9800X3D releases Nov 7th, review embargo on Nov 6th

You get this inkling feeling that the next set of really good looking games is just coming around the corner. But having said that, I think like consoles, it may be best to wait until they are actually out before I buy the hardware for them.

Right now my setup is enough to follow in step with the current console generation without any real hassle.

3900x/3070 was already more than enough, much more capable than base consoles. Even than the 5Pro, 3900x has more cpu grunt and the 3070 is about a match to the Pro's gpu in raster. Most likely faster ray tracing and better upscaling too. 8gb vram might be too little, perhaps.

But a 5700X3D is a very nice upgrade. Sell the 3070 and use the saved money on what otherwise would be a 9800x3d and invest in a 5080 when that comes out and your system probably matches the next gen of consoles.