LOL Read it through more carefully then.Honestly, the White Paper is not that different from the slides, with the exception of not mentioning IPC anywhere.
WP said:In some units—for instance, in the texture decompression
data path of the L1 cache—the teams added more stages to
the pipeline, reducing the amount of work done in each
clock cycle in order to meet “Vega’s” tighter timing targets.
Vega to me is just a NetBursted/Bulldozered GCN. They have apparently invested enormous effort/die space to push the frequency up. AMD carefully dances around the pipeline lengthening which reminds Bulldozer a bit.
* Vega topped Polaris' freq
* Vega lost IPC by pipelines tweaks
* Vega obtained a partial compensation of the pipeline tweaks induced IPC loss in form of huge caches, etc[?]
* Vega wasted diespace by the compensations
* Vega became a super-powerhog