PS3, Holiday 2006

mckmas8808 said:
Hate to break it to you but some of those games you listed could be busts.:cry: They may come out and be very underwhelming games. Mass Effect may be a 9.5 game, while Blue Dragon may be a 6.5 type game. I think a consoles needs about 15+ RPGs a year so...

Ya I'd love 15RPG's a year, but only if they're quality. I'd take 1 really good RPG over 5 crappy RPG's anyday.
scooby_dooby said:
And I'd extend that same common sense approach to any dev, regardless of the system. I think you're really reaching if you think either of these will be flops, I'm not sayinf they're gaurenteed hits or anything, but if you had to bet your paycheque, what would you guess?
I never said they would be flops. I said why call them Triple-A's? What's your definition? eg. I'm not sure I'd rate Oblivion or Fable as triple-AAA as I don't think either will be maxing the hardware to any degree. The term triple-AAA is often used but I've never seen it defined. What's the distinction between A grade, double A and triple A? What percentage of games this gen were triple A?
Shifty Geezer said:
I never said they would be flops. I said why call them Triple-A's? What's your definition? eg. I'm not sure I'd rate Oblivion or Fable as triple-AAA as I don't think either will be maxing the hardware to any degree. The term triple-AAA is often used but I've never seen it defined. What's the distinction between A grade, double A and triple A? What percentage of games this gen were triple A?

To me AAA is a 'system selling' title, games that generate sales of hardware. Qualifying games is so subjective so i think when you go out and buy a console to play 'that game' it deserves to be in the rarified air of "AAA title".

Probably 1% or less this past gen were AAA? If i had a sense of how many games were released for each console i could venture a better guess.
Back to the thread subject...

The Hollywood Reporter article is not necesarrily correct when it mentioned the PS3 is coming out in the States a year from now. That was merely the journalists speculation (refer to BBC for similar misinformation) and not a Howard Stringer direct quote. We all know the background this guy has in the games industry, considering he thinks the psp has a harddrive, etc. Here is the link to a reliable source of information,, clarifiying the assumption:

"One of the major drivers behind Sony's determination to establish Blu-Ray as the standard throughout the industry is its inclusion in the architecture of the PS3. The Reporter stated that Sony would be releasing a number of portable video devices to "fill the time gap before PlayStation 3 launches in Japan in March and in the US a year from now," though these dates appear to be the inference of the interviewer and did not come from Stringer himself."

Thank you. And goodnight.
blakjedi said:
Edge.... sometimes I wonder why you even bother. Stop trolling.

Sorry, it was just a joke, but I guess it rubs the wrong way, when there is so much truth in it.
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ROG27 said:
The Hollywood Reporter article is not necesarrily correct when it mentioned the PS3 is coming out in the States a year from now. That was merely the journalists speculation (refer to BBC for similar misinformation) and not a Howard Stringer direct quote. We all know the background this guy has in the games industry, considering he thinks the psp has a harddrive, etc. Here is the link to a reliable source of information,, clarifiying the assumption:

"One of the major drivers behind Sony's determination to establish Blu-Ray as the standard throughout the industry is its inclusion in the architecture of the PS3. The Reporter stated that Sony would be releasing a number of portable video devices to "fill the time gap before PlayStation 3 launches in Japan in March and in the US a year from now," though these dates appear to be the inference of the interviewer and did not come from Stringer himself."

Thank you. And goodnight.

Thanks for pointing that out, but I think you are a little too late to change anyones mind on that truthful statement.
expletive said:
Do you think that the 360s software situation wont improve from a launch titles (some of which actually do look fantastic)? I thought we'd already seen future games (GoW) in action that, quite honestly, embarrass most of the launch offerings.
I agree with you, which is why I used "IF the Xbox360's software situation doesn't improve" as a qualifier in my statement; although I don't regard GOW or any of the launch titles as being killer apps. To me, anticipation for GOW is severely mitigated by the fact that UT2007 and several UE3 games will be on both PC and console platforms within a short period of time. The UT2007 rsx demo also served to undercut most of the hype surrounding GOW. What stops people from keeping their wallets shut and purse strings drawn until PS3 comes out and delivers the next MGS, GT, Tekken, and FF, in addition to ports and multiplatform titles that probably won't be any worse and may perhaps be a bit improved from 360 versions?

The MGS4 trailer did a lot to position Sony this gen. It gave gamers the impression that quality games and franchises are still targeted primarily for the PS3. PGR3 may be a stellar game, but does it carry with it the same mass appeal as GT? Could it ever make as big a sound? Perhaps, but only with the proper momentum. As an old Square fan, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are possibly both killer apps to me, should MS step up to the plate and strategically ramp up the cultural awareness; just as Sony did in '97 when it made FFVII and the RPG a phenomenon in North America.
expletive said:
To be fair, no one thought Halo was a killer app before they actually played the final version...

Actually, most people almost stopped playing it after seeing the first level. I kinda liked it though, but I can understand them... It wasn't as nice a level as the second one, and with a low difficulty setting, combat wasn't too impressive either.

The beginning of Silent Cartographer, though, was a very different thing :)
mckmas8808 said:
I think a consoles needs about 15+ RPGs a year so...

??? Just how much free time do you have? I can hardly play a single RPG per year nowadays...
To everyone arguing about the DVD vs. Blueray thing - seriously, what other options would there be for MS? HD-DVD? It's not done yet. Blueray? They won't license it from Sony for sure. What else is there? 10GB flash memory sticks? 1.44 FDD? I don't really see any alternative for the Xbox360...
Laa-Yosh said:
To everyone arguing about the DVD vs. Blueray thing - seriously, what other options would there be for MS? HD-DVD? It's not done yet. Blueray? They won't license it from Sony for sure. What else is there? 10GB flash memory sticks? 1.44 FDD? I don't really see any alternative for the Xbox360...
I agree, they had no choice...given their launch time.
Good timing is everything, you know.. :)
Laa-Yosh said:
??? Just how much free time do you have? I can hardly play a single RPG per year nowadays...
I think it's probably a matter of having variety, not necessarily wanting to play all RPGs released every year. Anyone know if Atlus is doing anything for the 360?

The disc space blu-ray gives people is nice, after all its better to have something and not use it than not have it at all, but disc space is the last thing on Sony’s mind, the main objective is to get blu-ray players in people’s homes.

I can see Microsoft’s point in not giving the 360 a hd-dvd drive, It doesn’t really serve any purpose apart from adding $50+ to the price tag, if however they had hd-dvd players to sell and a movie studio or two, then it would be a given. It’s not like there the only one in the forthcoming market not to have a high def storage system.
SedentaryJourney said:
I agree with you, which is why I used "IF the Xbox360's software situation doesn't improve" as a qualifier in my statement; although I don't regard GOW or any of the launch titles as being killer apps.

Yes you added the "if" and that was what my response was based on. I'm not one for talking in absolutes (i actually hate when others do it) but to think that the 360s software situation doesnt improve from their LAUNCH lineup is really 'out there'. If that happens (i.e. it DOESNT improve), MS should just turn the Xbox wing in Redmond into some squash courts and force the whole xbox team to collect towels in the locker room.

SedentaryJourney said:
To me, anticipation for GOW is severely mitigated by the fact that UT2007 and several UE3 games will be on both PC and console platforms within a short period of time. The UT2007 rsx demo also served to undercut most of the hype surrounding GOW.

Ok so youre saying a 3 minute UE3 engine tech demo of 2 characters fighting SEVERELY mitigated your anticipation for GoW? Did you ever have ANY anticipation for GoW to begin with?

100 UE3 engine games could come out on the PC but thats mostly a seperate sandbox from the console gamers in the big picture. Now if you have a PC and would rather play games on your PC thats fine, but its not representative of the market.

I would guess the UT2007 'RSX' demo (i.e. the 7800 GTX demo) will have been seen by .0001% of the console market.

SedentaryJourney said:
What stops people from keeping their wallets shut and purse strings drawn until PS3 comes out and delivers the next MGS, GT, Tekken, and FF, in addition to ports and multiplatform titles that probably won't be any worse and may perhaps be a bit improved from 360 versions?

What if they are worse and their online component sucks? Speculation is fun! :)

SedentaryJourney said:
The MGS4 trailer did a lot to position Sony this gen. It gave gamers the impression that quality games and franchises are still targeted primarily for the PS3. PGR3 may be a stellar game, but does it carry with it the same mass appeal as GT? Could it ever make as big a sound? Perhaps, but only with the proper momentum. As an old Square fan, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are possibly both killer apps to me, should MS step up to the plate and strategically ramp up the cultural awareness; just as Sony did in '97 when it made FFVII and the RPG a phenomenon in North America.

How many people, of the tens of millions that will buy consoles, are going to base their decision on an MGS trailer from may of 2005? There are a lot more marketing salvos that will have a MUCH bigger impact on both sides between now and late 2006.

I dont think MS is counting on PGR to carry the xbox 360 at all. Youre throwing the premiere franchise of Sony in the ring against a racing game on the 360, and not even the best one! Whats next Voodoo Vince 2 against Devil May cry? :)
scooby_dooby said:
Hmm, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey crap? Well when the original team behind ChronoTrigger reunites I tend to have high expectations. And for lost odyssey it's the guy who created FF3 combined with a team over 30% comprised of ex Square employees, bankrolled by MS, I have no doubt this will be a AAA game.

And I'd extend that same common sense approach to any dev, regardless of the system. I think you're really reaching if you think either of these will be flops, I'm not sayinf they're gaurenteed hits or anything, but if you had to bet your paycheque, what would you guess?

Sigh, why does everyone do this? MS was GENIUS to get Sakaguchi to make games for them. "OMG, it's teh Sakaguchi, FF is OWNXXORD!!!" Please.

Blue Dragon != Chrono Trigger, don't pull another PD0 == Halo on MS, they can't take that kind of stuff. Just because Toriyama and Sakaguchi are working together doesn't mean squat! Toriyama's involved? Dragon Ball game? No? Dragon Quest game? No? Chrono game? No? Dragon something? Probably. Look, do me a favor go watch the credits to Chrono Trigger and count how many names you see. If you seriously think (Sakaguchi + Toriyama) == Chrono Trigger, you have NO respect for those who worked on the game.

As to Lost Odyssey, well gee, it's good to know that as long as a team adds a few EX-Square employees they automatically win. Oh, and it's good to know that being the producer of a game means you made it, forget the long list of talent that worked and slaved on it.

Look, I'm not saying Mistwalker + whatever studio can't make a quality game, but to step on those involved in making a game and distilling it to Sakaguchi == "teh win" is silly. A lot of other talent contributed to those games and the situtation is far from being the same. Sakaguchi isn't Midas or anything, just look at the spirits within. Be excited, wonderful, but NOT because Blue Dragon == Chrono Trigger, that's insulting!
Just because a lot of people did the grunt work of programming a game doesn't mean they had any influence in it's design.

I seriously doubt the guys who spent years making textures wrote the story, designed the gameplay or even the levels. There are usually only a couple of people who are responsible for the games conception and production, and the rest are simply grunts who type away creating what someone else told them to make.
Powderkeg said:
Just because a lot of people did the grunt work of programming a game doesn't mean they had any influence in it's design.

I seriously doubt the guys who spent years making textures wrote the story, designed the gameplay or even the levels. There are usually only a couple of people who are responsible for the games conception and production, and the rest are simply grunts who type away creating what someone else told them to make.

Not really.

It depends a lot on the team, and the individuals involved but there are as many or more games that are the creative works of teams as there are games that are the creative works of individuals.

It sometime annoys me that the media tends to focus on very few of the people involved in product development, and overlooks the teams as a whole. The days of individuals building games is pretty much gone, with a few notable exceptions.

Not that I'm supporting either argument here, I don't know enough about the creative process of the games or individuals in question.
Mefisutoferesu said:
Sigh, why does everyone do this? MS was GENIUS to get Sakaguchi to make games for them. "OMG, it's teh Sakaguchi, FF is OWNXXORD!!!" Please.

Blue Dragon != Chrono Trigger, don't pull another PD0 == Halo on MS, they can't take that kind of stuff. Just because Toriyama and Sakaguchi are working together doesn't mean squat!

""OMG, it's teh Sakaguchi, FF is OWNXXORD!!!" "
Nobodys is saying this except you.

You're obviously extremely pessimistic about Sakaguch, and Mistwalker in General, I'm not sure why you seem so deadset against the guy, care to elaborate? This isn't the first time you've gone into a rant about this...

He was the producer of FF3, my favourite RPG of all time, and Chronotrigger, another all-time great. That alone should cause extremely high expectations. Combined that with the huge production values behind these games, and they should be high calibre.

How can you not give any respect to someone with a games portfolio like this?:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)
Final Fantasy Origins (2002)
Kingdom Hearts (2002)
Driving Emotion Type-S (2001)
Final Fantasy Chronicles (2001)
Final Fantasy X (2001)
The Bouncer (2000)
Final Fantasy IX (2000)
Vagrant Story (2000)
Chocobo Racing (1999)
Chrono Cross (1999)
Final Fantasy Anthology (1999)
Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
Front Mission 3 (1999)
Parasite Eve II (1999)
Saga Frontier 2 (1999)
Brave Fencer Musashi (1998)
Bushido Blade 2 (1998)
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 (1998)
Ehrgeiz (1998)
Parasite Eve (1998)
Xenogears (1998)
Bushido Blade (1997)
Einhänder (1997)
Final Fantasy Tactics (1997)
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Bahamut Lagoon (1996)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (1996)
Tobal No.1 (1996)
Chrono Trigger (1995)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (1995)
Final Fantasy VI (1994)
Final Fantasy V (1992)
Final Fantasy IV (1991)
Final Fantasy III (1990)
Final Fantasy II (1988)
Final Fantasy (1987)
Rad Racer (1987)

PLEASE. Give the guy a little respect, he didn't amass credits like that from being a no-talent bum...