[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

I think it limits you to 150 items. The money cap is also ten million credits which isn't actually that much by the end of the game when you have 50,000 credit items. I guess you could just make a lot of omnigel though.
I think it limits you to 150 items. The money cap is also ten million credits which isn't actually that much by the end of the game when you have 50,000 credit items. I guess you could just make a lot of omnigel though.
Recycling all that crap was a major pain in the ass. In the end I couldn't even be bothered to upgrade from Pistol +4 to Pistol +5.
I think it limits you to 150 items. The money cap is also ten million credits which isn't actually that much by the end of the game when you have 50,000 credit items. I guess you could just make a lot of omnigel though.

The frequency with which you get garbage is ridiculous, though, it makes money and omnigel pretty useless. Especially since the best weapons in the game are linked to how much money you have, and once you have those weapons you're pretty much set until level ~40 or so, when their upgraded version will come out and you'll be able to buy them all with just the cash on hand.
I never used omnigel once throughout the entire course of the game... in fact I don't even know what it's used for other than repairing the Mako. And I could count the number of times I took damage in the Mako on one hand. :smile:

The inventory and money caps were a PITA... until I raised them both to 999999999 :devilish:
After the first playthrough, I started managing the inventory more effectively, always going for gel. I figured I'd use the stuff instead of wasting time with the silly minigame. :p Managing the 150 items was a serious pain in the ass considering there were only several unique items just that I had multiple copies of them. :devilish:. What I really wanted was a filter for alphabetical or level ordering. It was just silly. They should even go a step further with having a number beside the item to indicate how many you've got in order to reduce clutter.

Cash... not a problem once I bought the Spectre stuff for three people (me + 2 others). It was a pain to go and switch the character items all the time, but it worked well enough for a little while until I could spend freely. I hope they at least have it so that you don't need to do an elevator ride to get to everyone's lockers. :|

Anyone see this?

2 player co-op :?: Pleeeease.
I don't really get how co-op would work. By the end of the game, I could have easily finished it without allies. Maybe there'll be a new class system?
I don't really get how co-op would work. By the end of the game, I could have easily finished it without allies. Maybe there'll be a new class system?

Never really needed the allies, most of the time they ended up dying and I was forced to solo the mission when unity was in cooldown.
So been playing on hardcore , done only 2 missions from the storyline so far but alot of side quests and so far I'm lvl 26 or something with around 800,000 kredits just because I have sold pretty much everything I have gotten, yet I still get full inventory on every mission which brings me to question, do we really need all this stuff? Definately no, so I'd really appreciate it if things were done better in the sequel in this area. :D

We need a huge money sink, upgrades to mako maybe? We need something to do with all this money.
I just recently got ME, and it shows how stupid Bioware is. The commercials and press for this game made me want to buy it when it first came out, but because I'm not an RPG fan, I wasn't going to pay $60 for it unless I knew I'd like it. No demo? Great move, I bought the game 2 years later at $20 instead. Having played through it a bit (Level 10), I would have bought it upon release at $60 had they offered Eden Prime as a demo.

Anyway, besides my complaints that I've now found out were very common (poor manual, poor inventory, they expect you to have already played their prior offerings in order to know the control scheme, etc..), what ever happened to all the talk about DLC for ME?

Weren't there supposed to be expansion packs and such for the game? I see nothing on Live that I can purchase, and google searches show me there's lots and lots of talk (even from Bioware themselves) about future DLC, but I can't find where they ever actually did anything more than talk about it?

Oh.. One more question if anybody has a chance: How do you know when your 'ability' is activated? I'm playing straight soldier (because nobody told me I couldn't change my last name, so when I went to make a custom character and it wouldn't let me change the last name I thought I was doing something wrong so I just went with the default setup), and I mapped Overkill to 'X', and when I get in combat I hit 'X', and as far as I can tell...

nothing happens.

How do I know if it's 'working' or not?
That's a passive ability IIRC so it's probably working and you just don't notice. After you press X make sure the ability is 'cooling down'. If it is then you know it was activated.

I agree they should've offered a demo.

As for the DLC, I think it's free (at least it is on PC) but I couldn't tell you how to find it on the XBL Marketplace.
Weren't there supposed to be expansion packs and such for the game? I see nothing on Live that I can purchase, and google searches show me there's lots and lots of talk (even from Bioware themselves) about future DLC, but I can't find where they ever actually did anything more than talk about it?

I didn't complete it but there was a DLC that added some mission levels iirc that allows you to continue playing but there was something about you had to do it after/before a certain level.

don't know why you can't find it.... is there a "marketplace content" line in the game menus? Most games have one and it takes you right to the marketplace while still in game for DLC
The only DLC I know of is 'Bringing down the Sky'. It's okay, but it's yet another 'planet' to visit, even if the events there are unique. For me it was worth it because it finally gave me my Colossus X Heavy armor. :D
Hit lvl 50 on my first playthrough on veteran, did pretty much every sidequest there was but I'm sure I missed some of it. Now playing on hardcore. Getting spectre armor and weapons and you are pretty much set. You never run out of money even if you keep buying stuff because you get so much stuff in short time. IMO its not nearly as rewarding as to work for the stuff. It really didn't give me any feelings at all to get spectre weapon X to everyone because of this.