Starfield [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

I see what you are saying but shouldn't we wait to see how starfield looks at release on pc ?


found this conversation interesting . Wasn't something similar to this the cause of Skyrim PS3 becoming unplayable ?

Probably but on Xbox Series and PC, they can at least solve part of the problem. They have a fast read and write storage to help. This is probably more important for Bethesda than anyone. After it doesn't help for the rendering part.

I am curious to see if you store an object on a planet and come back later to see if it is there and I am sure it works.
I see what you are saying but shouldn't we wait to see how starfield looks at release on pc ?

found this conversation interesting . Wasn't something similar to this the cause of Skyrim PS3 becoming unplayable ?
Wasn't it because of lack or available memory compared to the X360 version?
Wasn't it because of lack or available memory compared to the X360 version?

I thought it was that moving all the items in the game around caused the save sizes to explode in size thus causing performance issues but it was over a decade ago and I'm old
I see what you are saying but shouldn't we wait to see how starfield looks at release on pc ?


found this conversation interesting . Wasn't something similar to this the cause of Skyrim PS3 becoming unplayable ?

IIRC on ps3 it was due to limited max save file size or limited memory. Current gen console have huge limits for those.

Btw cyberpunk2077 also do the same thing. Everything I ever left in the world stays. And it's save file is huge, I even exhausted epic launcher's cloud save
IIRC on ps3 it was due to limited max save file size or limited memory. Current gen console have huge limits for those.

Btw cyberpunk2077 also do the same thing. Everything I ever left in the world stays. And it's save file is huge, I even exhausted epic launcher's cloud save

This is not the only problem, you need to render the object or the CPU needs to manage the object if you begin to accumulate too many object at the same place CPU and GPU will suffer.
I don't think he should've mentioned it getting to 60fps at all.
Regardless of that, I'm hoping that they include a HFR mode (just unlocked, maybe slightly lower resolution) for VRR displays.
Don't mention it, under promise over deliver.

Hopefully any stuttering seen isn't bad frame pacing as that could be harder to resolve and wouldn't matter if it was a locked fps or not.

All in all what an epic scale game.

Due to procedural nature would that affect the main story? Or will people still be able to talk about going to same planet and meeting same people/creatures?
Yea, the actual structure of how things work is still unclear, and could make a huge difference on the overall experience.

Like, because these planets are fully traversable(according to Todd), there needs to be something to find/do if you wander out and you cant handcraft the thousands and thousands of locations and whatnot you'd need to achieve this. So it kinda sounds like they're gonna have a large selection of handcrafted 'content' that can be procedurally implemented onto a planet to find, probably tailored for specific environments/biomes or whatever? But if so, then that raises the question of how much of this content you can actually encounter in any one given place. Like, if I just spend all my time on a single planet, will I experience the vast chunk of content that they've created for it, or will it reserve content for when I leave and go elsewhere?

I kinda feel it would have made more sense if each planet was not actually fully traversable and only had like a limited map to explore for each(kinda like Mass Effect 1, but a lot better). This way you could still offer plenty of exploration but also more tightly knit handcrafted content and all.
Yea, the actual structure of how things work is still unclear, and could make a huge difference on the overall experience.

Like, because these planets are fully traversable(according to Todd), there needs to be something to find/do if you wander out and you cant handcraft the thousands and thousands of locations and whatnot you'd need to achieve this. So it kinda sounds like they're gonna have a large selection of handcrafted 'content' that can be procedurally implemented onto a planet to find, probably tailored for specific environments/biomes or whatever? But if so, then that raises the question of how much of this content you can actually encounter in any one given place. Like, if I just spend all my time on a single planet, will I experience the vast chunk of content that they've created for it, or will it reserve content for when I leave and go elsewhere?

I kinda feel it would have made more sense if each planet was not actually fully traversable and only had like a limited map to explore for each(kinda like Mass Effect 1, but a lot better). This way you could still offer plenty of exploration but also more tightly knit handcrafted content and all.
Yeah it seems like radiant quest system on steroids but not explained enough.

Hopefully mods can tap into that to add more Quests
I think I should work on my wording of things so my intentions are easier for everyone to see.

Yes, more people should realize this and I'm glad you're finally coming around to what some of us have been trying to say.

You can't assume that other people think like you think or have unsaid assumptions about things you consider to be obvious or see things that you see. Everyone sees, thinks, and assumes things differently.

It's why I tend to sometimes be overly verbose or put disclaimers in some of my posts (like when I say NOTE: ...some disclaimer...). It's all an attempt to prevent misunderstandings due to the imprecise nature of words and conversations compounded by the fact that people may not be native English speakers and that people from different parts of the world will infer things from a combination of words differently than people from another part of the world.

Good luck on your journey of attempting to make it easier for others to discern your actual intent from your posts. I'm still working on it and I've been working at it for a couple decades now. :D

Due to procedural nature would that affect the main story? Or will people still be able to talk about going to same planet and meeting same people/creatures?

It depends on if they hard coded the hand crafted main story elements to always appear on X planet or not. If they did then each playthrough will have you going to the same planets for the main story.

Alternatively, they could just have certain important key story locations that are always on X planet in Y city with ancillary main story missions branching off from those locations which are randomized within B galaxy region and your job is to actively search for it or ask around for clues to it's actual location.

Personally, I'd prefer the latter as it removes the temptation to potentially look up a walkthrough and instead I actually have to explore and play the game. :)

Just wanted to chime in and express how excited I am to play this game. The game looks incredible for the scope they are trying to achieve. I already know I will never finish the game because there is way too much to do but I'm anxious to see what mods come out for the game.

As far as critiquing the game's graphics -- I think it's petty to look for perfection when every single game has it's flaws (especially in graphics). I will always hate skin shading in games that use GI light probes for illumination instead of path-tracing. Every single game has this flaw except CP2077 OD mode. Hopefully we might get a PT version of Starfield by Nvidia for 5x00 series cards? One can only dream. :)
Well, if you guys are going to do that, lol. Let's goo!!!

Digital Premium Edition. Not sure what to do with the collectors hardware when I die.
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Preordered the Constellation Edition today. Pretty excited about it.

I did the same.

Well, if you guys are going to do that, lol. Let's goo!!!

Digital Premium Edition. Not sure what to do with the collectors hardware when I die.

I got the headset and controller on the company store for half off. I haven't preordered yet. I want to see how they handle cross saves and hwo it runs on the steam deck. So i will be waiting till closer to launch