The First Halo 3 Single Player Screens + Video! Rules=#369

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I highly doubt MS would allow their flagship title to not be full HD.

The negative PR would be huge. This would be the sort of story that would make mainstream news, and reflect extremely poorly on a console which is suppoed to represent HD graphics.

Not to mention, the only other example of this is a launch title. I doubt bungie would have to resort to this workaround 2 full years after the system launch.

Also, it doesn't seem Bungie was ever in danger of missing holiday 07, so that part of your reasoning does not make sense.
Most people will buy it on day 1 and don't browse forums while playing! That PR thing is only among some forums and blogs, no J6P knows there were non-HD titles on 360 and don't care even if they knew it. Those who play it on a 40inch-over 1080p TV may notice blurriness though. Anyway believe what you want to believe now, but I did my homework by counting damn pixels ;)

The second link is the cropped part, open it in an image viewer and zoom in to count the height by yourself. Call Of Duty 3 is just like this too, and I remember I pointed out the same thing about Halo 3 MP Beta in another thread of this forum before without showing a pic like this but it was ignored and people told me the SP engine and MP engine are different. I'll be glad to be corrected if my method is erroneous ;)

I'm not sure what this proves.

Lookin at some screens of 720p titles, it seems the ratio of steps to vertical pixels is generally a little under 1:1.

For example:
Here you see 8 steps in 9 pixels for example.
Here you see 9 steps in 11 pixels.

In the Halo pics you posted, I get a similar ratio, just under 1:1. By your own count 39 steps in 45 pixels.

So, what does this prove??

Most people will buy it on day 1 and don't browse forums while playing! That PR thing is only among some forums and blogs, no J6P knows there were non-HD titles on 360 and don't care even if they knew it.

If MS's flagship title, Halo, was not true HD, that would make mainstream news for sure. And reflect poorly on the brand image and percieved power of the system. I can't see MS letting that happen.
Not to mention, the only other example of this is a launch title. I doubt bungie would have to resort to this workaround 2 full years after the system launch.

According to Eurogamer they did a similar thing with Tony Hawk Project 8 which was a 2006 holiday release. Doesn't MS have rules against which pre-scaler resolutions are 'legal'?
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If One keeps arguing this point, it's nothing short of trolling. You can only explain things to someone so many times, and if they choose not to listen to reason, well, what can you say? They fit the title....


And checking the gun, I get 7 steps, in 7 vertical pixels. ;)

If One keeps arguing this point, it's nothing short of trolling.

I don't think we need to get personal here. It's better to just debate the issue rather than call people names, One is presenting his case with valid evidence, and it's not like there's a ton of interesting things to discuss right now!!
I don't think we need to get personal here. It's better to just debate the issue rather than call people names, One is presenting his case with valid evidence, and it's not like there's a ton of interesting things to discuss right now!!

Who's getting personal? Saying he's "trolling" isn't the same as calling him a troll ( which I didn't do btw). Nobody called anyone names here, no need be like that.
I'm with Scooby... Given this is a technical discussion forum, I'm all for a constructive discussion on the matter. It's not as if the game will be any less stellar to play or will sell any less. One does seem to have a point and if there is evidence pointing to the contrary, I'm all for it being pointed out?

And checking the gun, I get 7 steps, in 7 vertical pixels. ;)

I'm not sure that pic proves anything, it's obviously ancient and doesn't represent the final product. Devs pull tricks, the "full 1080P" for Ninja Gaiden Sigma ended up being scaled from 720P, but I doubt Bungie would resort to tricks. I guess everyone should wait until Sept. 25th.
I'm not sure that pic proves anything, it's obviously ancient and doesn't represent the final product. Devs pull tricks, the "full 1080P" for Ninja Gaiden Sigma ended up being scaled from 720P

By counting the steps, you can determine what the original resolution was, the more steps/pixel, the higher the original resolution. Scaling would not be able to hide that.

To me that pic does seem to prove the Beta was runnning at 720p.
By counting the steps, you can determine what the original resolution was, the more steps/pixel, the higher the original resolution. Scaling would not be able to hide that.

To me that pic does seem to prove the Beta was runnning at 720p.

I understand why, but is the pic representative of the final game? It looks years old, that was from the public beta? I thought it was agreed the MP and SP games will be pretty different looking, so how does a MP pics prove anything about the SP game?
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Photo mode.

Bungie Weekly Update 6 July 2007 said:
The shot was taken by our very own Sketch. He detached the camera on an early level, flew out a little, made sure nothing too revealing was in the background, and took a shot. There you have it. It’s not only the game engine, it’s the game. Accusations of “bullshotâ€￾ were especially amusing given the utter lack of stuff in the shot. A dude, some clouds, a mountain. Not only was it not fake, it would have been the most pointless fake in the history of gaming.

I don't know how much clearer you have to get here...
Photo mode.

Originally Posted by Bungie Weekly Update 6 July 2007
The shot was taken by our very own Sketch. He detached the camera on an early level, flew out a little, made sure nothing too revealing was in the background, and took a shot. There you have it. It’s not only the game engine, it’s the game. Accusations of “bullshot” were especially amusing given the utter lack of stuff in the shot. A dude, some clouds, a mountain. Not only was it not fake, it would have been the most pointless fake in the history of gaming.
I don't know how much clearer you have to get here...

One word...zing! :LOL:
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