Where did JVD go?

xbdestroya said:
I like Scooby Dooby (I do), but I mean what does being a mod have to do with liking one console or another? It's not like mods delete threads, ban members, or anything else based on their hardware preferences... or at least, it shouldn't be.

Apparantly some posters disagree with you, given JVD's fate.
sonyps35 said:
Apparantly some posters disagree with you, given JVD's fate.

But according to l-b, he got banned for being rude to a fellow member in the end. his bias and others dislike of that may have made him easier to push, but it wasn't the main factor.

I agree with xbd, the console forum as it stands now is fine, but if you have to have another mod, there are a few others i could recommend, acert spings to mind most readily but titanio and xbd himself seem good candidates too, not that i'm suggesting at all it needs more mods
Thanks for that Paul. :)

I would readily turn it down though. Obviously for one, I'm already a mod (and staff) elsewhere, and even at PSINext I wish I was just a member sometimes. Ironically, JVD's presence there - as ShootMyMonkey mentioned - is one of the reasons I could use a break right now! :p

Like others have said, it's not because he's not a good person - hell it's not even all his fault - it's just he tends to get himself entangled in some PC-Engine'esque debates.

...anyway, yeah I think the console forum's doing well right now. If a member was to undergo an apotheosis, there are a couple I would be ok with. But I think what you always want is a mod who may be partisan... rather than a partisan who is also a mod. There's an important distinction there, and I think if staff positions were handed out with fanboi 'representation' in mind, not only would it not help to prevent it, it would essentially be condoning/institutionalizing it.
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sonyps35 said:
He was a pro Xbox mod. The sony fans basically showed strength and had him removed.

Uhm no.

JVD was a mod.
Then he asked Dave to un-mod him because he couldn't handle it (at the time, mods couldn't ban members like they can now so it was hell for him and Sonic).
Then JVD went a bit crazy, having arguments that were just way over the top both in the console forum, where he was banned temporarily a few times, and outside the console forum. He started posting crazy messages with personal insults to Neeyik and i think other members, which led to the permanent ban.
He's been very happy ever since.
Still has MS tattooed on his head mind you, a bit like 666 on Damien's head.

He did NOT get banned for being "a bad mod", or for being "pro-MS".
The fact that he was so annoyingly pro-MS with a very bad attitude got him tempa-banned a few times.
The fact that he went on a rampage against the admin of the forum got him perma-banned.

End of story.
I've got to remember that next time I throw a fit at Neeyik. :LOL:

london-boy said:
Uhm no.

JVD was a mod.
Then he asked Dave to un-mod him because he couldn't handle it (at the time, mods couldn't ban members like they can now so it was hell for him and Sonic).
Then JVD went a bit crazy, having arguments that were just way over the top both in the console forum, where he was banned temporarily a few times, and outside the console forum. He started posting crazy messages with personal insults to Neeyik and i think other members, which led to the permanent ban.
He's been very happy ever since.
Still has MS tattooed on his head, a bit like 666 on Damien's head.

He did NOT get banned for being "a bad mod", or for being "pro-MS".
The fact that he was so annoyingly pro-MS with a very bad attitude got him tempa-banned a few times.
The fact that he went on a rampage against the admin of the forum got him perma-banned.

End of story.
sonyps35 said:
I believe Scooby Dooby needs to be made a console mod.

All the mods there are pro-Sony to one degree or another.

Scooby is both mature (unlike JVD seemed to be) and pro-Xbox.

Just a suggestion. Perhaps better served in email but here goes anyway.

What a nonsense! Sonic, Vysez and Ingenu are as impartial as you can get. In fact, since becoming a mod Sonic has hardly participated in any discussion. So far I have yet to see a single decision by them that has been out of order. Seriously, they deserve a lot of credit for keeping the Console fora at least partially civil.
I've got very fond memories of the days when Vince and BenSkywalker used to engage in countless debates.... In fact, I think Vince, as well as a rather well known ex-Squaresoft developer were the reasons why I signed up here at B3d. :???:
Phil said:
I've got very fond memories of the days when Vince and BenSkywalker used to engage in countless debates.... In fact, I think Vince, as well as a rather well known ex-Squaresoft developer were the reasons why I signed up here at B3d. :???:
Ahh fond memories. Hope he comes back one day to b3d.
xbdestroya said:
Thanks for that Paul. :)

I would readily turn it down though. Obviously for one, I'm already a mod (and staff) elsewhere, and even at PSINext I wish I was just a member sometimes. Ironically, JVD's presence there - as ShootMyMonkey mentioned - is one of the reasons I could use a break right now! :p

I hadn't realised he meant JVD when he said that, i thought it was Vince still doing the rounds. Who is that still has a quote from him as their sig? 'Nobody gives a damn about graphics, well past the point of diminishing returns'? something like that, it always makes me laugh for some reason just because i remember the massive arguments from back then.

So if that's JVD, do we know anywhere where Vince still hangs out? If only so any members of a more timid nature know where to avoid?
chavvdarrr said:
sad thread. Why make bans forever :(

I know what you mean, but there are some people who deserve to be banned forever, if JVD really did attach Neeyik that bad, he deserves it. if you're being honest though, if we took a semi permanent ban as perhaps 3 months or even 6 months, would you want to come back? If i got banned for that long, i wouldn't want to come here again. A temp ban is like a timeout for the naughty kid, gives them time to think about what they've done, longer than would sadly just wind most people up.
chavvdarrr said:
sad thread. Why make bans forever :(

There really aren't a lot of people who got a perma-ban on this forum. In fact, this forum has historically been very lenient with members bans.

When it comes to topic-related bans, for example silly console wars fangirls, the habit is to give them temp-bans. Attacking the admin of the forum on a personal level is like shooting on your own foot though.
sonyps35 said:
I believe Scooby Dooby needs to be made a console mod.

All the mods there are pro-Sony to one degree or another.

Scooby is both mature (unlike JVD seemed to be) and pro-Xbox.

Just a suggestion. Perhaps better served in email but here goes anyway.

whoa there cowboy!

Thanks for the nomination, but I don't think I would want that responsibility....deep down I'm still a shit disturber ;)

I do agree with the slight sony bias, would be nice to see Acert be made a mod though, I think he'd be great at keeping it impartial.

This thread has been pretty hilarious, lol at the JVD 'pardon', someone should get Dave to do this, it would be pretty funny.
Wow, jvd. Used to butt heads with him a lot over the whole SLI thing when it first came out. Good times.

Didn't even realize silence got banned.