Actually no, people were happily sharing Youtube vidoes here on the forums with the wrong power values, they were comparing them to other GPUs and reaching the wrong conclusions. Most people didn't and don't know about this power reading disparity on AMD GPUs, I certainly didn't. But now they know.
Guess what? That points still stands, and is 100% correct, because none of these Youtube videos posted so far are using the correct sensor data, and they are still at odds with the power figures obtained from adequate measurements made by professional reviews. You cannot use Youtube videos reliably for power figured from AMD till this day.
I never saw you correct any of the wrong power values posted here, you only posted to add noise to a purly technial discussion. In otherwords, you don't care about the truth, you are indulged in your own self bias that you accuse me of, which is fine, just try to stick to discussing the technical points at hand without resorting to low personal attacks.