Where did JVD go?

micron said:
Nobody has mentioned Tagrineth yet:!:
:oops: ACK! How could we forget the dragony thing. It has been a while since she last posted. She was pretty fiesty.

edit:Hmm, it looks like she made a come back last month. Kewl.
sonyps35 said:
Meh, I dont think the console mods are 100% unbiased, but they're not bad, I agree with you about that. It's just a few minor things that distress me.

Distress you about their posting, or their mod'ing? It's an important distinction... and if it's the later, well you should take action besides asking for a '360 mod,' because console loyalty is not the problem. If it's the former, then I think you misunderstand the role of a moderator. It's not like their opinions inherently carry more weight than that of anyone else, so don't sweat the 'officialdom' attached to their posts - they're wearing a different hat in those instances.

The problem with JVD is he didn't adequetly distinguish between those two roles. He's a nice guy though.

PS - Think of it like this... Dave's pro-ATI/360, right? But you don't see me asking for a pro-NVidia/PS3 admin. ;) The respect he earns is not based on his corporate affiliation, but on his abilities as an admin, and his knowledge and contributions in general.
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sonyps35 said:
Yeah you say that but THEYRE ALL SONY MODS! If there's no caring about console affiliation, why are they all Sony mods! Why do I get the feeling so will the next one be!

That shouldn't make any difference to your modding. A person doesn't have to be neutral, they just have to act neutral when they mod. Someone has their opinions, but that should be kept separate when it comes to them doing the job of being a fair and impartial moderator.

It's just like in the real world when you don't have to get on with someone socially or politically to be able to work with them.
What evidence is there to support that there are Sony biased moderators in the console forum? The ones you named, including me, do not moderate through to their preferred companies or systems. We moderate based on a thread level, the content, and what is wrong with the said threads. So a moderator is not allowed to have an opinion on a specific product or think one is better than the other? There's absolutely nothing wrong with those opinions, especially since the mods we have express them in a manner that is professional.

I will admit to being biased towards a console manufacturer that went software only. That company being SEGA. Since then I prefer no company and just go where the games are, the games I like playing.
sonyps35 said:
Yeah you say that but THEYRE ALL SONY MODS! If there's no caring about console affiliation, why are they all Sony mods! Why do I get the feeling so will the next one be!

Don't you think it's just adding fuel to what currently is a very small fire though? Everyone is entitled to an opinion and a preference, it's how they show that preference that is important. I have found the mods in the console forum to be fantastic on the whole, granted I don't read every post they make but by and large i've seen nothing to suggest adding more mods of a pro Xbox nature would do anything but disrupt.

Xbd is right, i think you're confusing expressing a preference as a regular for expressing that preference as a mod and using the power they have to force others to see it their way.

Anyway stop derailing my thread ;) i'm enjoying all this nostalgic stuff. Any other members departed that made the forum their own?
geo said:
Well, actually, he got knocked down to -200, but from where he was that was probably, oh -700 or so?

L-B was much more effective in how he handled it. He just looked really sad, with a single tear rolling down his cheek at the injustice of it all from time to time.

Hahaha that's very dramatic... And yes it was about -700. Which means i should have around 1400 points by now and a much bigger one than yours! ;)

As i said at the time, the only thing that really got to me is that i lost all my private messages when that happened. I knew my rep would have gone up again eventually because i'm just too awesome :LOL: I would have preferred 5 or 6 red squares though but i'm not sure it can get to that level. Red really highlights my complexion.
sonyps35 said:
You just pipe down now, y'hear?

What you're saying is nonsense, and wrong. And irrelevant. What you need to do is:

A - understand that B3D is primarily a technical forum (that only offers console forums to keep noise away from the primary PC 3D forums). It isn't meant as a battleground for you to perform your own little crusades against enemy consoles on.

B - go away.
london-boy said:
Hahaha that's very dramatic... And yes it was about -700. Which means i should have around 1400 points by now and a much bigger one than yours! ;)

1400 is in the rear view, mon ami. :cool: The glowy greens are 200, and you get them at the beginning of the range. . .
geo said:
1400 is in the rear view, mon ami. :cool: The glowy greens are 200, and you get them at the beginning of the range. . .

Pffft... size queen...

Question, when u get a new square, what colour will it be? Now u have 5 greens, 5 glowy greens, what's next? Pink ones? I want pink ones!
I would imagine that the server may soon melt down from trying to calculate any further advances to geo's reputation. :p
K.I.L.E.R said:
Only if Natoma and I are married when we post in this thread.
Wait... The thread is gay. But for the thread to be gay, you and natoma have to be married when you post, and you did infact post...


Guden Oden said:
What you're saying is nonsense, and wrong. And irrelevant. What you need to do is:

A - understand that B3D is primarily a technical forum (that only offers console forums to keep noise away from the primary PC 3D forums). It isn't meant as a battleground for you to perform your own little crusades against enemy consoles on.

B - go away.

Bah, you're missing the point. This thread is about banned members and the behavior that lead to their removal.

I think that taken in that context, SonyPS's rant is entirely appropriate!
RancidLunchmeat said:
Bah, you're missing the point. This thread is about banned members and the behavior that lead to their removal.

I think that taken in that context, SonyPS's rant is entirely appropriate!

Ahh i see, kind of like a practical real-life example. What not to do if you don't want to get banned. I can see all the familiar elements, having a clear bias towards one system or another (Sorry Sonyps35 but you do), insulting mods by claiming all the console mods are sony whores, i don't think i've missed anything...

Oh and this thread is NOT gay because I made it and it's my best thread ever dammit
Paul_G said:
Oh and this thread is NOT gay because I made it and it's my best thread ever dammit

Yeah, but threads aren't born gay you see, they turn gay over time (sort of a "lifestyle choice"). Usually once l-b decides that the thread should be about him, it's pretty much it for the thread's "outdoor lifestyle".

We haven't have a Gay Thread Of The Week for a while now. I guess this is it!
nutball said:
We haven't have a Gay Thread Of The Week for a while now. I guess this is it!

NOOOO!! that's it! i'm going back to lurk mode for the next 6 months, i only wanted to find out about jvd and l-b has turned my thread gay! :LOL: thanks a bunch! Oh and i can't post any more until the beginning of August anyway because as you can see i've now used up my quota of exclamation marks for the month :cry: