Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

This is really shaping up here. I can definitely see the general population start going on a increase from this point forward, especially more when Arena's arrive.
Each of the updates has looked like fun. Would really love to get back into this game sometime but really not interested in solo or PUGs so would need to join a crew for semi-regular sessions.
Each of the updates has looked like fun. Would really love to get back into this game sometime but really not interested in solo or PUGs so would need to join a crew for semi-regular sessions.
I don't have the game, but talking of crew. This brief video that became the very famous Sea of Thieves meme always makes me laughter!

Were many people watching him stand still for 30 minutes?

Quite possibly. A good Twitch personality is generally a good conversationalist and makes even boring content interesting just by their random verbal ramblings.

Twitch is also a pretty social platform, so it tends to keep the audience engaged. He may have lost some viewers if they were only there to see gameplay, but if they like him as a personality they probably stayed just to hear his commentary while that was going on as well as potentially staying and chatting with other viewers in Twitch chat.

LOL, wished I would have played now. Haven't played in months. Got way burnt out by the time Forsaken Shores(volcano region) came out. Plus, RDR2 had a bit to do with it too. Sounds like I need to get back into it again.

Tommy McClain
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Had a fun go of this last night with @iroboto and @AlBran. The additional content sure makes for a thrilling and exciting experience. The best part is when your plan goes completely sideways and the chaos takes over, "Did anyone else hear that ominous music?"
great times last night. You really just need to do what you want to do in the game to make it fun, playing with the right people helps as well, it's certainly a very social experience.

My kids could hear me last night, apparently I was too loud and they could hear me yelling through the vents.
LOL, wished I would have played now. Haven't played in months. Got way burnt out by the time Forsake Shores(volcano region) came out. Plus, RDR2 had a bit to do with it too. Sounds like I need to get back into it again.

Tommy McClain
we had a great adventure, of trying to steal some booty from a boat that was being attacked by a kraken, but we weren't setup right, so we ended up saving them. To... finding great treasure on shore, returning it, sailing out to do fight a ship of the damn, only to barely survive that ordeal to being attacked by a Meg, while trying to get the floating treasure before it sunk while the ocean was teeming with sharks.

Most notable moment was when Brit finally got the last piece of loot on board and we dropped sails and lifted anchor and the meg was right behind us like jaws chasing us down.

And Brit was talking like we were doing a smooth getaway. Then it takes this massive chomp out of our rear of the ship, 5 holes in which we cannot repair as we ran out of wood.
Al: what do we do?
Brit: just keep f***cking bailing

we bailed water the entire time until we hit a new island for repairs. solid times.
How our ship didnt sink from that is a miracle! The entire back side of the ship was leaking, 5 water spots needed to be patched at the end from that final attack. I swear it looked like we were so set to outrun the Megalodon. I've never seen it make up that much distance in such a short time. It even took a chunk out of me standing on the deck. We were bailing water for 10 minutes before that attack without repairs as we had 2 water spouts leaking but no wood so when it went to 5, I thought the ship was a goner.

In all this chaos we tried to find an island to with wood supplies to repair the massively leaking ship, but as we got close to a few the Red text Island Name pops up and we hear more canon fire. "No. Keep sailing. Different Island! Keep Bailing!"

"Our ship must have great personality now 'cause she sure ain't pretty."

Solid chaos. Fun social times.

At the very end we had 1 Banana Crate left to sell but needed like 6 more Bananas to fill it but none left on the outpost. It was already an extremely late night. "Just 5 more minutes. We'll sail to another outpost, fill it, and sell it. Thats the plan!" Knowing full well nothing goes as planned. So Al and myself head out. Not even 2 minutes in and we notice a large ship battle behind us. We opt to keep sailing figuring they'll never catch us and should be localized back there. A minute later cue the ominous music and the arrival of the Skeleton Pirates of the Damned. "F- This. They're not getting our bananas. Scuttle the ship!".

So you see @iroboto, our plan went as expected ... situation normal, all 'ed up.