something cool is coming...

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Reverend said:
So, when the countdown reaches zero, we get "O00000000". What happens then?

I think I figured it out. It will be N99999999 and continue. It will be A00000000 on October 10, 00:00 GMT it is sunday morning so I think it will be released one day later on 11th which is monday. So there should be another letter after A. 0 perhaps?
Now that we're spoiling anyways, Im getting something like 5 days, give or take 2 :)

(what do you mean edited?)
I always enjoy a good demo and Futuremark (or Madonion, if you will) makes some of the best. I'm definitely looking forward to this, especially because the screenshots of the ballooned ship reminds me of the lighting in the Tim Bury demo (if you haven't seen this one, it has very nice lighting with sheen but without that overly plastic gloss that is becoming far too common).

As much as I look forward to seeing what has been cooked up for this years demo/benchmark, I am also a bit saddened by the thought. It feels like it was only yesterday 3DMark03 was finally tamed, with the 6800 and x800 posting scores around the 13,000 mark. Now it will be revealed how puny, insignificant, and inadequate our current hardware is.

I predict that after watching the 3dMark05 demo, then running a full benchmark, I will go into complete denial and run '03 in a loop to make myself feel better.
wireframe said:
I predict that after watching the 3dMark05 demo, then running a full benchmark, I will go into complete denial and run '03 in a loop to make myself feel better.

:LOL: Even more reason to bust out that SLI config next year!! 8)
I'm starting to think it's like Vanna spinning me a letter. At 22:00 GMT we will get another letter. Most like it will be 'C' and it will spell out a date like October01 or some other date. We just don't know what numbers will start up again after that. I think the countdown started around 25000000 right? So maybe at 22:00GMT maybe it goes Oc2500000? That means every 7 hours we get another letter? At that rate we would get the letters 'October' by 9:00GMT Sunday. And 14 hours later we would get the full date.

Anybody got any better ideas? LOL

Tommy McClain
Reverend said:
But no matter what hardware you own, Counterstrike will run well! :)

Haha. Well, this is one of those rare cases where I will prefer 3DMark peformance over that in a 'real' application. I never played Counterstrike and probably never will either. (not as in never saw or even tried it, I was simply never taken in by it. Now, RtCW, SOF2, and RtCW:ET is a completely different matter ;))

trinibwoy said:
Even more reason to bust out that SLI config next year!!

See, this is where the calculator comes back into it and in the most fearsome scenario possible. Owning an AGP 6800 Ultra means that I get another brick and need to compute the price of a new mainboard and not one, but two (eeeeek!) new video cards. Really, it's not so much about the actual cost of this hardware as I don't want the guys in the store to find out how hopelessly hooked I am. Once they figure this out I will be using plastic of the gold and platinum variety and doing their cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping, no doubt. (help!!!)
Now it will be revealed how puny, insignificant, and inadequate our current hardware is.
That is true if you believe the rendering methods employed by 3DMark03 are obsolete. If you see them as adequate and quite forward looking, in comparison to actual game engines of the present, you wouldn't say current high-end hardware is puny and insignificant, being that it handles 3DMark03 (a more gpu dependent test) quite well.

3DMark05 might slow current high-end hardware down, but visually it is producing diminishing returns relative to the gains made from 3DMark01 to 3DMark03. According to the logic present in the quote, we could always say that real-time hardware is "puny" because it can always be overwhelmed, in terms of performance, but then all 3D hardware could be considered puny/crappy/insignificant.

I would say, then, that if a given processor's grasp on the present and coming software, within the time it and its successor are introduced, is strong (with respectable image quality), and it is hardly a limiting facter (relative to the hardware it works in conjunction with) in the system in which it's placed (assuming adequate pairing of hw), then it is worthy of being called a competent solution and not "puny."
Anyway, just thought I'd make one last post before I crash :

For those of you who fear your system will run 3DMark05 "crappily", you have made a good guess.

But you will enjoy the show. Like I told Worm, I love the music. Oh wait, this isn't about music but graphics!
Reverend said:
Like I told Worm, I love the music. Oh wait, this isn't about music but graphics!

Au contraire! It has always been about the graphics & music. It's the complete package, just like a movie :D

You're probably not going to believe this, but once I had a repairman over having a look at the airconditioning and for no particular reason I had 3DMark 03 running. Well, no sooner had the ending credits begun rolling when this person, otherwise going about his business with the airco, knocks on the door to the room where I am sitting by the computer and asks me what music it is that I am playing. He really liked it and I am quite sure he had never seen or even heard of 3DMark. It was such an odd situation, I thought, that I put the ending credits music on CD for him and handed it to him as he left. He was very excited about that. Heh.

I'll probably get in trouble now...I hope Futuremark will not unleash RIAA on me or have attorneys idling... :p

EDIT: I should probably add, in order to make this very clear, that many people have been impressed both by the graphics and the music when I have demoed 3DMark to them. You know, just as a "hey, lemme show you something cool/interesting/beautiful..." Many have commented on the music and I only emphasize this event with the repairman because I thought it was great that this person liked it so much that he basically broke decorum to find out what it was. Well, it was one of those times when breaking the rules was the right thing to do because I instantly recognized that "this guy gets it...he knows what he likes and what is not to like about this song?" After the initial quizzical look on my face, having fully expected hearing something like "I have finished repairs and am leaving" or some such, I beamed and got to work getting that song on mini-cd in time for his departure.
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