I'm at chapter 4 now, really like the game. Kinda gives me a Max Payne feeling. However, I think some of the battles are very cheap. Alan is about as fast as 90 year old. Running is slow and you are tired very fast, changing weapons takes so long that there is more than enough time to actually think about it, think some more, than wonder if something is going to happen, and than finally you changed your weapon just to get cut down by 3 enemies all dealing double damage and now way to do anything about it because you get hit from 3 sides and doding really only works with enemies coming from one side. It's just stupid that some parts of the game require you to run around in the dark with no weapons with more than 5 enemies. You really can't do anything. The only thing you can do is die a couple of times to figure out if there are any items you might want and what is the shortest route to take. Once you know, just rush there because you can't do anything else. Very cheap and it pisses me off. Especially around chapter 4 it's starting to get ridiculous that you have to die 5 times just to pass a area because of cheap level design.
It really hurts the game because the story is great, controls are good (apart from everything being dead slow), game looks great and all but the some enemy encouters just piss me off.