I gave up on the Resident Evil series...

The remake is 10/10
RE2 10/10
RE3 9/10
CV 8/10
RE0 7/10
RE4 10/10 (for the action, mostly)
RE5 8/10
RE6 5/10
RE7 7/10
RE8 5/10
RE2 (2019) 8/10
RE3 (2020) 4/10
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^nice post and I agree with most of it though I'd alter some scores slightly. :)

RE1 - 8/10 (Game that started it all)
RE2 - 9/10 (Improves on the original in every way)
RE3 - 8/10 (Intertwines with RE2, Nemesis was cool)
RECV - 8/10 (First 3D entry, loved some of its ideas)
RE1R - 10 (Survival Horror perfected, took the original game and made it the best it could be)
RE0 - 7/10 (Good ideas badly implemented)
RE4 - 8/10 (Great action game, not a great RE game)
RE5 - 7/10 (Fun co-op but not a great RE game)
RE6 - 4/10 (Almost killed the series, some good mechanics, but terrible RE game)
RE7 - 7/10 (Scarier to play than most, new take on RE was interesting)
RE8 - 5/10 (Fails to really build up to anything satisfying, tries too hard in some ways)
RE2R - 9/10 (Modern RE formula almost perfected)
RE3R - 6/10 (Good stuff here, but cuts too much content from the original)
RE4R - 8.5/10 (Brings RE4 more in line with the modern remakes of RE2 and 3)
*sigh* I REALLY hope this forum doesn't become a place where we start arguing about politics in games.
It will not, or else it will get corrected swiftly and mercilessly. :)

Also, I'm all about watching Mila Jovovich (sp?) on the bigscreen, even though I wouldn't try to argue she's any sort of award-deserving actress. At least her small part of RE gets my tacit approval, hehe....
Village is RE8, with the number 8 'hidden' in its name. Revelations is a spin off with Jill and Chris, set before they confront Wesker in RE5.
Oh, that could be a controversial opinion. :D

Just kidding.

If any storyline should return, please Capcom. Make it the one about Alex Wesker controlling Natalia Korda under Barry's care. I consider her a big deal. She is Albert's sister, and is more interesting than most of the recent cartoonish villains.

But did Nicholai really perish in Raccoon City? He's another villain that was pretty interesting, despite only appearing in RE3, as well as Outbreak.
I've recently done the first 3 original releases on PSOne and still love RE2.

I loved RE2 Remake, but I do agree that some things were terrible (such as the weak handgun and head shots being pointless with it) but it was a damn fine reimagining of the game.

I did play RE3 remake just to say that I had done it, not terrible but no where near the standard of RE2 remake.

One thing that became apparent when replaying the originals was just how much they cut from the remakes, it was so much more than I thought.

I lost interest after Code Veronica as to me, Resi is zombies, not these dumb villages and shit, actual, proper zombies.
I tell people that all the time too, but then they act as if I hate change. But like I said, this current storyline about Umbrella being 'good' with a blue logo in place of the red one, is just mumbo-jumbo Capcom is using to pad it all out. If it evolves and maintains my interest, then cool. But this vampires and backwoods hicks stuff is very corny.

Zombies forever! 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️
(such as the weak handgun and head shots being pointless with it)
I originally had a terrible time getting headshots in Village until I discovered auto aim is on by default and the aim point is the centre of mass (which is technically correct in the real world)
I originally had a terrible time getting headshots in Village until I discovered auto aim is on by default and the aim point is the centre of mass (which is technically correct in the real world)

It's not landing the headshots, it's just the amount of them that's required to drop a zombie.

We all know from movies and TV shows that 1 head shot is pretty much enough to permanently drop a zombie, but in the RE games it can take a lot more then is needed.
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Maybe it's just me, but I feel like 2024 has been vaporware for gaming. Hardly anything has caught my attention. Games seem to take a lot longer to develop now, which is why they show a trailer (usually with no actual gameplay) and then we get like 2 years of nothing.

Guys like Dusk Golem on X are renowned for "leaking" info, but even he is prone to trolls attacking him if he just gets a few tidbits wrong. But I truly appreciate his input.

Silent Hill 2 comes out in a little under 2 months. I hope it ends up being a success. Because if people go on IGN and review bomb it, the franchise will probably be dead for another decade, while Konami plugs skateboards and gambling joints. And I love survival horror, so I don't want nerds ruining it for us old-school, die hard fans.
The thing with entertainment as a whole, is that it became a little like fast food. What was once fresh and original has been made into this gooey paste, and now every zombie, vampire, ghost or sea creature flick is just being cranked out for dweebs who are genre buffs, which also feels like a show of disrespect to the classics that sparked off the craze. And it's that bland, less tasty paste, they keep on recycling.

It's why every genre gets depleted of quality. Or people change with the times, and every filmmaker or singer has to change too, or it's "outdated" and something companies don't fashion as the mainstream.
The remake is 10/10
RE2 10/10
RE3 9/10
CV 8/10
RE0 7/10
RE4 10/10 (for the action, mostly)
RE5 8/10
RE6 5/10
RE7 7/10
RE8 5/10
RE2 (2019) 8/10
RE3 (2020) 4/10
^nice post and I agree with most of it though I'd alter some scores slightly. :)

RE1 - 8/10 (Game that started it all)
RE2 - 9/10 (Improves on the original in every way)
RE3 - 8/10 (Intertwines with RE2, Nemesis was cool)
RECV - 8/10 (First 3D entry, loved some of its ideas)
RE1R - 10 (Survival Horror perfected, took the original game and made it the best it could be)
RE0 - 7/10 (Good ideas badly implemented)
RE4 - 8/10 (Great action game, not a great RE game)
RE5 - 7/10 (Fun co-op but not a great RE game)
RE6 - 4/10 (Almost killed the series, some good mechanics, but terrible RE game)
RE7 - 7/10 (Scarier to play than most, new take on RE was interesting)
RE8 - 5/10 (Fails to really build up to anything satisfying, tries too hard in some ways)
RE2R - 9/10 (Modern RE formula almost perfected)
RE3R - 6/10 (Good stuff here, but cuts too much content from the original)
RE4R - 8.5/10 (Brings RE4 more in line with the modern remakes of RE2 and 3)

I know many will disagree but I had mixed feelings for Code Veronica.

It's the first time that the series started dwelling into ridiculous territory that would set the tone for the rest of the games.

First of all the acting was beyond horrible even by Resi 1 standards and the soundtrack lacked the morbid atmosphere of the previous 3. The soundtrack was more fitting for a cheap b-movie production.

Steve was a horrible character. Uninteresting and silly.

For the first time we were seeing transformations that didn't fit with the theme and previous resident evil games. Steve transforming to a giant axe wielding lizard?

And then the Ashford boss transforming to a supernatural being that could generate fireballs?

And shoving Matrix moves into cutscenes since it was a trend?
I know many will disagree but I had mixed feelings for Code Veronica.

It's the first time that the series started dwelling into ridiculous territory that would set the tone for the rest of the games.

First of all the acting was beyond horrible even by Resi 1 standards and the soundtrack lacked the morbid atmosphere of the previous 3. The soundtrack was more fitting for a cheap b-movie production.

Steve was a horrible character. Uninteresting and silly.

For the first time we were seeing transformations that didn't fit with the theme and previous resident evil games. Steve transforming to a giant axe wielding lizard?

And then the Ashford boss transforming to a supernatural being that could generate fireballs?

And shoving Matrix moves into cutscenes since it was a trend?

Now you've broken it down like that, I do agree.

Maybe it just gets a free pass because it was the last mainline RE game with zombies and tank controls.
I know many will disagree but I had mixed feelings for Code Veronica.

It's the first time that the series started dwelling into ridiculous territory that would set the tone for the rest of the games.

First of all the acting was beyond horrible even by Resi 1 standards and the soundtrack lacked the morbid atmosphere of the previous 3. The soundtrack was more fitting for a cheap b-movie production.

Steve was a horrible character. Uninteresting and silly.

For the first time we were seeing transformations that didn't fit with the theme and previous resident evil games. Steve transforming to a giant axe wielding lizard?

And then the Ashford boss transforming to a supernatural being that could generate fireballs?

And shoving Matrix moves into cutscenes since it was a trend?
I'm at work so I can't really get my thoughts out the way I'd want to atm, but these are totally valid criticisms of RECV.

RE us one of those franchises like Final Fantasy where each one varies or can vary significantly from the others and everyone can find something they like and don't like between them all. We all have different ideas of what makes Resident Evil good. I like that there's usually something for everyone.
I checked Steve's scene and I totally forgot how much cringe worthy it was 🤣

Yeah it's pretty bad lol. That's why I'm hoping a CV Remake will essentially fix Steve's character. Make him less annoying, tone down the cringy stuff and obviously be much better acted.