All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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Grain of salt...

Sony's Playstation 4 worldwide sales figure has crossed seven million units, all thanks to monstrous shipment in last two week from Sony and successful launch on Infamous: Second Son (week ending March 28), according to reports coming out from our friend at Insiderp.

For PAL Regions Including United Kingdow.
PS4 sold 180,000 units
Xbox One sold 25,000 units
Infamous: Second Son sold 400,000 units at retail at PAL regions and around 50,000

PS4/Xbox One sales figure for North America region were not revealed, retailer source informed Insiderp stated PS4 sold over 100K units across NA regions during Infamous: Second Son launch week ending March 28, and the game itself sold 450K units.

I might dig around tomorrow...
Not that it matters, but I was able to get the idea of buying a PS4, think about what I was really doing, checking my finances, finally succumbing to the reality that I'm crazy, walk to a shop here in London and buy a PS4+Infamous, all in the space of 20 minutes.
Amazon was out of stock and I had assumed that everywhere else was too, but I was very much mistaken.
Moral of the story?
Stop being a shopaholic.
Well at least take comfort in knowing you will be using it for ~5 years and there should not be an official price drop this year.
Well at least take comfort in knowing you will be using it for ~5 years and there should not be an official price drop this year.

I don't think we'll see a price drop in 2015 either.
APU will move to 20nm

I'd be pleasantly surprised, but the timing doesn't seem very likely given that we haven't even seen/heard anything from either AMD or nV for their usually "early" and low volume, large ASIC products, which are likely coming early 2015.

Consoles need much much higher volumes than PC GPUs, and they would have to begin producing mid-way through the year to stock up for holiday 2015; it just doesn't seem feasible. Even so, it's not likely to be inexpensive enough given how new it is, and it's more likely they would stick to the relatively cheaper 28nm node along with higher yields. i.e. shrinking on the latest node has to offset the cost of the new node, the relatively lower volume throughput, and the reduced yields due to it being an immature process.
I don't think PS4 will drop to $299. What I think most likely is that we'll a free game (Last of Us?) at $400 and probably a max cut to $350 by the end of the year. The only way I can think of for Sony to sell at $299 is if MS get super aggressive with XB1 pricing (like they sell at $350 with Kinect) or the sales drop massively.
Uhh, no. TF outsolds ISS 2-1 launch weeks. Both then dropped pretty similar second week (73% TF, 67% ISS).

In fact I'd make a strong wager TF will be ahead of ISS in next weeks charts. It should have been quite close this week.

You can see it clearer on the individual SKU chart, where TF actually rose from 3rd to 2nd.
I'll take that friendly bet. :)

Infamous SS bundle sold out last week which probably contributed to the drop this week, but still held a bit better than Titanfall (67% vs 73%). The PS4's supply situation has been better this week, so I expect PS4 software sales in general to go up, and Infamous will at least hold fairly well. It's still ranked 2 at over a week after release, right behind the standalone PS4 SKU.

As for Titanfall, it has been readily available since day 1. Even though it technically climbed the charts from 3 to 2, I'm guessing it still had a weekly drop, and will continue to drop.

TF has outsold ISS, the difference is MS lost millions to get that win while Sony are likely to make bank.
Yeah, would be interesting to compare standalone game sales. Titanfall is obviously boosted by the fact that it's bundled for free (pretty much).

edit: Also, GAF's maths has the PS4 at 720k and XB1 at 560k LTD in the UK.
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It's in this week's sales charts thread.

wotta is guessing that it's 500k vs 630k respectively, but members at GAF did calculations using the tie ratios.
My money is on djskribbles.

But just for next week. Not sure about comparative Infamous/Titanfall (XB1) TLD.
I fully expect Titanfall to sell more than ISS overall. But with PS4 availability improving, I think ISS will hold well next week in particular.
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At this juncture, why do people even care? What does it matter if pack ins sell more units or not or what? This discussion has dragged on a fair bit, but it's pointless in terms of understanding the wider console space. I suppose it had value to prove XB1 wasn't DOA in the UK as TF was selling plenty, but that's about it. Apart from personal pride for those who made a prediction as to which outsold which, for which we can just wait for actual numbers and then they can gloat, I'm not seeing the value in TF:ISS waffle.
Fact remains a free game is a lost full priced sale.

I think Titanfall is a great opportunity for Microsoft to push boxes, most xb1 owners are potential titanfall buyers, and it's a great game. And of all the games you can give away the game that requires Xbox Gold is the best. They are more less certain that a great portion of those that try titanfall will try gold and many of those will keep the subscription.
Amazon no longer has the codes for $50 off, they apply it automatically at checkout. Also they no longer say a free FM5 code is offered with the standard, but the box now states it in the picture. I don't think the standard non-bundle exists at this point, save maybe some on shelves that reps missed.
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