I gave up on the Resident Evil series...

Two things I dont like about the classic RE games is the inventory management and the item boxes.

"Ok, I managed to get to this room, but since I brought the knife I have to go all the way so I can leave something in the box and pick up this tiny gem i found." I understand that this is a big part of those game and many people like that aspect, personally I feel it hurts the flow of the game.

I also dont like the item boxes and the fact that you are able to save all the ammo you find. "Maybe I shouldt have used these shotgun shells since I might need the ammo in 5 hours. Better reload my save."

Re2 seem to have really great mood, and I bet it can be a great experience if you dont mind the stuff I mentioned. I played it on easy, but then there was like no tention at all.
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In RE0, you had to place items on the ground as the game had no storage boxes. Then people moaned about that, as it required more backtracking to reclaim the stuff you left behind. So I guess fans of RE will like one change Capcom implements, but then hate something else. :D
In RE0, you had to place items on the ground as the game had no storage boxes. Then people moaned about that, as it required more backtracking to reclaim the stuff you left behind. So I guess fans of RE will like one change Capcom implements, but then hate something else. :D

I like the for exemaple last of us handles it, you can only carry a certain amount of ammo, so you know that it wont effect the game 3 hours later if you used some strong ammo to take down some enemy, since you cant baktrack to pickup up stuff you couldnt carry before. In some games questitems such as keys dont effect your inventory.
RE fans ought to try Days Gone. šŸ

I think that's a far better game than the last several RE Engine Resident Evil games. It took me 2 weeks to complete it. The game is huge and looks incredibly realistic.
*sigh* I REALLY hope this forum doesn't become a place where we start arguing about politics in games.

As for RE, it's one of my favorite gaming franchises of all time. I think the remakes have all been great. RE7 was a nice change and helped revitalize the series in a positive way. RE8 was a bit lackluster for sure, but I don't blame them for trying something different and committing to it for a couple of games. I prefer 3rd person RE ala RE2/3/4 Remakes over 1st person however.. but the best RE game of all time, and one of the best games of all time period, is RE1 Remake. Classic survival horror is one of my favorite genres.. but I DO agree with some of the points made in this thread about plotlines not reaching satisfying conclusions and Capcom seemingly not knowing where to go with them. It's understandable how some people would feel that way.
if video games are getting injected with politics then of course the conversation about video games will be injected by politics. There isn't much any of us can do about it.
if video games are getting injected with politics then of course the conversation about video games will be injected by politics. There isn't much any of us can do about it.
Yes there is. Talk about the game and not its politics.

What game politics do you think you need to discuss here? Bitching about which gender or race a character is is not game discussion.. its politics.
Yes there is. Talk about the game and not its politics.

What game politics do you think you need to discuss here? Bitching about which gender or race a character is is not game discussion.. its politics.

If the game has politics in it then talking about the politics is talking about the game. That's like saying oh only talk about the ice cream in a blizzard and not the candy added into it. Both the ice-cream and the candy make the blizzard other wise its just a soft sever ice cream in a cup
If the game has politics in it then talking about the politics is talking about the game. That's like saying oh only talk about the ice cream in a blizzard and not the candy added into it. Both the ice-cream and the candy make the blizzard other wise its just a soft sever ice cream in a cup
Give me an example of a game with politics in it... the kind that you'd want to talk about. Do you think arguing over the color of the skin of a character, or the gender of a character in a game is "politics in games?"...
Give me an example of a game with politics in it... the kind that you'd want to talk about. Do you think arguing over the color of the skin of a character, or the gender of a character in a game is "politics in games?"...
do you believe its not ?

Do you believe that atomic heart having a classic cartoon with racist undertones in the game not an issue ?

What about 6 days coming back and having you kill a bunch of muslims ? Is that not politics ?

Moving on to something like dungeons and dragons do you not think that people claiming things like the orcs being coded rcism towards black people which in turn lead to a complete redesign of the character to now look more like racist depictions of mexicans and also promoted major changes to game rules in dnd ?
do you believe its not ?

Do you believe that atomic heart having a classic cartoon with racist undertones in the game not an issue ?

What about 6 days coming back and having you kill a bunch of muslims ? Is that not politics ?

Moving on to something like dungeons and dragons do you not think that people claiming things like the orcs being coded rcism towards black people which in turn lead to a complete redesign of the character to now look more like racist depictions of mexicans and also promoted major changes to game rules in dnd ?

Anyone can make something out of nothing, or anyone can also be offended by anything. Your examples are of people making political issues out of things they don't like in games.. All sorts of people get killed in games... Was it racism because you play as a white man killing African people in Resident Evil 5? Is that what we should be discussing here instead of the game? You can find racism in anything if you look hard enough. Again, you're MAKING things political by looking at it that way.

There's a BIG difference between a game having actual political elements to it... and games where people just try to make it all about politics...

Example: You can talk about Joel and Ellie in TLOU.. you can talk about their adventure, the things you do in the game.. characters you meet, fights you have and so on.... But when your discussion is bitching about "Oh they made Ellie a lesbian because LGBTQ+ and Sweet baby Inc", or "As if Ellie could take on 3 full grown men at the same time.. but you know feminism" and stuff like that... then it doesn't need to be discussed here because it ONLY invites arguments.

And these posts of ours are EXACTLY the reason why this stuff doesn't need to be discussed here... because it completely derails topics and just causes arguments. This will be the last post I make about it.
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So you shoot up sum nasty Knee-Gaz in RE5. So what? That's not racist, as it is just to do with where the story takes place. :p

You all be like...

Lez-Bows. Kill-Las. Knee-Gas. Bee-Gets.



Yeah the problem we are discussing in most cases is how they force negative criticisms to games due to some political ideologies of some groups that have nothing better to do. When you have a fair judgement about something that accidentally contradicts certain political ideologies you will receive the same kind criticism to the point of bullying (i.e not liking the choice of the black actor to portray Wesker may brand you a racist when you have nothing against blacks taking prominent roles)

In the past media criticisms were honest and were about helping suppressed groups to be able to express themselves, be accepted in society and be treated fairly. These days it's the reverse. It's about surpressing expression in order to not offend some abstract representation of a group that is overly sensitive for no useful reason (I.e having a lot of sexy female characters in Stellar Blade is called for supposedly objectifying women. Or Wukong was criticized for not having enough women or any representations of gay or queer or other identities). Now often we have forced representations which are actually forming segregations and forcing nonsensical ideologies on people the same way racism and political bigotry used to do in the past, only this time is branded under "political correctness" or "inclusivity". This is NOT the way to do it.

I remember the Resident Evil 5 so called racist controversy about Africans being portrayed negatively. But for God's sakes, what about the Spanish in Resident Evil 4?

It had nothing to do racism. It was the setting. It was taking place in Africa. Like use what? Blond blue eyed zombified residents in Africa?
Yes, plus to me, 4 and 5 play exactly the *SAME* way. So anybody who hates 5 should be disowning 4 as well.

In fact, even though 6 is universally panned, I'll give it credit. At least you can move and shoot at the same time - something previous games had missing. And it has zombies. When RE games have no zombies, it makes it feel like an entirely different game.

So even though 6 is kind of pish in a lot of people's eyes, I do like it more than 7.
Why does Capcom always change up Chris, while Leon looks the same?

In Village, he looks like an old man. But in RE7, he looks nothing like how he did in 5 and 6.

RE fans ought to try Days Gone. šŸ

I think that's a far better game than the last several RE Engine Resident Evil games. It took me 2 weeks to complete it. The game is huge and looks incredibly realistic.

I missed that game, but it seems like it has fans who praise it. Maybe I should give it a shot.
Did you like the RE4 remake?
Who the hell plays Resident Evil games for any kind of serious story or cares that much about logical consistencies? lol

But I guess we cant expect much from somebody who uses the word 'woke' to complain about black people and women having prominent roles in media.

Saying or implying someone is sexist and racist is a very serious accusation that shouldnt be thrown around casualy.

When Jack Attack clarifies his stance that its about changing the race of established characters, and doesnt have anything to do with a specific race, you should listen to him. You cant read minds, he knows what he thinks better than you. Instead you choose to dubble down:

Let's not play silly games. We all know what the 'anti woke' people are up to when they complain about this stuff.

Sticking to racist accusations against someone you know nothing about except from a handful of posts on an internet forum, even after they responded to your initial accusations and clarified their stance, doesnt really reflect good on you.

Is it really that hard for you to belive that one might not like swapping the race of established characters whithout that person being racist?