Cool, i really want to play through with the desert eagle, you get that pistol far to late in the game, shame that there aren't more pistols. Id really would like a .45 or something.
Eddy's golden gun is fun...
Cool, i really want to play through with the desert eagle, you get that pistol far to late in the game, shame that there aren't more pistols. Id really would like a .45 or something.
For those of you that didnt catch my little rant on the Podcast this week about Uncharted's anti-cheat Easter Egg, and are interested in playing (or replaying) the game--heads up! I figure it's my duty to warn my fellow gamers that there is a anti-cheat system in place that could lead to some serious frustration and head scratching for some of you. If you're not even slightly interested in Trophys, then feel free to move on, but for those that are, please read on.
Naughty Dog recently released a patch for Uncharted that supports Sony's new Trophy system--basically converting Naughty Dog's already included "Medal" system. It's important to note that the patch does not take in to account what you've done in the game pre-patch. If you've already beaten the game in the past, you will not suddenly get a bunch of Trophys unlocked once the patch is installed. Naughty Dog has stated that this was done to help prevent cheating (people sharing saves, etc.), but in this honorable attempt they've inadvertantly causes a headache for the honest.
If you create a new game (start over) and then save that game OVER one of your older saves (as in, pre-patch saves)--your game will suddenly be "tainted" and will have the Trophy system disabled without warning! No pop-ups exclaiming what has happened before or after this happens. Yes, the game plays fine, but for folks like me who have been looking forward to replaying the game and waiting for the Trophys to compliment that experience--this kind of sucks.
So you have two options here to prevent this from happening (until Naughty Dog patches this--which I doubt).
1) You can delete all your Uncharted save games once you patch the game up. Do this by going in to "Game Data" on the XMB. Then start the game up, start a new game and create a new save.
2) Or, once you've installed the patch, load up Uncharted and create a "New Game", but do not overwrite an old save game from pre-patch game play. This is improtant as it will automatically disable Trophys!
I found this out first hand, about 5 hours into the game (that's roughly 1/2 through the game).
To determine if the Trophys are still active and have not been disabled, simply go to the Options menu, Medals, and look in the lower left-hand corner. You should see a little Trophy icon. If it has a little "X" underneath it, that means that the Trophy's have been disabled because the game has determined that you're trying to pull a fast one.
Now that that's out of the way--I just want to say that I completed the game last night and thoroughly enjoyed the whole expereince--again! It's a slick, fun, popcorn-style game that really deliveres. It has it issues, but who cares! They're not glaring enough to bring up at this time. Besides, I kind of feel like everyone who's playing, or going to play this, knows what they're getting in to.
Hope this helps some of you out.
Well, I'm finally past where I got stuck the first time I played this (and then became a father) after having restarted the game for teh trophers. Two things spring to mind: 1. what an awesome, beautiful game. 2. I showed it off a bit to non-gaming visitors and they just wanted me to keep on playing, because they were so entertained and excited to know what would happen next. The only thing stopping them from watching was my wife deciding it was time for them to go at half past midnight.
They actually explained that they had it better before, but that this introduced a bit of lag in the response, that people didn't like. So they had to make some concessions for instant reactions from Drake to the controller.
However, the fact that drake does respond properly, and you can jump onto a ledge to your side directly, with the animation fluidly blending in turning and jumping, being able to shoot and run in all directions, etc., makes Uncharted's animation still stand out a lot.
Well in certain aspects (just having played upto chapter 21) I think I'm just having a completely different experience from youMaybe it's a difference in play-style.
Hmm i switched controllers and that seems to have solved drakes problem with walking over bumpy surfaces. Aparently one of my controllers left stick doesn't move as much "up" as it should or something, thus resulting in drake having severe problems with movement whenever the ground was slightly bumpy or more, with the other controler he manages to run around and not get bothered by every tiny bump.
Really made it much more enjoyable =)
Ah, that explains it. I thought you were harsh on Uncharted previously ;-)
I was getting frustrated that all of you where speaking so highly of uncharteds animations, when Drake moved like a cripple on acid whenever the road was bumpy\full of debris. Even my girlfriend commented upon it from across the living room last night.
With the new controller, overall impression is a lot better, sadly the jittering is still there, but as a whole its nice.
Having played through AC before Uncharted, my immediate impressions of Drake's animations were very similar to yours. Particularly when it comes to jumping. Altair is just simply much smoother, much more seamless. I too was rather surprised to see how Drake's animations faired against Altair's. It was a bit jarring. Although I suspect that's more of an overall impression, including not just the animation, but the controls as well. Essentially, how the character "feels" when moving.
Also like you, the more I played the more I enjoyed it and eventually it stopped bothering me.And after my most recent play through (this is months after my initial impressions) for Trophy's I didn't even notice it.