I've used Noctua NT-H1 and I did 5 dips on the GPU die and 1 on each HBM2 module. What you see on the pics is before cleaning old stuff.
Pretty it is not, that's why I was waiting so long for
Alphacool Euswolf 240 GPX Pro AMD RX Vega M01 kit to do it nicely, but gave up 2 weeks ago and bought Morpheus II. Took me two weeks to find time to do it and now that I've checked Aplhacool website, the kit is shipping!! My luck
Anyway, not regretting it at all as performance is there, and my case is not the one to look at, not yet at least, as I want to redo my setup with nice WC and RGB stuff, but that's project for another year. Currently it is an old monster BIG Tower ATX case from 2007 which sits under the desk and only bit of it sticks out and is visible.
Modding was a bit scary, but living with VEGA stock cooler made me take the risk

. Gaming was fine, but mining while working not so much!
BTW this monster takes 3 slots with slim fans or 3.5 with my fat fans.