For 10y old pokemon kids its maybe fail, for a lot of poeple its not (myself included as a PSP owner). Just because nintendo sold more of it to kids, grandmams etc doesnt mean its better. Wii has the most sales of the new consoles and its the worst one of the three for a lot of poeple. I think sony earned a lot of money on the PSP-s to not call it a fail. The DSi and PSP were in different category each. And the same will happen to 3DS and NGP i think.
And about those casual games. DSi-s hardware was craptastic compared to PSP so maybe that was the main reason. Now they will have games like Resident Evil and MGS which arent exactly pick up and play.
PSP software ssales are horrible and allways have bene horrible. UMD movies failed on the device also.
People of all ages play the DS .
I'm certianly not 10 years old and I haven't played a pokemon since pokemon blue back when i was a senior in highschool (had to get through history some how ) .
I don't see how such an expensie device that will most likely be eclipsed by portable phone soon after its introduction is going to be sucessful.
Uncharted is a fun game , I love it , but I can't pull it out and have fun while i'm waiting for the movie trailers to come up or when i'm on a 15 minute train ride to the city.
I can pull up a game like new super mario brothers and make progress.
The NGP offers a quad core cpu with a pretty strong mobile gpu. However nvidia expects their own quad core cpu to release later this year. For many American's their holiday 2011 phones may be more powerful than their march 2012 NGP or at least on the same level.
I dunno , i don't see it suceeding , i think it will end up with even less market share than the psp