, Final Fantasy XIII, GT5, MGS4, Silent Hill 5, next gen Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Tekken, Ridge Racer,................and tons of other quality games.

What? I won't be able to do those things I want on my PS3 when I hopefully be able to get my hands on one come November.
I've been lied!!!!! Now what should I buy to be able to enjoy all those things I've been looking forward? Where'll I put my €700?????

lol :) I'm very glad you find everything you need in ps3, enjoy!
TheChefO said:
Yes but you do care about games selection right? With cheaper console comes potentially more consumers. With more consumers comes more games.
If that was the way I thought, I would have bought a PS2 long before an Xbox instead of the other way around. I'm glad I don't think like that.
kyleb said:
If that was the way I thought, I would have bought a PS2 long before an Xbox instead of the other way around. I'm glad I don't think like that.

Ok just so I'm clear on your thoughts on this, you belive ps3 in its current configuration will sell more than if they offered a "core" version for $300? Or are you speaking strickly from a "this system has X that I want so I buy it regardless"?
xbdestroya said:
Let's not go through the HDTV penetration discussion again.

One need only walk into a large retailer to see how things have changed in the last three years. Hell even my girlfriend recently replaced her busted 20" SDTV with a 30" 1080i Samsung.

It's a highly relevent issue if you are marketing or basing your sales off of the movie playback abilities.

And I've been in many large retailers. I doubt I've ever been in a Wallmart without seeing someone buying one of the $200-$400 televisions, but I can count on one finger how many HDTV's I've seen purchased there.

Fact is, most new televisions sold are still in the $300 price range, and that excludes HDTV for most people.
TheChefO said:
Ok just so I'm clear on your thoughts on this, you belive ps3 in its current configuration will sell more than if they offered a "core" version for $300? Or are you speaking strickly from a "this system has X that I want so I buy it regardless"?

I don't know about him, but historically speaking the vast majority of consoles sold by any manufacturer have sold after the price dropped to $200 or less. The faster a manufacturer can get his system into that price range the better it will sell.
Powderkeg said:
I don't know about him, but historically speaking the vast majority of consoles sold by any manufacturer have sold after the price dropped to $200 or less. The faster a manufacturer can get his system into that price range the better it will sell.

Agreed - That is the point I'm trying to make but if he's trictly speaking from a "it has what I want right now, I buy" then I can respect and understand that. But from a "it will have what I want in the future because that's what happened before", I find that argument to be very silly especially in this forthcoming console climate.
kyleb said:
By arguably better just I mean if the HD movie playback is of intrest to you, the $499 PS3 has that on top of being feature comprable to the $400 console that the vast majorty of us 360 owners bought.

There's no argument there, if you're in the market for a BR player, the PS3 is an extremely good deal. If you're not...well not so much.
TheChefO said:
Ok just so I'm clear on your thoughts on this, you belive ps3 in its current configuration will sell more than if they offered a "core" version for $300? Or are you speaking strickly from a "this system has X that I want so I buy it regardless"?
No, I'm saying really don't give a shit either way.
scooby_dooby said:
There's no argument there, if you're in the market for a BR player, the PS3 is an extremely good deal. If you're not...well not so much.
Not as much, yeah, but no where near $200 over-priced like the guy I was originally responding to tried to make it out to be.