[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Despite the lack of achievements, having seen both versions running side by side I strongly recommend this one on PC. If you're worried about not having a save ME1 is $19.99 on Steam, so $5 if they do another crazy 75% off sale...

mmm... I'll probably be using a C2D E4300, 2GB RAM, and a G80-320MB. That should be more than enough (to surpass the 360 edition, in terms of framerate & image quality), right? My monitor would be 1400x1050. i.e. Was the first one a good port/conversion?

(Note: computer was built from reviewing said hardware or from gifts, so I didn't pay a dime for any of it :p)
mmm... I'll probably be using a C2D E4300, 2GB RAM, and a G80-320MB. That should be more than enough (to surpass the 360 edition, in terms of framerate & image quality), right? My monitor would be 1400x1050. i.e. Was the first one a good port/conversion?

(Note: computer was built from reviewing said hardware or from gifts, so I didn't pay a dime for any of it :p)

That should handle it no problem.

It was a good port performance-wise. At least on my hardware (at the time E6750 + 8800GT) it never left 60FPS land - of course it doesn't support AA... Loading times were snappy too.
Did they say what gets carried over from your last save? Your moral decisions, your class, or what party members are left?
Despite the lack of achievements, having seen both versions running side by side I strongly recommend this one on PC.

Wait a minute, I played through Mass Effect on PC, and I distinctly remember achievements... were they in-game only? I never bothered to check whether they got fed anywhere. (My Gears PC achievements do show up on my XBox.)
Wait a minute, I played through Mass Effect on PC, and I distinctly remember achievements... were they in-game only? I never bothered to check whether they got fed anywhere. (My Gears PC achievements do show up on my XBox.)

It has achievements but it's not a GFWL title so they don't count towards any Gamerscore AFAICT...
mmm... I'll probably be using a C2D E4300, 2GB RAM, and a G80-320MB. That should be more than enough (to surpass the 360 edition, in terms of framerate & image quality), right? My monitor would be 1400x1050. i.e. Was the first one a good port/conversion?

(Note: computer was built from reviewing said hardware or from gifts, so I didn't pay a dime for any of it :p)

Hmm, yea, you should be fine playing ME with those specs. My PC is considerably underpowered, and I managed to run ME at around 40fps almost all the time. It was way more stable than the 360 version as well. Definitely pick it up if you don't mind spending some cash and want a really good port.

Sounds mighty good!

Apparently they are aiming to give you more exploration of the galaxy and planets this time. That was exactly what I found the biggest problem for ME, the planets were lifeless an uninteresting. I only finished it once and I haven't felt like going back after that. Can't wait what they do with this one though, there's alot of room for improvements.
I kind of want some sort of twist on the paragon/renegade options. It was pretty predictable what each option would do in the first game so you never really felt any consequences. Actually, I don't think there is any long-term effect on you gameplay wise for which path you take. KOTOR had a huge difference wrt certain people dieing and whatever.

Well hopefully they'll switch it up in some way.
Apparently they are aiming to give you more exploration of the galaxy and planets this time. That was exactly what I found the biggest problem for ME, the planets were lifeless an uninteresting. I only finished it once and I haven't felt like going back after that. Can't wait what they do with this one though, there's alot of room for improvements.
I think the general way that you explore the planets will be the same and for completionists like me, that was actually fun. It does sound like there'll be a lot more planets to land on in ever solar system and possibly more than one "main" mission per planet.

I also hope they tweak the Mako controls a little. Close quarters combat and the repairing system got really annoying at some parts.
I hope that the planets get more populated and\or have more interesting things.

IMO 99,9% of the planets where dreadfully boring to explore.
Yeah, I stuck to the main quests for that reason and finished nowhere near the level cap. That's what they really need to do, flesh out the environment and universe and not just in the codex. One of my pet peeves was all the guns in the game seemed to have been created by a random number generator. None of the "brands" seemed to have any meaning, everything looked the same and it was just a constant stat treadmill. Whats worse is the weapon types in the end didn't have the significant trade offs you'd expect. A leveled up Pistol was just as deadly as an assault rifle based on the way they balanced the "DPS" of weapons. What's worse is depending on what class you were, guns you couldn't train with were basically useless. I played as an Infiltrator but when my pistol overheated and enemies were too close for the sniper rifle it wasn't worth switching to the assault or shot guns because I couldn't hit a barn door with either. Kinda pitiful when I'm supposed to be this elite Spectre.
I wonder if it will look better than Gears 2. Are they still using Unreal Engine 3 or are they using their proprietary Dragon Age engine?
Totally agree with the vast majority of side missions/planet exploration being iiiiiiincredibly dull.

It was, infact, pretty much the only thing I didn't like about the game... the rest was really good in my opinion.
Totally agree with the vast majority of side missions/planet exploration being iiiiiiincredibly dull.

It was, infact, pretty much the only thing I didn't like about the game... the rest was really good in my opinion.

My feelings exactly. Well aside from the clunky inventory and lack of AA. :devilish:

@vanquish: I don't think they've said yet, but I'd be surprised (pleasantly) if they went with anything other than UE3.
I started playing Mass effect again. So far been only doing the sidequests, don't know why but now it is much more interesting for some reason. Perhaps the knowledge of having able to use your old saves again in Mass effect 2 has made me exp maniac. The inventory still sucksass though. :D well its not that bad but the game gives you WAY TOO MUCH stuff. I'm not that interested in scrolling through the whole inventory to see what stuff is good and what is not. Hope they improve the mechanics on that one. On my first playthrough I didn't do pretty much any of the sidequests because of the planets being what they are, but now I started doing them and in te beginning was this alliance scientist team missing. Oh boy the surprise when I went there, freaking hilarious how many of those guys came and I just had my freaking pistol so I ended up running all over the room. Good times.

What would it enable if they went with another engine compared to UE3, some decent hair atleast I'd think? The hair options in mass effect are funny and stupid looking at the same time. :D