Starfield [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

I think you should show us a game in the same scope as Starfield but on the ps4.

Why are you so upset?

I made a comment, provided a screenshot of what I saw and now it seems this place has turned in to Twitter.

There are certain area's and parts of the footage that were shown that are below par with the rest of the game and would barely beat Killzone:SF on PS4.

And instead of being mature and willing to acknowledge there are quality issues with certain area's of the footage I get a Twitter level reply instead.
Yea for the sake of following along, I used this video:
versus the Starfield direct:

Upon comparison of the two: Starfield is way ahead in graphical features: Volumetric, lighting, environment, textures, shadows, about the only thing lacking or equivalent are particle shaders.

I think I'm in agreement here with the newer forum rules that people need to provide evidence for others to follow arguments along. When I compare side by side videos, and not screen shots, I'm seeing something dramatically different. If people saw Starfield level of graphics in XBO days, I think XBO would have won the generation.
Yes and none of them allow you to fly off in a space ship , engage in space battles , go to a thousand different planets / moons and land and run around. The scope is completely different
Why are you so upset?

I made a comment, provided a screenshot of what I saw and now it seems this place has turned in to Twitter.

There are certain area's and parts of the footage that were shown that are below par with the rest of the game and would barely beat Killzone:SF on PS4.

And instead of being mature and willing to acknowledge there are quality issues with certain area's of the footage I get a Twitter level reply instead.

Upset? You posted on a discussion board and I am discussing what you posted. I disagree with you and provided examples including video of the game you were comparing. I posted not only other games in the same scope of and genre of Starfield but I also provided footage of the game you were using as a comparison. Killzone is filled with low res textures and flat lighting. not only that but the demands on the game are vastly different. Remind me what part of killzone for ps4 allowed you to use a jet pack to fly all over the game world and engage with enemies and then jump in a space ship, fly off and engage in space combat and then land on one of a thousand other planets. Killzone was a great looking game back in 2013 but it isn't comparable visually to starfield and doesn't compare in game play scope.

I would suggest if you don't want someone replying to you , then you should just write in your diary instead of a public forum that anyone can join or put me on ignore.
Upset? You posted on a discussion board and I am discussing what you posted. I disagree with you and provided examples including video of the game you were comparing.

This was the mature response I got from you.

Just an overtly absurd claim. I dont know how you can say stuff like this with a straight face.

Why Starfield has rough spots doesn't change the fact that it has them and thus doesn't make what I'm saying any less true.
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I provided a screenshot in the last page.
Yea, but you didn't provide an equivalent one from KZ:SF. And honestly, comparison of screenshots is not going to tell you everything that is actually happening on screen. I think a video comparison is more apt if you're going to qualify the statement that Starfield looks like an early XBO/PS4 generation game. I believe we should be a little more thorough than cherry picking a screenshot where the terrain is low quality.
I never said that.

it has some very early PS4/Xbox One level graphics.

It's pretty close, I don't know what to say. This game is massive, in scope, and as a result there are going to be places that are not going to be modelled to perfect. The game itself has to be responsible for rendering and insane amount of indoor and outdoor spaces.

I'm not sure what the goal you're trying to achieve with your commentary is. When someone says this game looks incredible because they're taking in everything, the ship combat, the docking with a ship and going into their ship and taking over from the inside. Or to just blow it apart in space. The massive open world vistas, to small alleyways. The amount of creation you can just add into the game etc;
To me, I can empathize with that commentary, because I know they're looking at it as a whole.

And then you say it's not, it has some very early PS4/Xbox One level graphics: now this part I can only conclude you're cherry picking parts you want to see as poor opposed to taking everything as a whole. To which, I think it's not a valuable statement if you actually think as a whole this looks graphically better than early PS4/Xbox One level graphics.
I don't think he should've mentioned it getting to 60fps at all.
Regardless of that, I'm hoping that they include a HFR mode (just unlocked, maybe slightly lower resolution) for VRR displays.
Don't mention it, under promise over deliver.

Hopefully any stuttering seen isn't bad frame pacing as that could be harder to resolve and wouldn't matter if it was a locked fps or not.

All in all what an epic scale game.

Due to procedural nature would that affect the main story? Or will people still be able to talk about going to same planet and meeting same people/creatures?
I imagine, some of the "meh"-ness was a deliberate decision to balance between a lot of stuff, including the uncanny valley.

for example, surely someone will release a graphic overhaul for the character model and faces,like skyrim.

It will result in amazing looking character. Then the character starts to move/talks and the uncanny valley will become an uncanny sinkhole
It's pretty close.

So I didn't say it then.

And then you say it's not, it has some very early PS4/Xbox One level graphics: now this part I can only conclude you're cherry picking parts

There's quite a few area's that are rough, the outdoor sections typically suffer much more than internal ones (For obvious reasons)

To which, I think it's not a valuable statement if you actually think as a whole this looks graphically better than early PS4/Xbox One level graphics.

Again, where did I say that?
So I didn't say it then.

There's quite a few area's that are rough, the outdoor sections typically suffer much more than internal ones (For obvious reasons)

Again, where did I say that?

I think you're commentating on presentation then.
It is graphically impressive. But the presentation can be weak at times.

I think that's how I would approach what you wanted to say.
In TRUE open world terms, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the closest game that I could think of and see where gamers could compare this generation and the prior from a visual, vastness, and immersive standpoint. The game which Todd Howard mentioned as having influence on Starfield's design (and for good reasons why). RDR2 is still visually gorgeous and striking by todays standards, especially on PC. I just wish Rockstar would update the game with RT. Anyhow, Starfield will be setting the new standard and bar in openness and immersion, as RDR2 did in the prior generation.

Enjoy gaming folks!
In TRUE open world terms, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the closest game that I could think of and see where gamers could compare this generation and the prior from a visual, vastness, and immersive standpoint. The game which Todd Howard mentioned as having influence on Starfield's design (and for good reasons why). RDR2 is still visually gorgeous and striking by todays standards, especially on PC. I just wish Rockstar would update the game with RT. Anyhow, Starfield will be setting the new standard and bar in openness and immersion, as RDR2 did in the prior generation.

Enjoy gaming folks!

And even then it doesn't compare graphicly

Still a good game however
Interstellar vibes....Poster.png

Interestingly the recommended specs show an RTX2080 and RX6800XT.

Is that confirmation the games uses RTGI? As we know the 6800XT smokes the 2080 is raster but they're relatively equal in RT.