Anybody with GTA IV problems?

"Has anyone done any comparisons between the two versions to see if there is any truth in the rumour that the PS3 version has more going on? As in more cars on the road, more people on the streets etc?"

I think most of the people on here have lives to be honest!

I dont see how in the world this is even possible to determine unless of course every event is hard-coded and linear being that events are not random in any way.
You can't see things that are not on-screen anyway.

If they want to test this sort of things, the closest approximation is probably to go to a busy area and do wild act that the game does not expect, and draw crowd attention.

I meant to try it someday to see how the game hold up in AI and physics. I tried it without any weapons and was only able to cause my own car to explode (by repeated crashing and getting out before it blew up). Also tried abrupt movement in different areas. I'd imagine those who completed the game will have more resources to cause a havoc.
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Guys, that discussion is fairly off topic. This thread is about GTA HW crashes etc. and not about perceived version differences
Finally decided to get it (and found it) ... First time I ran the game I had some issues, but I deleted everything (profile and hdd save) and tried again, and this time no problems. Since then I've played 1-2 hours into the game without much of an issue.
I have been playing for about 10 hours with no issues. I know I have not been logged into PSN last couple days. The first day I was playing I got an error and it kicked me out.

Today before I launched I did sign back in. It loaded, I hopped in a car out front and started a mission. Then it froze on me (PS button wouldn't function). Hard reset. Re-launch, froze at the first loading screen and I couldn't get in. Deleted game data, tried again, same thing.

Went into options, disabled internet connection, launched game and it worked right away.

So, I quit again. Enabled, started game again and it hung at the first loading screen. Disabled, and it worked.

40gb, Wireless. I don't have any ethernet ability close. I'll leave that for someone else that can do it easier. If no one else, I will move my PS3 into the other room and try.

Wireless as well, close to the router. Sigh should i really bother with a cable. Well, only one freeze, i will see how it works out.

If it turns out that Rockstars multiplayer support is so sucky that it causes framerate dips and freezes when in singleplayer mode i guess they have some explaining to do. Not that i think they will ever tell us anything about this game except in 5 years when they are preparing GTA5.
Wireless as well, close to the router. Sigh should i really bother with a cable. Well, only one freeze, i will see how it works out.

Well well, after the above mentioned freeze i tried to reenter the game. Two times the load failed, i disable the internet connection and got in. Saved the game in a new save slot, did a short mission. Quit the game, enable internet connection and now the game will load.

I noticed 2 things during the loading of the game,
1: It seems that Rockstar is actually forcing us to watch that damn 2 screens even without the game loading from the disc.

2: There is clearly network activity going on during the load as well.
I didn't have any issues till last night & I've had the game since release day. I've played both in wireless & wired. Last night I was on the cable & had load issues. Unplugged the cable & it worked. Today I had a hard freeze as well as more load issues & I unplugged the cable & again it worked fine. No issues yet when all Internet access is off.

Seems pretty clear its the net accessing its doing even in SP mode. Hope a patch is soon to come.
I had a problem yesterday on my 60g Ps3. The game refused to load, no matter what. It stayed forever telling me it was loading the mission. Clean installation, reformat, no save games, whatever, nothing worked. I spent all the morning which i should have been playing trying to play. That's no fun. The only thing that worked, as suggested somewhere in the internet (don't remember where), is to disable internet connection before playing. That made everything work again.
Disabling the internet connection fixed things on my on Euro launch 60Gb PS3 (upgraded 120Gb HDD).

I've been playing just fine on and off for since launch then yesterday decided to visit both Euro and US PSN stores and start some downloads. When I re-started GTA IV the game froze on the the LOADING MISSION screen. Go to XMB, quit game (weird-double-bleep, PS3 resets), try again. Same freeze, quit game (weird-double-bleep, PS3 resets). Grrrr..

Since background downloading was the only thing different on my PS3 I decided to disable the internet connection and GTA IV worked fine for for several hours until I shut down normally. This morning, just out of curiosity I re-enabled internet connect and re-started GTA IV and again I can't get past the LOADING MISSION screen. Back to XMB menu, quit game (weird-double-bleep reset of PS3 like yesterday), disable internet and GTA IV loads fine.

It's worth mentioning that my internet connection is always on but GTA IV does seem to have issues with a queue of downloads from PSN - for me at least.

It is starting to become clear that it's a network issue that is causing the problems. It wouldn't load for me yesterday, 3 times I tried, then I disabled my network connection in the PS3 options and I've had no problems what so ever.

My wireless router is on it's last legs and signs me out of PSN every hour is the PS3 is using the connection maybe that has something to do with it.
I unplugged the lan cable and the crashes stopped (but I only had them 10 hours into the game.. not before)
Just thought I'd throw mine in as well...

I have a launch 60 GB ps3 and gta4 would freeze on the loading screen when I started the game the second time. I disabled the internet connection and haven't had any trouble since.
Yep, it seems without a doubt now that whenever the problems do occur, it's internet connection related. Has someone notified Rockstar? ;)

I mean, it's a sure lot more helpful to the customers who have trouble than the shopping list of things to disable that they have up there right now.
Yep, it seems without a doubt now that whenever the problems do occur, it's internet connection related. Has someone notified Rockstar? ;)

I mean, it's a sure lot more helpful to the customers who have trouble than the shopping list of things to disable that they have up there right now.

My issues aren't network related, unfortunately. Which could mean my PS3 is having issues, or that there are multiple problems, with the network related issues effecting the majority of those people who are having problems.
I'm guessing I've just been lucky. 60gig Euro PS3 and aside from one freeze I've had no issues at all. Have put in at least a couple of hours a day since launch day. My connection is a wired one to a Netgear router.

*Keeps fingers crossed*
How long do people wait for the freeze ? I am just asking because it is not uncommon to have 5 minute (300 seconds) timeout. Perhaps one of the servers is not responding (and when you hit it, you're stucked for 5 minutes until it times out and retries. If this is true, it means that there is an unexpected blocking call somewhere).

The fix-it-all procedure that R* revealed is perhaps a blanket fix for multiple issues.

EDIT: That doesn't sound right. If it's a server or timeout related issue, people should not have consistent failure. It should be intermittent instead.
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EDIT: That doesn't sound right. If it's a server or timeout related issue, people should not have consistent failure. It should be intermittent instead.

I think that for most people, they are actually intermittent. Which is also why you get some people who have just had one freeze, and other people who've had a lot. This corresponds with varying server loads and connection speeds I think. ( Gradthrawn could be an exception here. ;) )
I'm not entirely sure what happened, but as of last night, I have been able to play without a single crash for about 2 hours WITHOUT disabling the internet connection. In fact, I even got to play some Team Deathmatch online for a little bit. Rather goofy, but I'm not going to complain!