I think Titanfall is a great opportunity for Microsoft to push boxes, most xb1 owners are potential titanfall buyers, and it's a great game. And of all the games you can give away the game that requires Xbox Gold is the best. They are more less certain that a great portion of those that try titanfall will try gold and many of those will keep the subscription.
Thats a very good and reasonable assumption but the other point is that it may put the XB1 perception as a $450 machine instead of $500 and secondly there are not many exclusives in the immediate future for the people to continue that subscription and thirdly the multi-plats are also mostly better on PS4...
So on paper i feel there assumption is pretty solid but i dont think it will be as effective as they are hoping.. Also the hype of PS4, better multi-plat games on PS4, the indie exclusives and exclusive third party games, PS NOW and Morpheus and all these things are going to put a lot of dent in XB1 assumption.. and lastly the biggest obstacle which is rising is the smooth supply of PS4..