Anybody with GTA IV problems?

I'm not entirely sure what happened, but as of last night, I have been able to play without a single crash for about 2 hours WITHOUT disabling the internet connection. In fact, I even got to play some Team Deathmatch online for a little bit. Rather goofy, but I'm not going to complain!

It again suggests that the server problems that GTA has had are related to the single player problems and that the internet connection plays a big part in these issues.
I have been playing GTA4 on 20GB PS3 without any problems, with inter connection enabled but PSN logged off.
I once forgot to quit the game and it was still running after 20 hours or so.
For some reason my first manual (backup) save got corrupted though.
I was playing multiplayer last night, and it "soft" froze after completing Bomb de Base II. But the odd thing was the freezing seemed to be game related. I could quit out of the room and get re-invited back in. But the screen just didn't want to get past the summary page. 360 version. My buddy Paul has had the game "hard" freeze on him a few times. His 360 has been returned recently (RROD). No other game does it. I will tell him to unplug is network stuff to test.
At least on the 360, people with anything but an open NAT get kicked constantly. I rarely have seen any issues when playing with people who have their networking configured right though.
I tried to disable network/internet connection under options, but it still freezes after about 1 min.
So no joy, wonder if I should try to return it for something else..
Played with PSN on today, no freezes, but i keep getting kicked out of multiplayer games.

The multiplayer setup is pretty... stupid.. if you want a solid game i would suggest you make one yourself, in order to do that you have to reserve one spot for a friend. At least that is true in the free mode.
Hi All

I Have a 360 elite (falcon chipset) and GTA4 has hung just the once, i wasn't actually playing it was during a mission load..
360 owner with HDD, played for 4 hours or so, and no lock-ups at all. I'm on Live the entire time of course. I do have NAT configured correctly, which may help.
At least on the 360, people with anything but an open NAT get kicked constantly. I rarely have seen any issues when playing with people who have their networking configured right though.

I have closed nat, mostly because where i live now we got a piece of **** belkin wifi router and some moron changed the default router password (to get acces to router stuff) and i have no idea what its changed to.

I tried reseting the router but default password still doesn't work.
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I have closed nat, mostly because where i live now we got a piece of **** belkin wifi router and some moron changed the default router password (to get acces to router stuff) and i have no idea what its changed to.

I tried reseting the router but default password still doesn't work.

I think the default password is actually empty?
Nope, its supposed to be MiniAP according to belkin. Tried blank, tried admin, and MiniAP nothing works.

Edit: I fixed it without going through the belkin thing. To my amazement my otherwise completely moronic ISP has done one thing right, and i could select NAT settings by going to this special site their made, where i could choose 2 setups (one with "filters" one without, choosing the one without filters opened up NAT), got a NAT type 2 now on the PS3 =)

Not in my wildest dreams did i think that the ISP could change nat settings remotely, but apparently this ISP puts your NAT to strickt by default.

(The reason i call my ISP for morons is because their help support managed to send me 3 new DSLmodems when my internet cable was physically cut (and i told them this) before they sendt a repair guy)
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Nope, its supposed to be MiniAP according to belkin. Tried blank, tried admin, and MiniAP nothing works.

What are the details of your setup? You might not need any ISP information if your router is connected to a cable or DSL modem. The modem contains the necessary info, and the router will likely be assigned an IP through DHCP from your ISP (unless you happened to order a static IP). In which case resetting your router shouldn't be an issue.
Good news for us PS3 owners. Can FINALLY play multiplayer. Now I just have to get past the chore of trying to join a game with a friend!

Rockstar and Sony plans to patch the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV today to improve the multiplayer experience.

Speaking to Eurogamer, a Sony source explained that the patch would help by "reducing the loads on the servers at GameSpy and hopefully the completely random hangs that some users have seen".
Shame I disabled my internet connection cause the game won't start with it enabled as per Rockstars instructions :LOL:

If I didn't come here I'd be playing it for weeks before downloading the patch.
Anybody else finding multiplayer laggy?

I got 5mbit upload but every game has rather severe lag if you look for it.

(oh and whats with everybody using auto-aim enabled on multi, that makes the game pointless imo)