Star Wars: Force Unleashed

Definitely one to keep an eye on. I love the concept, and am impressed with the tech. Let's hope this is one of LA's better efforts.

As an aside, all the buzz about Crackdown combined with mention of this game has me thinking how cool it would be to see a game in the GTA-genre using the SW license.
I'll wait before getting very excited. Lucasarts doesn't exactly have an incredible track record.

But it's about freakin' time we have a Jedi Knight-ish game where you play as a Sith. Talk about overdue.
Price, obviously is a factor into the equation.

...and game selection. Price>Userbase>Library;)

Back on topic... :smile:

Would a title like this recieve special attention on ps3 due to cell? Physics has been a selling point for cell and both this and the Indy game are physics central so I'm curious as to what the outcome will be with these titles in this regard.
Good grief, people! Why has every flippin' thread got to end up discussing Console vs. Console?! It's a thread about a Star Wars game, not which console is better value, probability of flops, or anything else. It's coming for XB360, and Mr. Reynolds says that might see him get one. Good for him. It's his choice which console he buys. No need to discuss whether he should consider alternative or not.

So, what features can we expect from this game? Is it like a KOTOR, or one of the ancient PC Jedi games? Or more open/sandbox? I haven't played too many SW games (only about 30, which is all of 10% of all those made :p) but I loved the Episode 1 on PS. It had two player coop and the timing needed to block blaster shots really got my reactions up. I'd like a game like that, but with full-on Force<>physics interactions.
I like the fact that you get to play as baddies. The all time best Star Wars games imo have always been the ones were you get be on the dark side namely Kotor 1 and Tie Fighter on PC back in the day... What a great game that was.

/runs to put his Darth Vader mask on.
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So, what features can we expect from this game? Is it like a KOTOR, or one of the ancient PC Jedi games? Or more open/sandbox? I haven't played too many SW games (only about 30, which is all of 10% of all those made :p) but I loved the Episode 1 on PS. It had two player coop and the timing needed to block blaster shots really got my reactions up. I'd like a game like that, but with full-on Force<>physics interactions.

Have you seen the vid of this and Indy? The physics based gameplay looks great! One of the first that demonstrate true next-gen gameplay in their genre's.

Could be a great demo showpiece for cell.
I'd be happy with something like Jedi Knight Outcast or Jedi Academy. But with next gen graphics and physics. The light sabering in those games was so awesome. Multi player was fun too.
what can we expect from this game? Is it like a KOTOR, or one of the ancient PC Jedi games? Or more open/sandbox? I haven't played too many SW games (only about 30, which is all of 10% of all those made :p) but I loved the Episode 1 on PS. It had two player coop and the timing needed to block blaster shots really got my reactions up. I'd like a game like that, but with full-on Force<>physics interactions.

More like Jedi Outcast and the Jedi Knight series, not the RPG likes of KOTOR.

I love the saber duels in multiplayer in JK :)
Have you seen the vid of this and Indy?
Sure, but that doesn't explain the game. AFAIK that was just a tech demo exploring what could be done, rather than a WIP. Though Indie was a WIP. I didn't know if more was known about the actual game now. It's a fantastic universe for computer games, but I didn't take to the first person games at all. That'd be good for Wii, perhaps switching to first person for sword fights. I'd prefer 3rd person action meself.
Sure, but that doesn't explain the game. AFAIK that was just a tech demo exploring what could be done, rather than a WIP. Though Indie was a WIP. I didn't know if more was known about the actual game now. It's a fantastic universe for computer games, but I didn't take to the first person games at all. That'd be good for Wii, perhaps switching to first person for sword fights. I'd prefer 3rd person action meself.

I didn't mean to imply your post was nullified by the vids - sorry if it came of that way:smile:

I meant "DID YOU SEE THE VIDS!11! o_O":LOL:

Just excited that's all. :cool:
hmmm interested to see what they do with this

As its name implies, The Force Unleashed completely re-imagines the scope and scale of the Force by taking full advantage of newly developed technologies that will be seen and experienced for the first time: Digital Molecular Matter (DMM), by Pixelux Entertainment, and euphoria by NaturalMotion Ltd. Paired with the powerful Havok Physics™ system, these new technologies create gameplay only possible on the new generation of consoles. DMM incorporates the physical properties of anything in the environment so that everything reacts exactly like it should - wood breaks like wood, glass shatters like glass, plants on the planet Felucia bend like plants on the planet Felucia would, and more. Meanwhile, as a revolutionary behavioral-simulation engine, euphoria enables interactive characters to move, act and even think like actual human beings, adapting their behavior on the fly and resulting in a different payoff every single time.

wow, the vid does show somw gameplay... interesting
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wow, the vid does show somw gameplay... interesting
I don't think so. Rather, a presentation of proposed gameplay. From the video it sounds like the sequences are from a concept CGI punched up for the final pitch to 'daddy' LucasFilm. Those scenes have been out for almost a year already.
We're not going to see this for years if the progress is as slow as it seems with the game.
No, 'fraid not. I didn't post the movie when I saw it (before 101998 posted this) as i didn't feel there was anything new. The vid was about the genesis of the game. Interesting from one POV, how they were considering a wookie game, but it doesn't take George Lucas to apprecaite the first next-gen SW game was going to have Jedi's doing Jedi stuff! The actual game showings in the movie are concept art and the CG previs that we saw way back when. They didn't even show the technical demos from a few months back.

As for playing a girl, I don't think so. The pre-vis showed both male and female Jedi's. I expect you'll be able to choose.