Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

At the very end we had 1 Banana Crate left to sell but needed like 6 more Bananas to fill it but none left on the outpost. It was already an extremely late night. "Just 5 more minutes. We'll sail to another outpost, fill it, and sell it. Thats the plan!" Knowing full well nothing goes as planned. So Al and myself head out. Not even 2 minutes in and we notice a large ship battle behind us. We opt to keep sailing figuring they'll never catch us and should be localized back there. A minute later cue the ominous music and the arrival of the Skeleton Pirates of the Damned. "F- This. They're not getting our bananas. Scuttle the ship!".

So you see @iroboto, our plan went as expected ... situation normal, all 'ed up.
ah is that what happened after I left. Just like that another shellie shipped arose from behind?
amazing. Yea they are definitely amping up the amount of stuff that happens.

We still didn't get around to exploring/doing quests on a volcanic island.
This is gonna be something...
I figure we need a guide through Mordor or comedic relief.

Also this guy...we gonna get some payback.

and with a 4th, we can do a fortress which is also fun entertaining.
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Thanks for the game. Got one of my old achievements: Chests of Plenty. For 20 chests onboard. @iroboto you left too soon. I left so you could join to get achievement & gold. ;)

Tommy McClain
*Sigh* The browser/forum ate my post, so just going to quickly redo the recap to vent a bit on the bad, really bad aspects ...

Good start to the night.
Bad end to the night.

Thanks to @AzBat we had so many chests onboard, around 2 dozen. We turned them in fine. We made it to the next set of islands and picked up another 12-18 chests and turned them in too. So much gold earned. We eventually made it to the last set of 2 islands for the last dozen chests after some rather unique detours. The map looked like a Looney Toons treasure route with circling around some islands to avoid Pirate Ships, Megs, and Forts.

Upon arriving there and sorting out where the chests were buried we were beset upon by 3 different 2 to 3 person crews. The first crew claimed they were friendly, so since we didn't have anything for them to take we didn't do anything against them since we didn't think they would do anything against us. Instead of them being friendly, they proceeded to behave like truly horrible people. They looted all our supply crates. Once they were done with that, they attacked us on our own ship. The player to player combat felt non-responsive and extremely laggy. After a few cycles of "being attacked, dieing, waiting 30 seconds to respawn, respawn, being instantly killed, waiting 30 seconds to respawn etc", we had to scuttle our ship to just get out of there. This sort of experience would be a game-ending experience for many.

They need to fix this part of the game. They need to make adjustments so it's not as broken and asinine. Fix the game feedback aspect of the controls there, so it's not entirely nonresponsive.

Add in some sort of anti-spawn-camping, like maybe a 30 second invulnerability for those respawning. Or make it so invading players take damage on a foreign ship after they kill a member of the crew, so its in their best interest to raid the ship and get away. This would minimize the grief inducing behavior of horrible people.

Or go all the way, allow for a Casual / Friendly Server selection that makes it impossible for players to attack or take other people's loot.
Some feedback on the ships after sailing the middle and largest ships back to back:

The middle ship for 3 players is nearly perfect and should allow for a 4th player.
The largest ship for 4 players is way too large and should be for 6 to 8 players.
A) combat is shit, I'm not dealing with it when randoms appear.
B) There's a reason why FH4 doesn't allow collisions between randoms in the online freeroam. It's to prevent assholes from fucking up your casual game experience. Game needs a PvE mode. This isn't some Assassin's Creed super serious pirate game. JFC. Was there any thought put into the end-user experience?

Game is certainly worth the $1 gamepass, but I'm glad I didn't pay to own the game.

The private crew mode could certainly use arrow indicators for tracking your party for gameplay reasons.

"Is that you?"
"Is that you?"
"Is that you?"
"Is that you?"

"Where'd you go?"
"Where'd you go?"
"Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?"
"Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?""Where'd you go?"

I'm playing a cutesy, puréed & jello art video game. Come on. Just garbage experience at times.

I'm surrounded by assholes. :confused:

Keep firing, assholes!:cool:
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After a few cycles of "being attacked, dieing, waiting 30 seconds to respawn, respawn, being instantly killed, waiting 30 seconds to respawn etc"
I swear I heard this was a problem from game release, they said they was looking into ways to deal with it.
I must be thinking of another respawn issue, because it was considered by many as a game breaking issue, so be crazy if this is the same unresolved problem?
*Sigh* The browser/forum ate my post, so just going to quickly redo the recap to vent a bit on the bad, really bad aspects ...

Good start to the night.
Bad end to the night.

Thanks to @AzBat we had so many chests onboard, around 2 dozen. We turned them in fine. We made it to the next set of islands and picked up another 12-18 chests and turned them in too. So much gold earned. We eventually made it to the last set of 2 islands for the last dozen chests after some rather unique detours. The map looked like a Looney Toons treasure route with circling around some islands to avoid Pirate Ships, Megs, and Forts.

Upon arriving there and sorting out where the chests were buried we were beset upon by 3 different 2 to 3 person crews. The first crew claimed they were friendly, so since we didn't have anything for them to take we didn't do anything against them since we didn't think they would do anything against us. Instead of them being friendly, they proceeded to behave like truly horrible people. They looted all our supply crates. Once they were done with that, they attacked us on our own ship. The player to player combat felt non-responsive and extremely laggy. After a few cycles of "being attacked, dieing, waiting 30 seconds to respawn, respawn, being instantly killed, waiting 30 seconds to respawn etc", we had to scuttle our ship to just get out of there. This sort of experience would be a game-ending experience for many.

They need to fix this part of the game. They need to make adjustments so it's not as broken and asinine. Fix the game feedback aspect of the controls there, so it's not entirely nonresponsive.

Add in some sort of anti-spawn-camping, like maybe a 30 second invulnerability for those respawning. Or make it so invading players take damage on a foreign ship after they kill a member of the crew, so its in their best interest to raid the ship and get away. This would minimize the grief inducing behavior of horrible people.

Or go all the way, allow for a Casual / Friendly Server selection that makes it impossible for players to attack or take other people's loot.
Sorry to hear it went south. Yea this type of thing was a game ender for my buddies. Unfortunately for some people this is exactly the type of game they want to experience and for others it's not. SoT, like EvE, has a dichotomy in it that, PvP and the constant threat of losing your booty or gaining more by robbing or stealing from others is what heightens the appeal. It just sucks being on the losing side of things, and worse when it's just pure grievances, luckily you can just leave the server in SoT. Can't leave in EvE they will chase you into a star base and either dock or wait for you outside. Your game session stops for the day.

As for the combat, being boarded and being killed on respawn, the actual goals there is to respawn as a group when this type of thing is happening, don't walk through the doorway unprepared. and get picked off 3v1. There are all sorts of little things that yea, I recognize is daunting, they don't make it easy for players in general but there are ways to block the tactics employed, most of these things come with experience though and most PVP players in SOT have been piping for a great deal of time. They know how to put holes in your ship and wait at the bottom of the galleon to ensure you can't patch it up. There's a lot of chaos in the game, especially during this period and it makes for a very difficult decision making process without a lot of experience.

Regardless, i get where you're at. I wish I was there. I usually treat all other pirates as pure enemies, in these types of games where PVP is always on lookout to keep your distance unless you have both a plan and supplies and the mindset to engage.
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Quick post & will follow with more later. @BRiT Glad to hear that all the chest got turned in. Sorry about your experience afterward, but I will echo @iroboto comments. It's not for everybody & I wouldn't "throw in the towel" from one night of bad luck. @Jay yes, there were changes after launch with regard to respawn, etc. It's definitely better now. Wished I stayed around to help out, but it was a work night. :/

Tommy McClain
The game has both advantages and disadvantages. It has an appropriate atmosphere and makes you believe you're a real pirate. Moreover, I liked the sea waves very much. Though the main art is cartoonish, waves look realistic. And for those who are real sea lovers, this advantage can make all the disadvantages 'invisible'.
The only minuses I can see are price (the game is too expensive) and problems with content. All that missions which sound like 'find-kill-bring' became boring too fast.
One more thing - that's a team game. I can't see any reason to play it alone.
As mentioned in the other thread - I've got a couple more months GP again, so I could play. Y'all need to try to convince @Graham to pickup both live and GP though. You might seduce him with legends of pirates "ramming their vast mast through the hole", if you know what I mean.

sailr.gif shifty.gif

/AlBran BailsTFO.