[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

I'm pleased to see from what was shown at GDC that Bioware is working to make sure ME2 is better as a shooter.

1UP Interview

Is Shepard really dead? Do you even play as Shepard? If you were a space jerk, does that affect the game? That's the kind of stuff players wondered when BioWare released a teaser trailer for Mass Effect 2 while confirming its existence. At a recent EA event, we were able to sit down with Mass Effect 2 executive director Casey Hudson, and tried to get info about who you are, what goes on in Mass Effect 2, and other tidbits to address some of the aforementioned questions. Here are his slyly cryptic answers (also, note that we talk about spoilers for the first game, so if you still haven't finished it, come back when you do).
So, they really are carrying over the choices from the first one.

One worry I have ... When I finished the game, I started over with my character to get one of the level achievements. Problem is, I never finished it the second time through. So, will it remember that I finished the game once? I can't remember if the game had multiple save points, and my friend has my disc. Hopefully there was more than one slot and I have a save near the end, if need be.
So, they really are carrying over the choices from the first one.

One worry I have ... When I finished the game, I started over with my character to get one of the level achievements. Problem is, I never finished it the second time through. So, will it remember that I finished the game once? I can't remember if the game had multiple save points, and my friend has my disc. Hopefully there was more than one slot and I have a save near the end, if need be.

Yeah, I'm not even sure I still have my saves but I know I played through multiple times with the same character. It'll be interesting to see how they handle that.

As for the game, it looks amazing.

Can't wait to see more of this game at E3. This is shaping up to be the best E3 yet :p
I really hope they improve graphics. ME had nice art but horrible effects and lots of pre-baked stuff. Some characters though are some of the best I've seen in a game, detail is off the charts like that bounty hunter alien "frog". Hoping for much more this time on all fronts.
I really hope they improve graphics. ME had nice art but horrible effects and lots of pre-baked stuff. Some characters though are some of the best I've seen in a game, detail is off the charts like that bounty hunter alien "frog". Hoping for much more this time on all fronts.

Well, from that teaser it looks like you'll be happy. They say the game immediately feels better, which I hope is referring to framerate and tearing. They also mention the face modeling is much improved, which is surprising because the close ups looked great in ME.
I wonder what choices the game defaults to if you dont have a save. Ill delete my save if it means i get to have Wrex back from the grave! :D
Info from OXM:

  • You will play as Shepard, but for how long is unknown.
  • If you begin Mass Effect 2 without importing a save, your history will be drawn from a "canon version" of what previously happened, and you interact with the characters from the first game as though you played it that way.
  • Texture pop-in they say was an easy fix, as they know how their engine runs, and all the changes they have made to it. It's no longer purely UE3.
  • There is a new species called the Drell and Thane is a new character who is an assassin and may join your party.
  • Planets - There will be a Krogan planet, and Illium, an Asari planet, that is like Coruscant from Star Wars. Also there is “Omega” which is like an anti-Citadel in that it’s huge and it’s the bottom of the barrel whereas the Citadel is the height of civilization. Also a Cerebus mothership will act as a location of significance.
  • Story -
    The ultimate story is still civilization fending off the Reapers, but this chapter will deal with this Cerebus corporation and it’s enigmatic leader. There are human civilizations disappearing and it’s up to Shepard to investigate, it’s termed as a “suicide mission” which may lead to the details of the teaser.
  • New vehicle that moves and controls differently than the Mako.
  • Inventory system has been completely scrapped.
  • Elevator system revamped where you will get the sense of scope of where you’re at and where you’re traveling.
  • Secondary races like Volus and Elcor are much more mobile, giving more depth and makes things more interesting.
  • Choices are more meaningful and there is a real risk that major support characters (i.e. anyone not Shepard) can and will die.
  • Also on the story, they’re super-hyping the ending, saying that it’s much more grand meaningful in ME2.
  • More weapons, more species, more/new team members.
  • Returning team members, locations, weapons.


Gamespot video interview

  • Can now send squad members to specific points.
  • Same kind of power system, but much more realtime. Can map powers better. Even controlling the special abilities of the squad, very rarely do you ever have to go into the pause screen.
  • Similar class system, but character progression is handled differently. Something more interesting than just experience points. Building in something that's more mission-based in terms of how you progress your character.
  • Much more interesting options in the armor you can wear and the way you can personalize it. Weapon system expanded greatly too.

First half of the E3 trailer. The full trailer will be shown Monday.

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[*]You will play as Shepard, but for how long is unknown.
I hope the entire game and that he is still alive at the end.

I seriously don't understand this pre-occupation with changing protagonists in game series. I doubt most gamers like it when it's done, I certainly don't. I think the only people who like it are writers who want to have more freedom, but any lead which lets them get away with it for that reason is an idiot.
I seriously don't understand this pre-occupation with changing protagonists in game series. I doubt most gamers like it when it's done, I certainly don't. I think the only people who like it are writers who want to have more freedom, but any lead which lets them get away with it for that reason is an idiot.

Why? Remember, we're talking RPGs here, not Tomb Raider. Character being super strong badass and all at the end of part n-1.
I'd rather play a new character than being fed some ridiculous BS why he's back to square one power-wise.
Sure, there are ways around that.
The D&D Games way for example, but you have to regard shifting power levels (both statwise and story wise!) between games right from the start of game 1 to make it somewhat plausible - and I don't think that would work in ME, unless something cataclysmic happens and Shepard is mostly going to deal with enemies stronger than in the whole first game(!).
The Ultima way was also quite nice, but there it was deeply rooted in the story - not something I see in ME either.
Totally awesome. I predict that I will be sick at home for one week, coincidentally right around the time Mass Effect 2 ships.
Maybe you'll get to choose whether sheppard dies and make a new character to play through the remainder of the game. Or you'll get to choose if he dies at the end and you'll be able to start the third game as a new character, but retaining the decisions you've previously made that would have impacted the characters and storyline.