Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]


Great time to get back in! Hit me up if you see me on.

I really need to step up my Order of Souls & Merchant Alliance quests or I will never get Pirate Legend. Almost halfway there LOL.

You do the Hungering Deep? The time limited event is done tonight I believe.

Tommy McClain

Great time to get back in! Hit me up if you see me on.

I really need to step up my Order of Souls & Merchant Alliance quests or I will never get Pirate Legend. Almost halfway there LOL.

You do the Hungering Deep? The time limited event is done tonight I believe.

Tommy McClain
what? seriously?
what? seriously?
I will be on tonight if you want to do it. Been a little difficult trying to do it for Rancid this past week since most of the folks did it the first day & there's no need to do it to again unless you have friends that haven't completed it yet. You don't get anything else after the first run. I've complained about that & hope they use the feedback for future updates.

Tommy McClain
I will be on tonight if you want to do it. Been a little difficult trying to do it for Rancid this past week since most of the folks did it the first day & there's no need to do it to again unless you have friends that haven't completed it yet. You don't get anything else after the first run. I've complained about that & hope they use the feedback for future updates.

Tommy McClain
okay i'll try to be on tonight!
the finding statues pretty neat, new clothes for this event, sort of like what you got for doing the last one as well.

it's only becoming apparent how blah my avatar looks. Now wish I chose a female pirate like Rancid did. Or something really big, something that was just different. The middle of the pack people are so unpirate like lol.

The big people look like LeChuck.
Pretty neat. Finally watched the 2 new videos. Looks like we'll need 4 people to destroy some of the statues. Some of these timed-limited rewards are cool but I decided I didn't like the Bone Crusher outfits & weapons. So I kept my doubloons. The Wailing Barnacle set seems better but still not convinced enough to use my doubloons on them. My Ferryman outfit & weapons are pretty cool. Plus they're unique enough that I don't see very many people that have them. Probably go with new tattoos though. As for my pirate, I picked him based on how he resembles my high school pirate mascot. Just wished I had a hat with the skull & crossbones on it to match. ;)

Tommy McClain
Hmm. Can't remember if I got the three ruby's yet or not. I def didn't get the 15, I think I got the 15 for Emerald and Sapphire. I should be on this weekend to try to get those 15's before the campaign ends next week?

Such a beautiful & amazing world Rare has created. :love:

Tommy McClain

I really think they need to change the day/night cycle. Especially when you consider the storms can often blacken out the sky during the day, it seems there's not enough daylight to really enjoy and explore how beautiful most of the game is. :(
Got all my commendations for this week's challenge The Sunken Curse. The mermaid statues will remain after Wednesday but you will no longer earn doubloons for them or be able to purchase the time limited Wailing Barnacle outfit. You can still earn commendations & titles though. If anybody sees me online tonight & needs some help, then hit me up! I'm on usually after 7:30-8:00 CDT. Got to get those kids to bed! ;)

Tommy McClain
I don't think there will ever be a campaign. It's a very much, you make your own adventure type game. They just needed a lot more content for it to reach a wider audience which they are slowly getting there. Will be very excited for skeleton NPC ships.

NPC factions was such a large omission imo. People love blowing up stuff, and to be limited to just fighting other players was a pretty big mis step. I hope they take cursed sails and fly off with it. I hope one day that there will be a variety of NPC boats, from shitty dingers to massive fleets.
Have they implemented any single player story or anything? Or is that never going to happen?

It's a multiplayer "Games-As-A-Service" game that does have the ability to be played solo, but no there's no traditional single player story campaign. They are planning major updates every 3 months where they to continue add lore & time-limited story campaigns.

Tommy McClain
NPC factions was such a large omission imo. People love blowing up stuff, and to be limited to just fighting other players was a pretty big mis step. I hope they take cursed sails and fly off with it. I hope one day that there will be a variety of NPC boats, from shitty dingers to massive fleets.

I think this is where I think we may differ. I don't think I would want the sea completely filled with NPC boats & characters. It is a multiplayer game after all & it's nice to know that when I see another boat I know that's another real person I can engage or not. Personally I hope we see more sea monsters. The Kraken was underwhelming. Hopefully the Hungering One gave them some pointers on how to do better monsters.

Tommy McClain
I think this is where I think we may differ. I don't think I would want the sea completely filled with NPC boats & characters. It is a multiplayer game after all & it's nice to know that when I see another boat I know that's another real person I can engage or not. Personally I hope we see more sea monsters. The Kraken was underwhelming. Hopefully the Hungering One gave them some pointers on how to do better monsters.

Tommy McClain
hmm, true. it's not ideal to have the waters floating with boats everywhere, the world isn't large enough for that. There should be a few floater NPC ships sailing around doing things. But I think most should come from the quest vendor
It will be interesting to see how well an AI skeleton does on a ship and being attacked/attacking.
It's a multiplayer "Games-As-A-Service" game that does have the ability to be played solo, but no there's no traditional single player story campaign. They are planning major updates every 3 months where they to continue add lore & time-limited story campaigns.

Tommy McClain

I love how the game looks, because of the water I think it's one of the best looking games this generation.

I'm not much of a sandbox player, however, which is what this is. What could get me in is if over time they introduce a lot interesting side quests with interesting stories beyond the fetch quests that they currently have. They don't have to be full on main campaign type stuff. But a lot of interesting mini-stories that could all be interrelated or completely stand alone.

I think they might be slowly doing that. I'm still keeping an eye on this as I want to have a reason to play the game since that water is so gdamn gorgeous. All water in all other games look flat and gamey to me now.

I love how the game looks, because of the water I think it's one of the best looking games this generation.

I'm not much of a sandbox player, however, which is what this is. What could get me in is if over time they introduce a lot interesting side quests with interesting stories beyond the fetch quests that they currently have. They don't have to be full on main campaign type stuff. But a lot of interesting mini-stories that could all be interrelated or completely stand alone.

I think they might be slowly doing that. I'm still keeping an eye on this as I want to have a reason to play the game since that water is so gdamn gorgeous. All water in all other games look flat and gamey to me now.



They are doing that now. About every 2 weeks that add little stories that have timed exclusive cosmetics & rewards. You're already missing out on those & the doubloons. In addition to the first content Hungering Deep, they have now added Bilge Rat Adventures: Skeleton Thrones, Bilge Rat Adventures: Gunpowder Skeletons & the last one that just closed: Bilge Rat Adventures: Sunken Curse. Next week is the 2nd major update called Cursed Sails. It will last 3 weeks & have weekly campaigns to work on. After that they should go back to the bi-weekly Bilge Rat Adventures. One thing though, the tools that they add to the game during these timed campaigns stays. Things like the megalodon, speaking trumpet, drum, Merrick's shanty, skeleton thrones, gunpowder skeletons, cursed mermaid statues. You can still earn commendations for the Bilge Rat Adventures, but you don't get the doubloons or buy the time-limited cosmetics(ex: Bone Crusher outfit & weapons, Wailing Barnacle outfit).

The little stories do seem to link to link together as we go. There's been little hints the last couple of updates that hint at what's to come next week with Cursed Sails. It's been really neat seeing all the easter eggs they have added. Should pay off next week!

Tommy McClain