The First Halo 3 Single Player Screens + Video! Rules=#369

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Co-op impression:

There were a lot of little details that we've glossed over - squadrons of dozens of Banshees flying in formation off into the horizon, for instance; this is merely a taste of things to come. For now, rest assured that Bungie's promise of epic scope has tentatively been realised. The game still feels almost identical to Halo - it hasn't lost that magic. But there's a lot more to the AI, the graphics are sharper and full of detail, and the encounters are never less than thrilling. We cannot wait for more.

Also, GameSpot has a Halo video feature up:
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Frankie regarding boss battles said:
Yeah, we found that pissed people off. You know, sometimes there are sets of cliches in games you can use, and use well, but...there will be huge encounters, like the battle with the Scarab, and there will be large enemies with weak-points, but no, we're not going to have any stereotypical boss encounters.

Frankie regarding game length said:
Well, we don't really know if it's physically longer than the last one, but if you're an average Halo player, it should take you around the same time as it took to finish the previous two games, since they were about the same.
Another Halo 3 Preview from Down Under (warning, minor "spoilers" of sorts--see below)

While the game does not differ much from its predecessors, I’ve always said that if it aint broke then don’t fix it. The only one complaint I’ve had were that the visuals in the beta, while looking great, were slightly underwhelming thanks to the lack of anti-aliasing. Thank-fully, the games visuals have been cleaned up and it shows straight off the bat, the lighting is looking fantastic, the AA has been turned up and the game just feels a whole lot smoother. Other then that, the multiplayer is practically the same as the beta with the exception of a few tweaks that you can only notice after picking up the controller. We were able to play on the new and improved Zanzibar, and it has changed for the good giving the gamer more pathways around the entire map, such as little board walks around the perimeter of the level and an extension to the indoor portion of Zanzibar.

Can't say whether this is just a case of Bungie playing around with contrast or anything else (such as the reviewer's mind playing tricks on him/her), but it's nice to know that at least one person (thus far) felt better about the IQ of this newer build over the beta. MSAA for the final game would certainly be very nice.

Also, if you would rather NOT know about one of Halo 3's "wow" moments, don't read the above preview. It's not really a spoiler I suppose, but I do kinda wish I hadn't known about it. I won't be as blown away now as I would have been when that point comes. Here's hoping there's better ones later on. =D
I have faith in Bungie, I think this one´s gonna be great dispite halo2. The only thing that realy anoys me is that only player1 gets to be master chief in co op and the other 3 players has to play like f****ng frogs. Everyone will fight over who gets to be the spartan. Wouldn´t it be cool if the fourth player were a flood who had switched sides?
He must know something about what to look for if he mentioned it. Hopefully. ;)

What we need is Mmmkay to go to a preview event and snap some close-up photos of the TV. :p
New talk about the movie: stories/halo_movie.htm

The movie is already in production. Those Warthogs are from the movie. D.B. Weiss (Lucky Wander Boy) handled the final script with Neill Blomkamp handling directing responsibilities. There really is a reason they came out of New Zealand. Think about it. Halo ... grassy rolling hills ... Peter Jackson? All we've learned so far is that the movie is set for release the Summer of 2008 and is planned to be heavily marketed. Again, this is confirmed. So sit back an relax Halo fans. Your movie is less than a year from being in theaters.

They fail to name a source though...

Also a nice summary of Halo 1 and 2 (+ background) from the PS3 forums. :LOL:
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It also looks like some major image compression too.

hm... the hunter looks extremely shiny. :s But the MP pics look pretty nice and clean. I wonder how the hammer works; a 3rd person view would be nice with that huge thing.
Beautiful art direction:

It seems to be coming along really really well and like the rest of the this month to finish working on it. Looks so crisp and clear. Makes the beta look like....well... a beta! :p

that looks like a multiplayer screen so at least in multiplayer you'll have a limited number of charges.

Ah... that's what that is. On first glance I thought it was a screwed up looking flag :p

Beautiful art direction:

It seems to be coming along really really well and like the rest of the this month to finish working on it. Looks so crisp and clear. Makes the beta look like....well... a beta! :p

Definately agree there. It's just so... clean and sharp.

Though I must say that I'm hoping that the campaign will be moodier and darker to match the story... I'm torn with the desert and jungle stuff they've shown for the campaign, which really look great and all but it just feels too bright and cheery as opposed to conveying humanity's darkest hour as they're on the brink of extinction. I guess I was expecting weird things to be happening in the atmosphere (and hence environment) due to glassing the planet in other areas.
"A lot of the energy weapons in Halo 2 felt frail, like pyoo-pyoo-pyoo Buck Rogers lasers" he says. It made people not want to pick them up and use them. "This feels more deadly. You can almost feel the heat of the weapon, the ignited plasma beams." He chuckles. "You know this thing is gonna kill."

Pagulayan and his team have recruited about 20 people to come into the lab and play the game. Some tests include a pop-up box that interrupts the player every few minutes, asking them to rate how engaged, interested, or frustrated they are. Pagulayan also has gamers talk out loud about what they're experiencing, providing a stream-of-consciousness record of their thought process as they play. Over time, he's gathered voluminous stats on player locations, weapons, and vehicles.


Welcome to the Jungle
In early tests, players wandered lost around the Jungle level: Colored dots showing player location at five-second intervals (each color is a new time stamp) were scattered randomly. So Bungie fixed the terrain to keep players from backtracking. Sure enough, the dots clustered by color, showing that players were moving smoothly through the map.

A similar report showed that in the game's first level, called Jungle, players often ran out of rounds for their rifles. This was a mystery, because the designers had been careful to leave more than enough ammunition lying around. The team checked Pagulayan's video records and found that people were firing at the aliens when they were too far away, misjudging the range of the weapon and wasting bullets.
At first the designers couldn't figure out how to fix this problem. But then Griesemer stumbled on an elegant hack: He made the targeting reticule turn red when enemies were in range, subtly communicating to players when their shots were likely to hit home. It worked.

As I wander through the lush forest, I'm struck by details: Steam rising off felled logs, clusters of insects flying in clouds, plants that sway realistically as I brush past them. Halo 3 may not have the most advanced graphics available, but it's noticeably more gorgeous than the previous Halo games
At first the designers couldn't figure out how to fix this problem. But then Griesemer stumbled on an elegant hack: He made the targeting reticule turn red when enemies were in range, subtly communicating to players when their shots were likely to hit home. It worked.

It's funny that they didn't fix it in Halo 2. In Halo: CE, you could still hit things far away with the pistol despite the reticle not turning red. So there was a distance thing to it, just not as accurate.
Pagulayan and his team have recruited about 20 people to come into the lab and play the game. Some tests include a pop-up box that interrupts the player every few minutes, asking them to rate how engaged, interested, or frustrated they are. Pagulayan also has gamers talk out loud about what they're experiencing, providing a stream-of-consciousness record of their thought process as they play. Over time, he's gathered voluminous stats on player locations, weapons, and vehicles.


Welcome to the Jungle
In early tests, players wandered lost around the Jungle level: Colored dots showing player location at five-second intervals (each color is a new time stamp) were scattered randomly. So Bungie fixed the terrain to keep players from backtracking. Sure enough, the dots clustered by color, showing that players were moving smoothly through the map.

that play testing is awesome. I can only imagine the improvements they made to MP from tracking every single round fired and every movement made in the Beta.
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