blakjedi said:
Maybe not idiotic but.... I think after seeing and playing Forza and SC3 on xbox, many games shown in video form for 360 dont really look that great and certainly not "Next gen". 2K6, GR3, PGR3 and Gears being the exceptions in that list...
Hey blakjedi
I agree and disagree.
1. The hit and miss quality is typical. Launches are not usually full of reall great looking/great playing games. Most are rushed, incomplete, and lack depth. You rarely buy the fluf at launch, but the 3 or 4 really good titles that transcend the last generation. Console makers sell you on the PROMISE of next gen games. The handful of "WHOA!" games do that. To expect anything different ignores every console launch... like ever.
2. You really should not lump "many games shown in video form for 360 dont really look that great and certainly not "Next gen"" together because they are different. Really different.
Did some of the games not meet up to our expectations of Next Gen? OF COURSE. No disagreement there. You are dead on and I agree.
A good 1/3 looked like ports (higher rez textures, higher resolution, AA, some more stuff in the world, but nothing special.) Another 1/3 looked like PC ports--basically games not doable at the quality shown on a console, but if hacked and scaled back some you could get a similar playing game on the Xbox, minus the eye candy.
The problem is saying "many games shown in video form for 360 dont really look that great" is very relative--and in
our discussion about whether they can be done on the Xbox, nonsense. Every game shown would have been a 9 or better on the Xbox in graphics (and I say a 9 because the issue of Genre limitations is a factor).
I will pick on Tiger Woods, which to me was the least impressive game. It looked like a low quality port of their current game from what I saw. Staying within genre being very relevant here, TW 2005 on the Xbox got an 8.0 for graphics. Watch the movie and then look at this screen:
There is a noticable difference in rendering quality, AA, and detail. Now,
TW Xbox 360 looks like a lame port, but when compare it to the preceeding generation
within the same genre and the same game maker I cannot see how you can say it does not look very good. Of course it looks very good compared to where it came from. An underwhelming genre graphically on the Xbox will probably continue to be underwhelming graphically on the Xbox 360. Certain genres, liking fighting games, will look better than other genres (like games with 100 players on the screen). So it is relative and you need to compare apples-to-apples.
And that was the worst looking title imo.
Looking great compared to a console and looking Next Gen are two different things. Most console gamers are not PC gamers, their measuring stick is their current console.
While I agree that TW does not look next gen and would not alone be enough to sell people on a new console; the reverse is not true that it does not look very good. It not only looks good, it looks a lot better than what you see on the Xbox right now.
I think a lot of people have set unrealistic expectations this generation, and when you mix in system bias that can be a problem. Not saying you are doing that, but we need to make sure we are not mixing the truth (i.e. some of the games not looking next gen quality) with hyperbole (that some of the games don't even look that good compared to what is out now).