RancidLunchmeat said:
As to your questions, they aren't relevant. Perhaps blakjedi made the point better than I. Whether or not those things CAN be done on the Xbox isn't the issue. I'm not a designer nor a developer. All I can say is that with very few exception, the clips that were presented APPEARED to be of Xbox quality or perhaps "Good PC" quality.
I'm addressing the perception.
Your tune has changed. You had stated:
The rest of the games [other than Madden and GR3] looked like they could be made on the Xbox
You singled out Madden and GR3 as games not plausible on the Xbox, but that everything else could be. That is a technical issue, not an issue of impression or perception--unless you are not familiar with what the Xbox can do and have expectations that computer graphics to achieve things not yet possible.
Clearly PGR3, Gears of War (which was not prerendered), GR3, Condemned, NBA 2K6, NFS, and Quake 4 are not technically possible on the Xbox in the form they were shown in the clips. That alone refutes your statement. Further, from reading around on BBs and comment threads on the pictures I have seen the opposite than you: Most people I have seen think most of the games I mentioned look way better than the stuff they see now days. But THAT is irrelevant to our discussion.
The discussion was whether all but 2 games could be done on the Xbox. Since the Xbox has nothing even close to the games I mentioned, it is a dead give away. Xbox games lack the geometry, detail, animation, textures, lighting, shadowing, and so forth of those titles. It is nice that you look at Xbox games through rose colored lenses, but I think people here will back what I am saying up.
Look at PGR2 and then look at PGR3.
Look at Halo and then look at GOW.
Look at GR2 and look at GR3.
Pretty much apples-to-apples an in every case the Xbox 360 games are hugely better graphically. If the Xbox 360 titles could be done on Xbox they would have been done already. But they have not because the Xbox does not have the RAM, processing power, or rendering features/power to make cloth move on Lebron, the normal mapping and lighting in GoW, the lighting/shadowing/animation/texturing in GR3, etc...
Take a closer look at the videos. If you need help people here at B3D will be more than happy to point out the difference of prebaked lighting and realtime lighting and so forth. The things going on in some of those videos is very next gen.
You singled out 2 titles as next gen and the rest as not. Now your tune has changed to perception from "people on the intenet".

I think it is more than fair to challenge a "perception" if it is not founded in fact. And like I said, what I have seen is positive outside of PD0. We can argue about what fanbois on the net are saying, but B3D is not about that. I would rather stay on topic and discuss why these titles can/cannot be done on the Xbox.
I say they cannot. You can all but 2 could.
But MS is going to have to sell this system to idiots like me, and so far, the idiots aren't overwhelmingly impressed.
Well, like L-B mentioned, you already decided after seeing a TV show aimed at launching the machine with only one game showed you would not buy it.
Someone who would make their mind up before even seeing a decent handful of finished games running on it and playing the system is not someone MS is going to be able to evanglize to. People who rag on a system before they even get to play it or see some finished games really are not "average consumers". You are a gamer and seem to have already made your mind up without even trying a demo. Nothing they can do about that.