Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006?

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dantruon said:
yes i agreed with you on some points but i think some of you who fear that Sony will not show anything related to the ps3 at ces is really irrational. The problem with Sony over the years is that it diversified too much into businesses that it not the leader in. With the new management at the helm it is rational for them to do what they do best - make quality innovative product, and stop getting into businesses that they are suck at.

Which businesses do you think they should pull out of?
xbdestroya said:
Which businesses do you think they should pull out of?
The obvious choice would be their Financial Services, but last I heard that was profitable. I don't see anything wrong with Sony's diversification as it's all parts of the same industry. It's not like they're extending to totally unrelated products and services, like making motor cars or breakfast cereals. The content and the hardware to play it seems like sound maneouvering, if only they'd use the divisions to best effect.
xbdestroya said:
Which businesses do you think they should pull out of?

They're not doing to well with the online music distribution i must say, as Shifty explained....

Other than that... Not sure...

Sony Credit Cards must be quite profitable, but i'm not sure how many people have them...

Edit: wow shifty, u beat me to it...
london-boy said:
They're not doing to well with the online music distribution i must say, as Shifty explained....

Other than that... Not sure...

Sony Credit Cards must be quite profitable, but i'm not sure how many people have them...

Edit: wow shifty, u beat me to it...

Oh no way, they can't leave that business - that's the future afterall! ;)

They should definitely re-launch - and maybe rebrand it - but not leave it.

My point to Dantruon was really more that Sony shouldn't leave *any* of it's businesses right now. The areas they've diversified into of late have been the movie and music industries (though they've been there a while now), and though I agree maybe that took some focus off of the CE side of things for a bit, now it's proving to be absolutely crucial in giving Sony's hardware division an advantage - such as with getting blu-ray adopted.

I'm a firm believer that Sony need not spin-off any of their divisions right now, that they can make the thing work out.
Sony should dump Connect and get together with the others in the music market to set-up a joint online store with compatibility for all players (maybe joint deal with Google?)

Obviously the other labels wouldn’t like to piggy back on a Sony brand and help promote it; the best idea is a joint venture by all the labels.

This could effectively decimate Apple's iTunes monopoly and bring the player market back into play for Sony and other long standing CE counterparts.

The only problem is the potential cartel that could arise…..but we have that already don’t we?
xbdestroya said:
Oh no way, they can't leave that business - that's the future afterall! ;)

They should definitely re-launch - and maybe rebrand it - but not leave it.

My point to Dantruon was really more that Sony shouldn't leave *any* of it's businesses right now. The areas they've diversified into of late have been the movie and music industries (though they've been there a while now), and though I agree maybe that took some focus off of the CE side of things for a bit, now it's proving to be absolutely crucial in giving Sony's hardware division an advantage - such as with getting blu-ray adopted.

I'm a firm believer that Sony need not spin-off any of their divisions right now, that they can make the thing work out.

If you know anything about Warren Buffet (the 2nd richest man in the world) then you must know that the three most important words that he ever learn about investing and businesses overall is "Circle of Competence", which mean only invest into the business that you understand and are predictable. That is why you never heard Buffett ever invest in Microsoft even though Bill Gates is his friend and that Gate serve as a board member for Berkshire Hathway the company that Buffett run, the reason that he give is that he doesnt have a clue how Micorsoft make money so that is why is outisde his circle of competence and thus he did not put one penny in Microsoft even though it doing great in the 1980s to mid 1990s.

My point being that Sony is a massive company and it need to reinvest it retain profit somehow, but by investing in business that they might not be good at is the main factor why they are failing to gain ground.
dantruon said:
If you know anything about Warren Buffet (the 2nd richest man in the world) then you must know that the three most important words that he ever learn about investing and businesses overall is "Circle of Competence", which mean only invest into the business that you understand and are predictable. That is why you never heard Buffett ever invest in Microsoft even though Bill Gates is his friend and that Gate serve as a board member for Berkshire Hathway the company that Buffett run, the reason that he give is that he doesnt have a clue how Micorsoft make money so that is why is outisde his circle of competence and thus he did not put one penny in Microsoft even though it doing great in the 1980s to mid 1990s.

My point being that Sony is a massive company and it need to reinvest it retain profit somehow, but by investing in business that they might not be good at is the main factor why they are failing to gain ground.

I know a lot about Buffet, to be sure. Enough to know he should have invested in Microsoft! ;) But yes I agree with his principles in general.

I ask you again though: what businesses do you feel Sony should abandon?
c0_re said:
Compared to Harmon Kardon and Onkyo Sony Audio products are just crap. They make nice super high end TV's but how many people have 10,000$ for a new TV, and their lower end stuff is junk compared to Panasonic and Samsung.

Not sure what this is based on.
actually I did some pretty detailed comparison shopping before buying my 50" Sony LCD. And it turned out that Sony model had the most to offer (unless you liked looking at a Samsung DLP with rainbows flashing on your screen.)

c0_re said:
Compared to Harmon Kardon and Onkyo Sony Audio products are just crap.

This depends on what is your available spending budget and understanding no? For average consumer sometimes it is better to buy simple "comfortable" system than buy many different components and combine at home. For this consumer with not so much interest in ultimate 1% difference in sound quality but prefer simple setup for good sound then Sony, Panasonic, and other normal brand may be ok choice. For average consumer I think easy use and setting up process is more important, and also style of appearance. I think for people with need for ultimate 1% extra sound quality Harmon Kardon or Onkyo can be big improvement because this buyer looks for this and if it not there then he (or she) is disappointed.
london-boy said:
I expect the new Bravia sets to be a saviour for Sony - apart from the Playstation brand that is. They're doing REALLY well, compared to their last couple of years, and their marketing is really strong too.

And they're damn good sets to begin with :D

Bravia uses the LCDs from the Sony-Samsung joint venture. Kutaragi pushed Sony to partner with Samsung -- he knew some Samsung executives because Samsung had supplied memory for the PS2.

Sony pushed Samsung to aggressively push production schedules to produce LCD panels with faster response and wider viewing angles.

This past fall in the US, the Bravia line was 30% of the US LCD market, which may have eclipsed Sharp. Samsung got about 10% of the market.

This is all from a WSJ article on Tuesday.
I do a lot of research prior to purchasing any ce product such as cameras and such. Sony products consistently rank fairly high in most tests and reviews, and experience can attest to that. I don't really consider Harmon Kardon and Onkyo that much of a step up .. esp for the price. Products from companies like Sony, Toshiba and Samsung really are not really all that much better or worse. It comes down to individual products.
eDoshin said:
I do a lot of research prior to purchasing any ce product such as cameras and such. Sony products consistently rank fairly high in most tests and reviews, and experience can attest to that. I don't really consider Harmon Kardon and Onkyo that much of a step up .. esp for the price. Products from companies like Sony, Toshiba and Samsung really are not really all that much better or worse. It comes down to individual products.

Really you obviously doni't spend much time over at the AVS forums then huh, people there know whats going on industry rags can be bought\influenced by giants like Microshaft and Sony the pro's over at AVS can't and when 100's of people all say the same thing there's bound to be some truth to it.

Sony products are over priced plain and simple maybe saying they are junk is going a little to far I really do like some of their stuff(PS2 PS3 small electronnics) but I can get sometimes from someone else for the same price and probably has more\better features.
c0_re said:
Really you obviously doni't spend much time over at the AVS forums then huh, people there know whats going on industry rags can be bought\influenced by giants like Microshaft and Sony the pro's over at AVS can't and when 100's of people all say the same thing there's bound to be some truth to it.

Sony products are over priced plain and simple maybe saying they are junk is going a little to far I really do like some of their stuff(PS2 PS3 small electronnics) but I can get sometimes from someone else for the same price and probably has more\better features.

Just realize that you are in the minority with those statments.
expletive said:
Maybe, but wouldnt Sony's recent performance in the CE industry support them (Playstation aside)?

Yes. But c0_re is acting like everything Sony related (excluding Playstation) is over priced and not worthy. That's my beef with the statement.
mckmas8808 said:
Yes. But c0_re is acting like everything Sony related (excluding Playstation) is over priced and not worthy. That's my beef with the statement.

Exactly. Sony products are not trash. And as I stated previously, they are no better or worse than a Toshiba or Samsung, and it usually comes down to individual products. I had a Sony receiver that always clipped when I cranked everything up, but have upgraded to NAD amp/pre-amp, and Definitive Technology speakers. I've known people who spend thousands of dollars on individual speakers alone. Sony is not a target for hi-end audiophiles .. they are a mass consumer product, although you will find some of their products in the hi-end stores (their higher end stuff that u won't find in Best Buy). They do make some quality products and I would not dismiss them in a broad measure. I do research from a variety of sources including talking to real people whenever I purchase products, and do not rely on rags alone. Most importantly, I do not look for the positives alone, but the cons. I have had a Sony Trinitron XBR running for close to 20 years where other televisions have come and gone, and I am fully satisfied with my digital camera (fast response, vivid picture with true colors). That doesn't mean I am a slave to the company .. I buy whatever I feel satisfies all my critieria.
mckmas8808 said:
Just realize that you are in the minority with those statments.

He's hardly alone. Cost conscious buyers should look elsewhere.

<edit> Sony makes good quality CE, just not comparably priced.
c0_re said:
Really you obviously doni't spend much time over at the AVS forums then huh, people there know whats going on industry rags can be bought\influenced by giants like Microshaft and Sony the pro's over at AVS can't and when 100's of people all say the same thing there's bound to be some truth to it.

Sony products are over priced plain and simple maybe saying they are junk is going a little to far I really do like some of their stuff(PS2 PS3 small electronnics) but I can get sometimes from someone else for the same price and probably has more\better features.

Everything is relative...I can't speak for Nintendo console quality in the last generation, but Sony's other competitor didn't cut it (for me at least. I purchased both a ps2 and xbox on their respective launch days (in the States). Both machines have been used regularly since being purchased, but my Xbox conked out over 1 year ago...while my PS2 still works fine (ocassionally won't read a ps2 disk on the first try, though).

What is with this Sony = crap quality issue...I know there were alot of issues with the first playstation, but that was the first time a relatively affordable disc based system was a mass market success. I haven't heard much of sony equaling crap build quality aside from some very xbot heavy forums on the internet. And my experiences with Sony products have always been that they were built with quality in mind.
c0_re said:
Really you obviously doni't spend much time over at the AVS forums then huh, people there know whats going on industry rags can be bought\influenced by giants like Microshaft and Sony the pro's over at AVS can't and when 100's of people all say the same thing there's bound to be some truth to it.

Sony products are over priced plain and simple maybe saying they are junk is going a little to far I really do like some of their stuff(PS2 PS3 small electronnics) but I can get sometimes from someone else for the same price and probably has more\better features.

When I do my research, I walk into the hi-end stores and talk to people, and make a first-hand assessment of the equipment I am looking at. You will NEVER find consensus where audiophiles are concerned. It all comes down to individual preferences, and one person's 5,000.00 speakers can sound like tin cans to another person. I've never been impressed with Sony's audio gear, but their televisions and digital cameras are top notch.
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