Where did JVD go?


This may be completely the wrong board to post on, but where did JVD ever go? I remember him being online at around the launch of the xbox 360, and i've checked his message history and it just stops for no apparent reason. It's really nosey i know, but i remember a lot of his posts being pretty helpful, and i wondered if there was a reason why such a valued member would just leave.

I have a very vague recollection of the whole thing, but basically he used to be a mod, then stepped down because the console forum drove him insane, then he stayed insane and started having bad arguments with Dave, who eventually got really tired of it and banned him after the last insult-athon...

He's still alive though, i speak to him by email.
He's a great guy but he was a bit too much at times. Plus, the fact that it seemed he has MS tattooed on his back never really went down too well in the kids forum.
Thanks for the quick replies guys, i can see why the console forum drove him insane though ;) some of the stuff that happens there...well i can understand why it disappeared entirely for a period last year.

That's too bad about him and Dave not getting on in the end, i always found his posts, or the vast majority of, to be quite useful.

Thanks again.
Paul_G said:
Thanks for the quick replies guys, i can see why the console forum drove him insane though ;) some of the stuff that happens there...well i can understand why it disappeared entirely for a period last year.

That's too bad about him and Dave not getting on in the end, i always found his posts, or the vast majority of, to be quite useful.

Thanks again.

That's probably because you never had the chance to read his bad posts before they were deleted ;)

The console forum is much better now because the mods have powers they didn't have when jvd was one.
london-boy said:
I have a very vague recollection of the whole thing, but basically he used to be a mod, then stepped down because the console forum drove him insane, then he stayed insane and started having bad arguments with Dave, who eventually got really tired of it and banned him after the last insult-athon...

Well, he was ripping Neeyik publicly and repeatedly in the most intemperate, disrespectful, and unfair terms. A "suicide by cop" case if there ever was one.
london-boy said:
That's probably because you never had the chance to read his bad posts before they were deleted ;)

The console forum is much better now because the mods have powers they didn't have when jvd was one.

Yeah probably, i've kinda lurked here for the last 2 years, but i never really noticed some of the problems mods had until shortly before the forum moved from PHPBB to VBulletin. I agree the powers available to mods now make the forums a much better place.
epicstruggle said:
How about vince? Did the console forum also drive him over the edge?
From what I heard, Vince got evicted pretty much for behaving like Vince. ;) It wasn't the console forum that did him in, he was the same in RSPC too (and in general, before RSPC got split off). Basically, any mention that the conservative way of life maybe isn't the best thing after sliced bread set him off! :LOL: Oh, and questioning sony, cell, PS3 and anything associated, hehe...
I miss Vince, he used to make me laugh with the extremity of his rhetoric whilst at the same time sometimes having some good points. He was a little microcosm of the angry right.
mcsven said:
I miss Vince, he used to make me laugh with the extremity of his rhetoric whilst at the same time sometimes having some good points. He was a little microcosm of the angry right.

If only that Prozac prescription had come thru. . .clearly highly intelligent and well-informed. . . but oh so intolerant and arrogant of anyone else's right to have a different opinion.

Are we going for a "banned members we have known" thread now? ;) I got to play with radar1200gs over at AnandTech a little while ago. . . (gstanfor over there).
The only banned members other than Vince I remember were T2K, who seemed to go bat-shit insane if you disagreed with him over the smallest thing, and silence who used to use massive... amounts... of... dots... in... his... posts... which used to drive me nuts.
I hate to say this, because I know he was probably a good guy, but JVD always came off as a f***ing idiot.

The guy was way too intense about gaming, and once he became a mod, it just got worse.

When he threatened to ban/temp-ban me last year for nothing, that was about all I could take of him. I've been posting here for 6 f***ing years.
geo said:
If only that Prozac prescription had come thru. . .clearly highly intelligent and well-informed. . . but oh so intolerant and arrogant of anyone else's right to have a different opinion.

Are we going for a "banned members we have known" thread now? ;) I got to play with radar1200gs over at AnandTech a little while ago. . . (gstanfor over there).

i'm all out of members i've known who are banned now, and until a couple of hours ago, i didn't even know i knew anyone who was banned :oops:

However that's an interesting idea so now that we know where JVD went, IS there any other banned members, preferably with a complex of some sort, that people remember and do or don't miss at all, deadmeat might be a good starting point...:LOL: