Starfield [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

That's 25-30W below a typical game on Series X.
And ~60W below Matrix Awakens.
There is a LOT left in the tank on Series X for this game.
Series S, too.
Lower frame rate, means lower TDP. Has nothing to do with having more in the tank necessarily.

There just isn’t a reasonable amount of CPU available to likely cap out the GPU. And there are likely moments they are entirely GPU limited as well.
CPU benchmarks and GPU wait time used.

Looks like heavily CPU bottlenecked, but once that resolution and settings climb it becomes a heavy GPU bottleneck.

Looking forward to more of this GPU wait time. More of these metrics will show up on the new AMD cards.
Really low fov can do this in fps games. 90 degrees horizontal is about as low as you’d want to go, but 103 is what overwatch, CS and Valorant use for good reason. Apex is default around 105.

Starfield is 75, which is very low, but more common on console, especially on old games like Halo 1, 2, 3 which are around 70-75. To me low fov is a relic of a much shittier console era.

Low FPS can contribute to this as well. Back when Doom first came out in the early 90's I used to get sick for hours after playing it due to the low FPS (it was around 28 - 35 FPS IIRC) I used to get on my rig at the time. The fixed FOV that it originally launched with also contributed (also why I started playing at 100-110 FOV in Quake, Quake 2, and almost all shooters after that). That was solved when I eventually got a 486 and was the beginning of the journey of me disliking any games that are lower than 60 FPS.


2023 everyone. I'm gonna bow out and play it over winter and see how it's evolved. Will start a new playthrough of CP once DLC drops.

Can’t expect a game to be held to some standard when there exist no criteria for such a standard. Cyberpunk and Starfield focus on different things when it comes to AI and physics.

You can’t jump into a sea of water in Starfield but you can’t jump into a sea of potatoes in Cyberpunk.

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I really wonder about the mental health of people when I see stuff like this . however maybe someone should send this to dan over at ign so the game can go from a 7 to a 10 in his review

This is even more upsetting. A sony developer that i posted previously is getting harassed for enjoying starfield
Can’t expect a game to be held to some standard when there exist no criteria for such a standard. Cyberpunk and Starfield focus on different things when it comes to AI and physics.

You can’t jump into a sea of water in Starfield but you can’t jump into a sea of potatoes in Cyberpunk.

I don’t have the time these days to commit to WIP games and my baseline for quality is just different I suppose. Main part of what I like about pc gaming is the high end presentation and playing with new tech.

The fact that Starfield’s black floor is so f’d and kills all depth in color and no contrast to the image while i’m supposed to be impressed with potatoes? Tells me my goals and wants are just different.

Hogwarts is a game I’d point to as having all my likes covered when it comes to presentation and tech. Haven’t played BG3 yet so can’t comment there.
I don’t have the time these days to commit to WIP games and my baseline for quality is just different I suppose. Main part of what I like about pc gaming is the high end presentation and playing with new tech.

The fact that Starfield’s black floor is so f’d and kills all depth in color and no contrast to the image while i’m supposed to be impressed with potatoes? Tells me my goals and wants are just different.

Hogwarts is a game I’d point to as having all my likes covered when it comes to presentation and tech. Haven’t played BG3 yet so can’t comment there.
I like it when I can play with new tech of course but I like it better when I can just have fun with a game and not worry about it working. Hogwarts had a lot of problems at launch and didn't ship with all the content on pc. I don't have that issue here. What's more is its a play anywhere title so a single cost lets me play it on my pc /xbox/steam deck

anyway looks like jaffe likes it too , hopefully he isn't harassed like allanah

6m players already, game is off to an amazing start 1 day after release
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I really, like this game.
It is a classic BGS game, through and through.
You might not be walking from place to place (discovering new quests and NPCs), but the things you stumble upon when traveling from system to system, provide (at least for me), the same sense of exploration any other Beth game ever did.
I think what helps, is that the loading times are fortunately fast enough, so I don't feel the need to break immersion by fast traveling everywhere.
It usually takes three seconds give or take, to load to and from interiors, or from planet to space etc.
Jumping from system to system, I stumbled on a quest (that I won't spoil) that is so Star Trek TNG like, I couldn't really believe it..!

Yes, the UI is (as usual) very clunky, the ground map is most likely in an unfinished state, and the graphics are good, but, (again as usual, although not as bad as earlier games), not state of the art.
I mean come on, I'm not expecting RT (it is a BGS game after all :p ), but they need to drop those cubemaps and at least go for screen-space...
The water on New Atlantis reminded me of the river in Balmora...
Having said that,
That Bethesda charm, it's there.
This and BG3, are killing my sleep...

That's 25-30W below a typical game on Series X.
And ~60W below Matrix Awakens.
There is a LOT left in the tank on Series X for this game.
Series S, too.
this title seems to be one of the best optimised games of 2023, which isn't a feat. 😑
My xss sweats profusely as it chugs under 30fps in a bunch of places...

This game needs vrr lfc support.

Anyway, fortunately that I still got a pc with rtx 3070
Ah so just reflect on all the bad life choices that brought you to buying a mac :cool:

You mean the fact that I do not have to take care of it and it just works?
I know I want the easy life ;) That is why I replaced all our windows servers in the company with Linux ones, I just can not stand the hassle of dealing with Windows.
Anyways off topic and I will try and find the time to setup the XSX and try Starfield sometime this weekend.
Crossing my fingers I can get into it, need a new game to rack up 1500+ hours in.
You mean the fact that I do not have to take care of it and it just works?
I know I want the easy life ;) That is why I replaced all our windows servers in the company with Linux ones, I just can not stand the hassle of dealing with Windows.
Anyways off topic and I will try and find the time to setup the XSX and try Starfield sometime this weekend.
Crossing my fingers I can get into it, need a new game to rack up 1500+ hours in.
GeForce now! Works wonderfully and supports game pass games now. No reason to spend thousands on hardware.
I have procured a super cool armour set and ship with concealed cargo for smuggling contraband though and now I'm apparently a space super hero so.. yeah!
I got this questline after randomly going to a planet in Sol and damn was it worth it! Wasn't easy to get through but the armor and ship is great!
You mean the fact that I do not have to take care of it and it just works?
I know I want the easy life ;) That is why I replaced all our windows servers in the company with Linux ones, I just can not stand the hassle of dealing with Windows.
Anyways off topic and I will try and find the time to setup the XSX and try Starfield sometime this weekend.
Crossing my fingers I can get into it, need a new game to rack up 1500+ hours in.
Yea seems like it just works that's why your enjoying Starfield on it right lol

But seriously what do people do with windows that they have issues with it? I've been running windows since 3.1 and I haven't ever had issues with it.

I hope you enjoy starfield on the series x. Lots of great games coming to game pass
Yea seems like it just works that's why your enjoying Starfield on it right lol

But seriously what do people do with windows that they have issues with it? I've been running windows since 3.1 and I haven't ever had issues with it.

I hope you enjoy starfield on the series x. Lots of great games coming to game pass

A lot of it is due to what hardware you put in and the quality of the drivers.

For example, when Windows XP launched if you had an HP Printer or a NVidia graphics card or MB, there was a really good chance you were going to have serious issues due to their absolutely crappy initial drivers for XP. NV and HP generated by far the most calls to Windows support at the time. With Windows Vista NV (among other notorious hardware companies that release shit Windows launch drivers) again made for an incredibly crappy experience with their absolutely horrible initial Vista drivers.

A lot of it is due to what hardware you put in and the quality of the drivers.

For example, when Windows XP launched if you had an HP Printer or a NVidia graphics card or MB, there was a really good chance you were going to have serious issues due to their absolutely crappy initial drivers for XP. NV and HP generated by far the most calls to Windows support at the time. With Windows Vista NV (among other notorious hardware companies that release shit Windows launch drivers) again made for an incredibly crappy experience with their absolutely horrible initial Vista drivers.


Windows Xp was a huge departure in terms of the way drivers worked but it was really then on HP and Nvidia to have had drivers ready and not MS. I've been building computers since I was a kid with a 386 when I was 7.

Now of course I know that computers can be abused and have issues. I did work for a board of ed as an it tech and we would always have macs and windows pcs down because of the crap the kids would download and try to run. But again that is a bunch of kids trying to download porn or run stolen games and lime wire music
For PC users:

One of our guys tested it on intel:

If you're nvidia, force Rebar on via NVinspector. Do not force AF via NVCP or you'll get reverse shadows, flicker etc