Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

hmm, true. it's not ideal to have the waters floating with boats everywhere, the world isn't large enough for that.

Another of my minor complaints. Perhaps I'm overly patient (more of a sniper than a tank in FPS, for example), but I rarely find it necessary to drop all the sails on the galleon to get from island to island, unless I'm going all the way across the map, or unless I'm planning on just dropping the anchor to come to a stop before crashing into the island.

The world, really isn't all that big. It'd be interesting to see how it compares to other open world games like GTA or FarCry, I'll bet it's significantly smaller. I mean, in GTA you can get in a jet and it takes a while to fly from one end of the map to the other, in SoT, you'll be there in no time. A world expansion is something I'd really like to see.. a bigger world and a longer day/night cycle. The ocean doesn't really feel "vast".[/QUOTE]

They are doing that now. About every 2 weeks that add little stories that have timed exclusive cosmetics & rewards. You're already missing out on those & the doubloons. In addition to the first content Hungering Deep, they have now added Bilge Rat Adventures: Skeleton Thrones, Bilge Rat Adventures: Gunpowder Skeletons & the last one that just closed: Bilge Rat Adventures: Sunken Curse. Next week is the 2nd major update called Cursed Sails. It will last 3 weeks & have weekly campaigns to work on. After that they should go back to the bi-weekly Bilge Rat Adventures. One thing though, the tools that they add to the game during these timed campaigns stays. Things like the megalodon, speaking trumpet, drum, Merrick's shanty, skeleton thrones, gunpowder skeletons, cursed mermaid statues. You can still earn commendations for the Bilge Rat Adventures, but you don't get the doubloons or buy the time-limited cosmetics(ex: Bone Crusher outfit & weapons, Wailing Barnacle outfit).

The little stories do seem to link to link together as we go. There's been little hints the last couple of updates that hint at what's to come next week with Cursed Sails. It's been really neat seeing all the easter eggs they have added. Should pay off next week!

Tommy McClain

Big question, do the story adventures remain in game with their little storylines after the events end? Is it only the rewards that go away or does the story go away as well?

Big question, do the story adventures remain in game with their little storylines after the events end? Is it only the rewards that go away or does the story go away as well?


The story elements go as well. Basically only the tools & commendations/titles remain. So if you wanted to do the story of Merrick's quest in the Hungering Deep you can't because it's over. You still get to use the tools introduced in that update though & you will see like his journals left behind talking about that campaign.

Funny story is the developers heard of people in game using the speaking trumpet to Rickroll people. LOL So they made their own Merrick Rickroll with one of his journals. Real LOL moment when I read it. So if you want to keep up with the story of the game it totally requires you to play regularly. It is a GaaS though.

Tommy McClain

They are doing that now. About every 2 weeks that add little stories that have timed exclusive cosmetics & rewards. You're already missing out on those & the doubloons. In addition to the first content Hungering Deep, they have now added Bilge Rat Adventures: Skeleton Thrones, Bilge Rat Adventures: Gunpowder Skeletons & the last one that just closed: Bilge Rat Adventures: Sunken Curse. Next week is the 2nd major update called Cursed Sails. It will last 3 weeks & have weekly campaigns to work on. After that they should go back to the bi-weekly Bilge Rat Adventures. One thing though, the tools that they add to the game during these timed campaigns stays. Things like the megalodon, speaking trumpet, drum, Merrick's shanty, skeleton thrones, gunpowder skeletons, cursed mermaid statues. You can still earn commendations for the Bilge Rat Adventures, but you don't get the doubloons or buy the time-limited cosmetics(ex: Bone Crusher outfit & weapons, Wailing Barnacle outfit).

The little stories do seem to link to link together as we go. There's been little hints the last couple of updates that hint at what's to come next week with Cursed Sails. It's been really neat seeing all the easter eggs they have added. Should pay off next week!

Tommy McClain

So does this now allow you to play on your own (with an AI crew?). Can you also play offline (or in some kind of friendly only mode)?

I would like to give this a try, just waiting for a good point to 'jump in'.
So does this now allow you to play on your own (with an AI crew?). Can you also play offline (or in some kind of friendly only mode)?

I would like to give this a try, just waiting for a good point to 'jump in'.

No AI crew & no offline or friendly modes. You can play as 1 person in a closed crew on any of the 2 ships sizes available now. The middle sized Brigantine is added next week.

Tommy McClain
This is not a game you want to contemplate playing by yourself IMO.
No AI crew & no offline or friendly modes. You can play as 1 person in a closed crew on any of the 2 ships sizes available now. The middle sized Brigantine is added next week.

Tommy McClain

I do quite regularly & it's lot of fun, but yes, the best fun is playing with a crew(your friends or randoms).

Tommy McClain

Cheers, yes my daughter managed to play it was just a faff. I did buy an extra console so we could play together but since then she's not played it lol

I'll twist her arm at some's too hot to game at the moment anyway.
Let me follow up though that when playing solo you may or may not encounter other people. I've gone multiple sessions without any engagement with other people. Originally Rare wanted player engagement(good or bad) to happen to every 15-20mins. So server size is usually kept low. Probably no more than 6 boats per server or 20-25 people. The map size helps with that & I would say it may seem small but I think it's just right for that type of engagement. There are areas & islands on the map I haven't been to but a handful of times.

They have also said that with the Hungering Deep update friendly encounters doubled. It's definitely a much more laid back than at launch when everybody went after everybody. So if your experience is pre-Hungering Deep then I think you will be surprised by how it is now.

Anyway, Rare wants to see more of that positive engagement so they purposely designed following updates to have elements where you are working with more people instead of against. The Skeleton Thrones required another person from another ship to complete some of the commendations/titles. Gunpowder Skeletons had one commendation/title that required you work with other people on a skeleton fort. Sunken Curse encouraged you to get help with other people(on your own crew or others) to destroy statues, but there were ways you could do them by yourself if you were clever. If you're a completionist you'll definitely have to play on a crew & against others. The Cursed Sails is no exception. You will not have a good experience taking on a skeleton ship by yourself. Though the same was said of skeleton forts, but there are a lot of folks that have done those by themselves. And that's why they will be introducing an alliance system to allow you to formally help other crews & share in the loot. Can't wait for next week!

Tommy McClain
Cheers, yes my daughter managed to play it was just a faff. I did buy an extra console so we could play together but since then she's not played it lol

I'll twist her arm at some's too hot to game at the moment anyway.

Like Shifty said it's perfect weather, but I'm saying that in my air conditioned house. LOL

I can't wait to play this game with my daughter, but she's just 4. But I have a feeling she'll be playing within the next year. She's getting better with the controller playing all the platform games. ;)

Tommy McClain
Like Shifty said it's perfect weather, but I'm saying that in my air conditioned house. LOL

I can't wait to play this game with my daughter, but she's just 4. But I have a feeling she'll be playing within the next year. She's getting better with the controller playing all the platform games. ;)

Tommy McClain

Ah yes, I remember when my eldest was 4...I was playing resi 2 on the PS1 and my wife was 'entertaining' her until I turned around to see she grab the hoover head (like a shot gun) and say "duga duga".

At that point I was more careful playing games around her!!

Didn't harm her tho, she's now in her 20s and quite a gamer!
Ah yes, I remember when my eldest was 4...I was playing resi 2 on the PS1 and my wife was 'entertaining' her until I turned around to see she grab the hoover head (like a shot gun) and say "duga duga".

At that point I was more careful playing games around her!!

Didn't harm her tho, she's now in her 20s and quite a gamer!

My eldest is 24 & he's a gamer & does pretty good. He started when he was 8. We just don't play the same games except for maybe Halo. My youngest is almost 3 will probably start him out on something simple next year. Eventually they will all be gamers before too long. May have enough for a full galleon. ;)

Tommy McClain
My eldest is 24 & he's a gamer & does pretty good. He started when he was 8. We just don't play the same games except for maybe Halo. My youngest is almost 3 will probably start him out on something simple next year. Eventually they will all be gamers before too long. May have enough for a full galleon. ;)

Tommy McClain

OMG mate, 20 year gap!? Thankfully only 8 between mine and I'm nearing freedom :D

All avid gamers, but the boys are PC elitests with my eldest just upgrading to a ryzen.

They love retro tho which is cool.
OMG mate, 20 year gap!? Thankfully only 8 between mine and I'm nearing freedom :D

All avid gamers, but the boys are PC elitests with my eldest just upgrading to a ryzen.

They love retro tho which is cool.

We decided to foster & adopt my daughter in my step son's last year of high school. Then fostered some more, adopted my youngest son, fostered some more. We're starting year 5 & I'm not sure we're done yet. I keep asking the Mrs but she won' commit. LOL

If I have anything to do with it they will all be playing games. Probably end up buying them their own system like my oldest. We'll probably have an Xbox in every room before too long. Just need 2 more. LOL

I should be on Sea of Thieves tonight. Hit me up if you need some help catching up for Cursed Sails on Tuesday.

Tommy McClain
Cursed Sails timed campaign has added another week for those that have missed some commendations while fighting the skeleton ships. I only really played the first week, but with the extra week I think I might try a few tries to get some more doubloons. Hit me up if you see me.

With the Inside Xbox stream at Gamescom today we found out a little bit on what's next.

After next week, the next Bilge Rat Adventures campaign starts. It's called Cursed Crews, which will put the previously released Cursed Cannonballs in the world for everyone to use. Also, included is the Reaper's Mark flag that puts your ship on the world map. So it makes you a big target & will invite players on the same server to come take you down.

Then on September 19(International Talk Like a Pirate Day BTW) Forsaken Shores releases. The new region is called Devil's Roar and it has volcanoes. They won't always be active, but you may feel tremors & earthquakes that may hint they are about to become active. Once they do, they will explode sending off fire & rocks. Geysers will erupt, which send you flying if you happen cross one at the time. Water around the island will boil & hurt the player. So may want to head back to your ship or hide in a cave. They recommend leaving your ship ways off to avoid it from being sunk by the flying rocks. You'll then want to use the new rowboat that's being introduced to access the island. They're not available right away when you start the game. So you'll need to find one in the world & dock it with your ship. The rowboat can store items like chests, crates, explosive barrels, etc.

In addition to volcanoes & row boats being added in Forsaken Shores, they are also adding Cargo Runs to the Merchant Alliance quests. This will allow you to deliver goods like bottles of rum, fabrics & plants from one NPC to another. Each one of these items can be damaged which can reduce its value when turned in. Bottles can break if you're jumping or in battle. Fabrics need to stay dry & plants need to stay wet. So you'll need to keep tabs on your cargo & keep it safe to get maximum profit.

Images stolen from Reddit

Tommy McClain





New island types look quite chaotic! I like the row boats as well.

I'm almost done with Sea of Thieves. Was able to test some of the Forsaken Shores content the last couple of weeks in the Pioneer program & it's great, but I'm getting burnt out & been getting more hyped for RDR2. I'm going to get on SoT tonight though & try to finish the main campaign. If you see me on, give me a buzz so we can sail together!

BTW, been kinda concerned about their future updates planned the rest of the year. They have been completely silent on that. Hopefully we hear something soon.

Tommy McClain