That does the same thing as many of the other key remappers available for Windows version based on Vista and higher. It edits the registry location that holds the key mappings which then requires a restart (or possibly just logging out and logging back in). Not practical for me as I often need to have my computer on for weeks at a time.
But it's not that big of a deal now that I found the realtime keymapper. Now I'm just waiting to see the various bugs in the game get fixed before picking it up. And since I missed out on the pre-order bonuses, I may just wait for a price reduction as well. Only probablem is that is occasionally (rarely) glitches out and thinks a remapped key is being held down. Easily fixed by just spamming that key and other keys in rapid succession though.
But it's not that big of a deal now that I found the realtime keymapper. Now I'm just waiting to see the various bugs in the game get fixed before picking it up. And since I missed out on the pre-order bonuses, I may just wait for a price reduction as well. Only probablem is that is occasionally (rarely) glitches out and thinks a remapped key is being held down. Easily fixed by just spamming that key and other keys in rapid succession though.