WTH people!? (reputation)

silence said:
scary.... but lets drop that, did i tell you how good you look in that pic in other topic? ;)

LOL too late, you already got a +19 from me for some post you did... you know, one where you're not the usual BITCH. :LOL:
london-boy said:
I'm prob +19 too!!
Actually you're probably more like +20, you're the number one poster on B3D now and I do believe you're ahead of me in reputation too. :)

Power to ya buddy, you've earned it.
digitalwanderer said:
Actually you're probably more like +20, you're the number one poster on B3D now and I do believe you're ahead of me in reputation too. :)

Power to ya buddy, you've earned it.

Frrrrr... Frrrrr...

Power... i can... feel it....

Frrrr... Frrrrr...


london-boy said:
LOL too late, you already got a +19 from me for some post you did... you know, one where you're not the usual BITCH. :LOL:

lol.... TBH i was surprised that i got that many pos rep... but hey... live is full of miracles....:D
Zaphod said:
Yes. You get a +/- 1 modifier as soon as some minimum criteria are met. After that I think the defaults are +1 per 1000 posts, +1 per year of membership, and +1 per level of reputation gained.

I say again: PHEAR The Digi. Mere mortals don't stand a chance against someone wielding the Red Reputation Herring of Doom +19. Apparently he's not afraid to use it... :LOL:

Very nice roundup of how rep works on Vb. If B3D-rep paces like some other forums, it won't be uncommon for the regular posters to have several million rep-points in a year's time. Especially if everyone continues to use it. I'm guestimating we'll see people hit the 100 mark by the end of the month and exceed the 1000 mark in 2 months time. And then people will be posting boobie-shots for rep, as it happened on other sites. :cool:
silence said:
how much does he have anyway? heh.... btw, YOU think?:p

well he's at -40 just from me and Dig.. I can only imagine... He'll never get out of there. EVER. :LOL:

And YES i do think. Only five minutes per hour though or i overheat.
london-boy said:
well he's at -40 just from me and Dig.. I can only imagine... He'll never get out of there. EVER. :LOL:

And YES i do think. Only five minutes per hour though or i overheat.

add others that gave him negs.... lol. went to check his profile...


something tells me that this doesnt help much.... :LOL:
london-boy said:

He got bad reps from me and Dig!! Wait, he got bad reps from everyone!! :LOL:

Oh, and usually on giving someone bad rep the rep-power (amount of influence) is cut in half. For instance if someone has +20 rep-points, that may translate to +2 rep-power. Thus you can influence someone-else's rep by +2/-1. When they give someone good-rep, that other user gains +2 rep-points. When they give someone bad-rep, that other user loses 1 rep-point.

This may not be the case here, but it typically is on default vB-rep configurations.
BRiT said:
Oh, and usually on giving someone bad rep the rep-power (amount of influence) is cut in half. For instance if someone has +20 rep-points, that may translate to +2 rep-power. Thus you can influence someone-else's rep by +2/-1. When they give someone good-rep, that other user gains +2 rep-points. When they give someone bad-rep, that other user loses 1 rep-point.

This may not be the case here, but it typically is on default vB-rep configurations.

now i am lost.... :?:
I don't quite get the system, but I'm not gonna get hung up on it either. It's like postcount, it's just a thing. Sometimes I like to joke around with it, but I don't really take it seriously.

One thing I WOULD like is if some people would bang up Sniping Waste's rep a bit, he's way too low for being as good/knowledgeable/helpful as he is.
silence said:
now i am lost.... :?:

Lets give this another shot...

There are 2 items related to the reputation system. There is reputation points, the amount of points you have. There is also reputation power, the amount of points you can influence others. Think of reputation power as altering points. Reputation points does not need to map 1 to 1 on reputation power. In some cases it might be 10-to-1. Meaning, if a user has 20 reputation points, their altering-power is 2 points. However giving negative reputation usually cuts the altering-power in half.

Given the following theoretical situation:

Reputation Points to Reputation Power is 10:1.

User A has 100 Reputation Points.

User A has 10 Reputation Power.

User A gives User B 'good rep'. User B Reputation Points will increase by 10.

User A gives User C 'bad rep'. User C Reputation Points will decrease by 5.

EDIT: This is how it's setup on another site.
Default reputation points is 10 upon registration.
For every 15 posts, user gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
For every 25 points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
User must have 25 Posts minimum before his reputation hits count on others.
User must have 10 reputation before his reputation hits count on others.
Users can give 20 seperate reputation clicks per day.
5 different users must be given reputation before you can hit the same person again.

If someone has an altering power of 36.
Giving out positive rep, they give 36 points.
Giving out negative rep, they give out 18 points.
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BRiT said:
Lets give this another shot...

There are 2 items related to the reputation system. There is reputation points, the amount of points you have. There is also reputation power, the amount of points you can influence others. Think of reputation power as altering points. Reputation points does not need to map 1 to 1 on reputation power. In some cases it might be 10-to-1. Meaning, if a user has 20 reputation points, their altering-power is 2 points. However giving negative reputation usually cuts the altering-power in half.

Given the following theoretical situation:

Reputation Points to Reputation Power is 10:1.

User A has 100 Reputation Points.

User A has 10 Reputation Power.

User A gives User B 'good rep'. User B Reputation Points will increase by 10.

User A gives User C 'bad rep'. User C Reputation Points will decrease by 5.

Oh right so Dig and I have "only" given Sage -10's? DAMN!

BRiT said:
Very nice roundup of how rep works on Vb. If B3D-rep paces like some other forums, it won't be uncommon for the regular posters to have several million rep-points in a year's time. Especially if everyone continues to use it. I'm guestimating we'll see people hit the 100 mark by the end of the month and exceed the 1000 mark in 2 months time. And then people will be posting boobie-shots for rep, as it happened on other sites. :cool:
Heh. Just giving these two power-drunk chatterbots some basic information have sent me on the road to 'becoming famous soon enough'. I'm almost regretting telling them, but something tells me I'd better stay in their good graces. Thay giveth, and they can taketh away. ;)

I still think the whole concept is mostly just added noise, though. A truly disruptive poster probably won't be too bothered if their reputation is in the red, and it might drive others away. Casual posters tend not to use it at all and stay happily on their 'distinguished road', some might be cautious about posting on polarized topics where the ******s spawn, while those treating it like just another plaything tend to thrive.