Star Wars: Force Unleashed

/Getting OT

You know, I can't recall reading about the drugs situation.......Overtime Vader upgraded his suit which was intentionally designed to be shoddy. And yes, there is also the issue of battle damage etc

Essentially Palpy wanted to keep Vader in his place (He sees him as damaged goods now) yet he also wanted to see if Vader could overcome his disabilities and be what he should/could be.

Two trains of thought on this, either Palpy really did believe he (Vader) was nothing more than a broken man and was toying with him, or he believed that Vaders problems where nothing more than psycological issues he could overcome given enough motivation.

As for Gary Stu, there is a theory that his sudden uberpowerness comes from Sith Alchemy and a certain Chosen Ones DNA.....

Edit: And yes Palpy is a 'badass' he toys with Gary Stu in much the same way he toys with Mace and tries to play Luke.
It's more like an old sidescrolling arcade action game. It has some RPG-like aspects with the powers/abilities you can build up, but it's definitely not an RPG in any other way. Pretty basic action stuff, and if you read the thread you'll find opinions of it.

You could maybe look at it as KOTOR with only the action, but in real time. And not done all that well....