[PS3] Infamous 2

Well deserved. I think the only complaint about infamous 2 it's just the art style, a lot worse of the previous chapter. I hope this mean better job the next time....

Not really. The biggest complaints are repetition and poor story telling. Basically the two categories in which Infamous 1 is the far more accomplished game. I also think the lack of ambient sound effects (compared to other open world games) is a little weird. New Marais is almost dead silent. Very much the polar opposite of the real life city it is based upon.
I have played only the first few missions of Infamous2, but somehow I am tempted to play Infamous 1, and not Infamous 2 even though its more beautiful :( ! Could be that I have all the powers in Infy1 and have just started in Infy2, but also the fact that I1 has a mood to it, Infamous2 seems to be just a colourful place uptill now, no real emotion or mood to the city. Maybe it'll change later.

Infamous 1 had its share of wooden characters and jerky animations, but it felt special. Not feeling that in Infamous 2.
Not really. The biggest complaints are repetition and poor story telling. Basically the two categories in which Infamous 1 is the far more accomplished game. I also think the lack of ambient sound effects (compared to other open world games) is a little weird. New Marais is almost dead silent. Very much the polar opposite of the real life city it is based upon.

I don't know if you have played the first, but infamous 2 is a great improvement ot the first from all of points of view... said infamous 1 less repetitive sound a little bizarre to me...:???:
... said infamous 1 less repetitive sound a little bizarre to me...:???:

No more jump and run passages in the sewers to gain new powers (instead you just shoot some more dudes), no more interesting boss battles and no iconic moments like climbing the junk tower.

I think Infamous 2 is a much, much better looking game. Made a really big leap over the first game in that regard, kinda like Uncharted 2 did. That's as much as I'm willing to give it though. For me it was the biggest disappointment of the year so far.
No more jump and run passages in the sewers to gain new powers (instead you just shoot some more dudes), no more interesting boss battles and no iconic moments like climbing the junk tower.

I think Infamous 2 is a much, much better looking game. Made a really big leap over the first game in that regard, kinda like Uncharted 2 did. That's as much as I'm willing to give it though. For me it was the biggest disappointment of the year so far.

I can understood your disappointment, but the gameplay is a lot less repetitive & more immediate than the previous... infamous 1 is a lot more tough to appreciate the first 2/3 hours just for its repetitive/bland missions. From my personal experience I simply hate the game for the first hours; I started to appreciate only before a good amount of sessions. I think SP to target for a more immediate & funny experience in this sequel to increase the userbase & they have eliminated the parts more slow. By the way I concur in part in your disappointment, especially talking of the characters/enemies design, definitely a step back to the previous; everything seem so out of the contest, I'm really surprise how banal & casual appears the style, I missed the reason behind this latency in this department.
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Shepard NOOOOOOO!!!

/passes out

You awake yet buddy ? Here's another dose:

Why most people don't finish video games


"What I've been told as a blanket expectation is that 90% of players who start your game will never see the end of it unless they watch a clip on YouTube," says Keith Fuller, a longtime production contractor for Activision.


Lights out ! :LOL:

EDIT: Back on topic...

Festival of Blood Trailer: :)
I take back whatever I had said about INfamous 2 not having th emood like Infy 1. My new statement:
Infamous 2 is even more addictng than Infamous 1 ! and the city is so damn cool !

In INfamous 1, the fun was on rooftops, the city around the streets was boring and dull, but in Infamous 2, for the first time I am enjoying running around too :D ! The whole place is so well crafted that it feels like a place now and the ionic vortex means I want to rocket up a whole lane of cars and just watch :p !

One issue: For the first time I am playing as Evil. I started the game as good, but in my last session I decided to go evil and try that saide of Infamous and see how the game feesl. Now that I am evil, I am at loggerheads. Everytime I kill a militia, it flashes on my good Karma, and whenever I do a side mission, which always involve killing militia, I get "good" points ! :(

Now I am desperately trying to be evil and doing what ever evil side missions there are, but the game seems to be made for being good as I have to kill the militia, which is considered a good action !

Am I missing something here or am I playing it wrong !
I never get to find out. I spent a good few solid hours collecting shards all over the place, did a few sidequests and then burnt out. ^_^

Will continue another time.
I never get to find out. I spent a good few solid hours collecting shards all over the place, did a few sidequests and then burnt out. ^_^

Will continue another time.

Dude, you are missing out on a big party here ! Some of the UGC missions are fantastic !!!! The game takes a while to get into its groove, me too dilly dallied for a month playing for short spurts, but now thatthe game is rolling, I just can't stop !!!

Just need to sort out the " How to be a good evil guy!" problem I listed above ! Some body help please !
I know, I know. The play area is too big. -_-

I will check out the user levels. Was going to do it a couple of weeks ago, but then I found the 3D monitor and went to replay other games instead. :oops:
or is this happening cos I played the first few hours as good ?

It probably has to do with you selecting GOOD side missions? (You need x evil karma to do bad ones).

I play evil and i never get good karma. (Well, sometimes it happends by accident, but then i make up for it by killing some civilians)
It probably has to do with you selecting GOOD side missions? (You need x evil karma to do bad ones).

I play evil and i never get good karma. (Well, sometimes it happends by accident, but then i make up for it by killing some civilians)

I keep doing all of the Evil ones that pop up, but most of them are Yellow and involve killing militia !

Sounds like a high number. I do see that a lot among my friends and in some insulent forum dwellers!
I kinda feel like ranting, but I know you are past saving. Your family and IRL friends should intervene on your ass and only let you play one game at a time and only letting you purchase a new game after you have finished the previous one. Heavy penalties should be in place for breaking this. It's the only way to treat a quitter addict such as yourself.

One game at a time, now repeat that 1000 times.
I keep doing all of the Evil ones that pop up, but most of them are Yellow and involve killing militia !
It sounds like you you switched to evil halfway through. I think basically you have to play through once evil, once good. that's how I1 was anyhow. May as well have given you the choice in the beginning "Play Good or Bad?" and then only offer the right missions. Mixing good and bad missions just messed up your progress so you couldn't max either side, making that option pointless.
It sounds like you you switched to evil halfway through. I think basically you have to play through once evil, once good. that's how I1 was anyhow. May as well have given you the choice in the beginning "Play Good or Bad?" and then only offer the right missions. Mixing good and bad missions just messed up your progress so you couldn't max either side, making that option pointless.

So, you are saying that basically the game is giving me good missions cos I started as good. Now, I am "thug", BTW. Was very difficult to bring the rating down from "Guardian" ! But , now that I am evil, they should start providing me with Evil side missions. And even if I do Evil side missions(whichever ones were on the map), I still get good karma for beating up Militia ?!?!?! I can't avoid killing them, they keep shooting at me :oops: !

Are Yellow missions good missions?
I know Red are evil, green are UGC, but aren't yellow neutral side missions? But they always involve beating up militia !

I can go evil, but that would be only when the story offers me a choice.
I've only played the first game, but yellow were neutral. You didn't get Karma for taking down dudes in that game. From the sounds of it, yes, you're stuck getting good rewards as the game has put you onto that reward mechanism or something. Switching approach halfway through was a bad idea. :( That's why I feel Insomniac shouldn't have structured it that way as it doesn't make sense (assuming I2 works the same as I1, which Cheezdoodles is saying).